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Lift Off for Primary Languages!. Entitlement Update Briefings for Head Teachers in Sandwell KS2 Schools Tuesday 23rd March 2010 and Thursday 25th March 2010 . Lift Off for Primary Languages! Entitlement 2009-10 (What head teachers and subject co-ordinators need to know).
Lift Off for Primary Languages! Entitlement Update Briefings for Head Teachers in Sandwell KS2 Schools Tuesday 23rd March 2010 and Thursday 25th March 2010
Lift Off for Primary Languages! Entitlement 2009-10(What head teachers and subject co-ordinators need to know)
The cornerstone of the National Languages Strategy for England (DfES 2002) is the introduction of an entitlement to language learning for every pupil in KS2 in the academic year 2009-2010. What this actually means is that every child of KS2 age should have the chance to learn a language. More succinctly the NLS sets out entitlement as follows:
“Every child should have the opportunity throughout Key Stage 2 to study a foreign language and develop their interest in the culture of other nations. They should have access to high quality teaching and learning opportunities, making use of native speakers and e-learning. By age 11 they should have the opportunity to reach a recognised level of competence on the Common European Framework, and for that achievement to be recognised through a national scheme. The Key Stage 2 language learning programme must (…) be delivered at least in part in class time” • Languages for All, Languages for Life p15.
The national picture is expectedly patchy with some areas who traditionally have had good prior expertise in this field (eg Kent) having started preparing for this for some considerable time; other areas have many schools who are just starting.
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) “Primary Modern Foreign Languages: Longitudinal survey of implementation of national entitlement to language learning at Key Stage 2” • Most recent accurate figures (2008): • 92 % of all primary schools are doing some PMFL with some classes in curriculum time, • 69 % of all primary schools teach PMFL across all 4 years of KS2 (though not necessarily with due regard to progression).
In Sandwell (Autumn 2009)
In Sandwell (March 2010)
Primary practitioners already know what good practice looks like • PMFL is no different to other curriculum areas in the primary entitlement • PMFL has its roots in “Excellence and Enjoyment” • The KS2 Framework for Languages was written with reference to existing guidelines for other subject areas such as Literacy and Numeracy
The primary teacher is in a position to support and enhance the rest of the curriculum through PMFL • The primary teacher knows how his/ her children learn best
A “good” lesson may have these qualities: • the content and teacher’s language is well planned and appropriately differentiated • content is kept “tight” so that different facets can be explored- a little language goes a long way • delivery has pace but isn’t rushed • children are given time to explore concepts independently or in pairs/ groups • questioning is solid and well thought through • Assessment for Learning is used to establish progress and next steps
KS2 Framework: • “a climbing frame, not a cage” • offers guidance on key aspects of primary languages pedagogy • generic and transferable competences with clear progression over 4 years • sets out to make language learning sit alongside other areas of the curriculum and feel very much part of the primary school day
PMFL: • helps children’s confidence in personal development • creates opportunities to reflect on the ways children learn • enables children to explore links between the new language and English and other known languages • is inclusive • can be taught as part of a thematic curriculum
Consider who delivers • short term solutions may not be beneficial in the longer term, eg a peripatetic specialist usually but not always has few opportunities to link work with the rest of the curriculum • and pupils do not value PMFL as much as when the class teacher delivers • Where a greater number of teachers deliver there are more chances of “carrying on” when someone leaves, temporarily or permanently • If one teacher delivers and leaves, then what…? • BUT a specialist who leads and supports the others delivering can be very beneficial, especially when T and L becomes more rigorous in Y5 and 6, and can be good at modelling and upskilling
Collaboration within school within clusters with partner secondary schools
Consider using a Foreign Language Assistant • May work up to 12 hours a week • Cost approx £8000 pa • 2010-2011 final TOFF* year to – 1 French FLA to be appointed; no vacancies for this year Schools which have benefitted in the past: *Try One For Free
Consider recruiting from HEIs who provide PMFL as an integral part of their teacher training programme eg Newman University College
Nationally • Sandwell
CILT PMFL ezine • Talk to partner primary schools • Talk to partner secondary schools • SEF • Star performers? • 1st September 2011 Year 3 mandatory • Cluster network meetings
We want to have fun We want the children to have fun We want children to learn how to learn languages We want children to transfer these new learning skills across other parts of the curriculum A little language goes a long way