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Unveiling the Future of AI: Impacts and Insights

Delve into the realm of Artificial Intelligence as it shapes our future. Explore concepts like the Turing Test, AI research, and the rise of AI entities like Watson and Sophia. Learn from experts like Michio Kaku, Ray Kurzweil, and more on the potential threats and benefits of AI.

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Unveiling the Future of AI: Impacts and Insights

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “The Future of AI” Rogelio Ferreira Escutia December 1st, 2017

  2. Concepts

  3. 3 Turing Test (1950) • The Turing test, developed by Alan Turing in 1950, is a test of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human.

  4. 4 John McCarthy (1957) • John McCarthy created the concept of “Artificial Intelligence.

  5. 5 Definition (2017) • “AI research is defined as the study of "intelligent agents: any device that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of success at some goal” (Wikipedia).

  6. Facts

  7. 7 Kasparov vs. Deep Blue (1997) • The 1997 match was the first defeat of a reigning world chess champion by a computer under tournament conditions.

  8. 8 Humans vs. Watson IBM (2011) • IBM computer Watson wins Jeopardy clash against huimans by the first fime.

  9. 9 Robot Sophia (2017) • It has been designed to respond to questions, and has been interviewed around the world.

  10. And the Future is...

  11. 11 Michio Kaku (2016) • “the threat of artificial intelligence could be a greater issue for humanity in the future”.

  12. 12 Ray Kurzweil (2013) • “we'll be able to 'upload' our minds to computers”.

  13. 13 James Barrat (2014) • “Many AI researchers simply assume we’ll be able to build “friendly AI”.

  14. 14 Martin Ford (2016) • “the number of jobs destroyed by the technology will ultimately outweigh the number of new jobs created”.

  15. 15 Stephen Hawking (2017) • “could be 'worst event in the history of our civilization”

  16. 16 Hillary Clinton (2017) • “We are totally unprepared”.

  17. 17 Elon Musk (2017) • “AI is highly likely to destroy humans”. • “AI could lead to third world war ”.

  18. 18 Bill Gates (2017) • A.I. will make our lives “more productive and creative”

  19. 19 James Cameron (2017) • "People ask me: 'Will the machines ever win against humanity?' I say: “The machines have already won”

  20. Thank You! Rogelio Ferreira Escutia Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia Departamento de Sistemas y Computación Correo: rogelio@itmorelia.edu.mx rogeplus@gmail.com Página Web: http://sagitario.itmorelia.edu.mx/~rogelio/ http://www.xumarhu.net/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/rogeplus Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/xumarhu.net/

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