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GEOMA Subprojeto 3: Modelagem e Mapeamento de Ambientes na Amazônia

GEOMA Subprojeto 3: Modelagem e Mapeamento de Ambientes na Amazônia. Física do Ambiente. Antonio Nobre, Camilo Renno, Javier Tomasella, Adriana Cuartas, Joao Vianei. Hidden Landscape Complexities. Partitioning of Environments. SRTM Radar data. HAND normalized terrain. JERS-1 18%.

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GEOMA Subprojeto 3: Modelagem e Mapeamento de Ambientes na Amazônia

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GEOMA Subprojeto 3: Modelagem e Mapeamento de Ambientes na Amazônia Física do Ambiente Antonio Nobre, Camilo Renno, Javier Tomasella, Adriana Cuartas, Joao Vianei

  2. Hidden Landscape Complexities Partitioning of Environments

  3. SRTM Radar data

  4. HAND normalized terrain

  5. JERS-1 18% Floodlands Mellack, Hess et al, unpublis.

  6. SRTM nasa

  7. Igarapé ASU Catchment Hydrology Tomasella et al 2007, others

  8. transition campinarana Floodable Data and Slide by Cuartas et al

  9. Superficial Water Table 25% Waterlogged

  10. High Water Table 27% High groundwater

  11. Terra-firme 29%

  12. HNW ≤ 3 0,112490 3 < HNW ≤ 15 0,300652 HNW > 15 0,463872 Área Inundaveiss 0,122986 São Felix do Xingu

  13. Airborne Laser 50 40 30 20 10 0 800 600 S  N (m) 400 200 Height (m) 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 W  E (m) LVIS produces a 3-dimensional canopy structure image. For the first time scientists can see into the dense forest canopy over large areas to look at spatial (horizontal and vertical) characteristics. (from J. Weishampel, UCF).

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