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WHY I H8 the DeAtH PeNaLtY !!!!!!!!!!!

WHY I H8 the DeAtH PeNaLtY !!!!!!!!!!!. KILLING IS BAD N’KAY. There are lots of arguments about the death penalty or as some people call it CAPITAL punsihment . Some people think it is good and some

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WHY I H8 the DeAtH PeNaLtY !!!!!!!!!!!

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  1. WHY I H8 the DeAtHPeNaLtY !!!!!!!!!!! KILLING IS BAD N’KAY

  2. There are lots of arguments about the death penalty or as some people call it CAPITAL punsihment. • Some people think it is good and some • People think it’s bad. I agree with these people because people shouldn’t be killed. There are lots of reasons why which I will talk about.

  3. Reasons for Yes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gV6OoypZMco

  4. Reasons for NO • 1.Executions cost more than life in prison.$2 million per person vs. $500,000 (4x as much!). Free counsel for defense, for appeals, maximum security on a separate death row wing. • 2.The innocent may be wrongly executed.Since the DP was reinstated in 1976, 82 inmates have been freed from Death Row. That's 1 Death Row inmate found to be wrongfully convicted for every 7 executed. • 3.Is not a deterrent; crime rates have not gone down.In fact, the murder rate in the US is 6 times that of Britain and 5 times that of Australia. Neither country has the DP. Texas has twice the murder rate of Wisconsin, a state that doesn't have the DP. Texas and Oklahoma have historically executed the most number of DR inmates, yet in 2003 their state murder rates increased, and both have murder rates higher than the national average.  • 4.Life in prison also guarantees no future crimes. • 5.Some religions forbid death penalty: Catholic, Presbyterian, Quaker, Amish, Mennonite. • 6.Killing is wrong. • 7.Many Death Row inmates were convicted while being defended by court-appointed lawyers who are often the worst-paid and most-inexperienced and least-skillful lawyers. The American Bar Association published guidelines for a good defense in a death penalty case: (a) attorneys with prior experience working a capital case, (b) 2 attorneys, 1 investigator, 1 mitigation specialist, and (c) fully funded to pay for travel, private eyes, evidence testing and other things needed to investigate the case. Yet no state meets these standards. And few states pay their state-appointed lawyers well enough to retain competent, effective lawyers. • 8.Violates international human rights laws. • 9.No longer practiced in most sophisticated societies. • Promotes killing as an OK solution to a difficult problem. • 11.Death sentences are handed down arbitrarily, not in a fair manner. Serial killers such as the infamous Gary Ridgway in Seattle who admitted killing 48 prostitutes and runaways got life in prison. An "angel of death" nurse in NJ who admitted killing 17 people got life. Meanwhile, mentally ill and impoverished murderers who could not afford good lawyers and did not warrant much media attention were given the death penalty. In Alabama, David Hocker was executed after a one-day trial. His mental illness was not sufficiently described to the jury. Alabama also executed a 74-year-old man (James Hubbard)who had been on DR for 27 years and was beset by medical problems which would have probably soon caused his death by natural means: cancer, high blood pressure and the early stages of Alzheimers. In Texas, a man with schizophrenia was executed (Kelsey Patterson) even after the Board of Pardons and Paroles recommended clemency after learning of his time spent in mental hospitals and his uninte Killing is BAD !!! Death Penalty is wrong!!!

  5. Conclusion • For all the reasons I’ve talked about I think the death penalty is wrong and shouldn’t be used in Colombia. • Killing people is wrong.

  6. Countries • Countries where the death penalty is allowed: • U.S.A • China • United Kingdom • Russia

  7. The death penalty! Do you want this ?

  8. Conclusion • For all the reasons I’ve talked about I think the death penalty is wrong and shouldn’t be used in Colombia. • Killing people is wrong.

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