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HOSA. A program of student led activities relating to Health Occupations/ Health Science Education designed to develop future leaders for the health care community. Activities relate to classroom instruction Activities relate to the Health Care Delivery System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HOSA • A program of student led activities relating to Health Occupations/ Health Science Education designed to develop future leaders for the health care community.

  2. Activities relate to classroom instruction Activities relate to the Health Care Delivery System Activities are an outgrowth of the Health Occupations/ Health Science Education program. Question: What is the difference between HOSA, a “curricular” organization, and other school clubs that are “extra-curricular?” HOSA is Curricular

  3. How does HOSA help you?HOSA activities are integrated into the curriculum to provide students with the ability to: • Set goals for life long career planning • Lead by using democratic process • Develop leadership skills • Communicate more effectively • Build self-esteem • Interact with health care community • Develop workplace readiness skills • Take pride in accomplishments

  4. MISSION STATEMENT • To enhance the delivery of compassionate, quality health care by providing opportunities for knowledge, skill and leadership development of all health science technology education students, therefore, helping students to meet the needs of the health care community.

  5. To promote physical, mental and social well-being To develop effective leadership qualities and skills To develop character To build pride and self-confidence To improve communication skills To understand the importance of service to others To make realistic career choices and succeed in a health care profession GOALS

  6. HOSA encourages: • Interaction and cooperation with other students and organizations.

  7. HOSA provides for: • Individual and group achievement.

  8. HOSA develops: • An understanding of current health care issues, environmental concerns, and survival needs of the community, the nation, and the world.

  9. HOSA encourages: • Involvement in local, state and national health care and education projects.

  10. Local Chapters • Local HOSA members make up the local chapter • The Health Occupations instructors serve as the HOSA chapter advisors. • Chapter members elect local officers. • Chapter members participate in school, community, regional, state and national activities.

  11. Franklin-Simpson’s 2008-2009 Officers • President: DeAnn Wright • Vice-President: Chance Morehead • Secretary: Kathleen Smith • Historians: Lindsey Traughber, Jean Foltz • Parliamentarian: Hilary Lee

  12. State officers provide student leadership State HOSA Advisor(s) are from the Dept. of Education or a sponsoring agency Chapter members participate in state activities States select national voting delegates State Associations

  13. HOSA is . . . • A national Career and Technical Student Organization that exclusively serves Health Occupations/ Health Science Education. • An integral part of the Health Occupations program.

  14. HOSA develops . . . • Leadership and Team Building Skills.

  15. HOSA encourages . . . • Civic and Social Responsibility.

  16. HOSA provides . . . • A National Competitive Events Program.

  17. HOSA is . . . 100 % Health Care!

  18. Professional Activities • Field trips • Guest speakers • Employer functions • Alumni activities • Career Day or Career Fairs

  19. Community Service Activities • Red Cross Bloodmobile • Food baskets for needy families

  20. Fund Raising Activities • Sales projects • Garage sales • Sponsors • Partnerships

  21. For More Information about HOSA: Contact your instructor, Mrs. Phillips or Mrs. Jones Visit HOSA’s web site at www.hosa.org Call National HOSA at 1-800-321-HOSA

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