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Ivf Cost In India, Best Ivf Centre In Delhi

Southend ivf is the best clinic and best service provider in india which have many success stories and techniques. Visit for more information.

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Ivf Cost In India, Best Ivf Centre In Delhi

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Presentation Transcript

  1. About Us • Started in 2001 • Offer comprehensive Infertility Management Program under one roof • Conducted over 10,000 ART Cycles • Research collaborators with the prestigious Reproductive Research Centre of Cleveland Clinic USA since 2008 • Achieved • IVF pregnancy rate 42% • Carry home baby rate 38% Private & Confidential

  2. Southend Fertility & IVF: Our Strengths Private & Confidential

  3. Southend Fertility & IVF: Our Firsts Private & Confidential

  4. Facilities at Each Center IVF & ET Area Doctor’s Outpatient Chamber IVF Center Pre & Post Operative Beds Pathology Labs Ultrasound Room/Area In-sourced Pharmacy* Private & Confidential

  5. Services offered BASIC ART • Infertility clinics • Follicular monitoring and interventional ultrasound • IUI • IVF Private & Confidential

  6. Services offered MALE INFERTILITY SOLUTIONS • AID • ICSI • P -ICSI • IMSI • PESA, TESA,TESE, • Special tests for male infertility like: DNA fragmentation, Acrosome reaction, HOS, etc. • Semen freezing • Testicular tissue freezing Private & Confidential

  7. Services offered LATEST EMBRYOLOGY PROCEDURES Blastocyst culture Embryo freezing Oocyte and ovarian tissue freezing Laser hatching Embryo biopsy PGD and PGS Recurrent pregnancy loss clinic Third party reproduction Private & Confidential

  8. Role of Southend Fertility & IVF Monitoring the overall programme Ovum pick up Laboratory work Embryo transfer Embryo freezing Private & Confidential

  9. menujain@yahoo.com http://www.southendivf.com/ivf/

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