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Counselling & Growing your Online Audience with Twitter

Counselling & Growing your Online Audience with Twitter. PRESENTED BY MFM ONLINE CHURCH IMPLEMENTATION TEAM. What is Twitter?. Twitter is an information network made up of 140-character messages called Tweets. It's an easy way to discover the latest news related to subjects you care about.

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Counselling & Growing your Online Audience with Twitter

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  1. Counselling & Growing your Online Audience withTwitter PRESENTED BY MFM ONLINE CHURCH IMPLEMENTATION TEAM
  2. What is Twitter? Twitter is an information network made up of 140-character messages called Tweets. It's an easy way to discover the latest news related to subjects you care about. With Twitter you can keep your audience updated in real time, even while they are on the move. Your Twitters audience (called followers) can get your updates conveniently even with 3G mobile Internet. Of Twitter's 1 Billion Registered Users, 241 Million are termed as Monthly Active Users (MAUs) 76% of Twitter Active Users are on Mobile
  3. Setup your account and let's go 1. Go to Twitter.com to: "Sign up for Twitter" 2. Tweak your settings :
  4. Setup your account and let's go Go to Twitter.com and "Sign up for Twitter"
  5. Setup your account and let's go use format: MFMRegionx for your "username"use graphic image with your Logo and Region as profile Pictureuse Twitter's Discovery tab to find your contacts on Gmail
  6. Setup your account and let's go 2. Tweak your settings : note: Do not check “Protect my updates” Setup your phone to run the twitter app by connecting . Add Your mfmonlinechurch.org/Regionxx URL to your Twitter profile Follow others within the MFM Online Church project guidelines.
  7. How to start using Twitter: DISCOVER SOURCES CHECK YOUR TIMELINE: See what’s happening TAKE IT WITH YOU: Connect your mobile
  8. Discover Sources: Find and follow others: within the MFM organization (this includes @MFMWorldwide, other MFM Regions, R.O.s and your known contacts which are compliant to our guidelines) ministries with similar doctrines. Never follow negative/questionable characters. Confirm that the person named in the account is the real account owner (scammers do impersonate public figures) We will provide a current list for you to cover the MFM organization (eg. @MFMWorlwide, @MFMYouthAkute)
  9. Check your Timeline: see what's happening Messages from those you follow and vise versa will show up in a readable stream on your Twitter homepage , called your “Timeline” Visit @MFMWorldwide Twitter profile Timeline
  10. Take it with you: connect your mobile download a Twitter application to begin reading Tweets on the go. Tell your followers what the preacher is saying or about that powerful programme that’s coming up next week. Keep them updated on the word for the day and give them that prayer point that they need to move their lives forward. They will retweet it and grow your audience. Tip: Using Twitter via SMS allows you to pick and choose which updates you want from those you follow, so you can get mobile updates on-the-go
  11. How to Start Tweeting 1. BUILD A VOICE: Retweet, reply, react 2. @MENTION: Include others in your content to increase visibility of your content 3. USE THE TOOLS: Explore advanced features 4. USE HASHTAGS TO CATEGORIZE TWEETS: Power to drive a Viral Campaign
  12. Build a Voice: Retweet, reply, react Use existing information (other people's Tweets) on Twitter to find your own voice and show others what you care about.  Retweet messages you've found and love, or @reply with your reaction to a Tweet you find interesting.  Tip: If you're a new user, others are more likely to find your messages if they are Retweets or @replies.
  13. @Mention:Include others in your content Once you're ready to begin authoring your own messages, consider mentioning other users by their Twitter username (preceded by the @ sign) in your Tweets. This can help you think of what to write, will draw more eyes to your message, and can even start a new conversation. Try posting a message mentioning @MFMWorldwide , your R.O. Or a famous Member or godly person you admire – they often respond to fans. You’ll see their response on your Mentions tab. Tip: Can’t think of anything to write? You don't have to. The real magic lies in reading content from authouritative sources you follow on Twitter and actively retweeting and sharing their testimonies , prayers and multimedia content.
  14. Diff between @Mention & @reply Every time your username is tagged on Twitter with the @ symbol, it appears in your mentions folder(underNotifications tab). Tweets That Start With @Username Any tweet that starts with @username on Twitter is interpreted as a reply – that is, Twitter assumes you’re sending this message directly to that person and will place it in their feed (and mentions folder) accordingly. It’s still a public message (as opposed to a private direct message), and is visible when anyone visits the sender’s profile page. However (and this is the kicker), if you start a message with @username, it won’t appear in the standard home stream of anyone else in your network unless both of you (the sender and the recipient) are being followed. Tweets That Place @Username Somewhere Else If a given @username is included in a tweet anywhere else but at the very start, Twitter interprets this differently – as a mention instead of a reply. What this means is that the tweet will be immediately sent to the home stream of everyone who is following you, and not just the person that was mentioned. In short, If you put anything ahead of the @ symbol on a tweet then it isn’t a reply.
  15. Use The Tools: Explore advanced features As you become more engaged on Twitter, others will begin to find and follow you. Once you're familiar with Twitter basics, consider exploring the site’s more advanced features:  Lists Direct messages - dm (use this feature to engage counselees privately. You can only dm your followers.) Favorites Learn how to include images or videos in your Tweets, or connecting your Twitter account to your, Facebook, or website. Tip: The best way to gain followers on Twitter is to regularly engage and contribute in a meaningful way.
  16. Grow your Online Audience, Connect with your followers Do basic background checks to verify profile identity before following and unfollow anyone with unsuitable content or suspicious identity status to sanitize your feed . Retweet and Reply relevant tweets from followers. Connect with followers by mentioning them in your posts. Use potentially viral hashtags to promote your tweets. Use direct messages for personal counselling on Twitter. Tweets with pictures are 94% more likely to be Retweeted. So Frame Scriptures and #VisualizeYourTweets. Be vocal during programmes,carry your followers along. Tweet at specific optimal times and days. Ask for Retweets (RT) and @Reply to say thank you for Retweets and @Mentions. Tweet Scriptures, Links to messages, Prayer Points, G.O. Quotes, etc. Use Contests, Questions, Videos, Quotes, Promoted Tweets Click to add text
  17. Use Hashtags to Categorize Tweets Using hashtags to categorize Tweets by keyword: People use the hashtag symbol # before a relevant keyword or phrase (no spaces) in their Tweet to categorize those Tweets and help them show more easily in Twitter Search. Clicking on a hashtagged word in any message shows you all other Tweets marked with that keyword. Hashtags can occur anywhere in the Tweet – at the beginning, middle, or end. Hashtagged words that become very popular are often Trending Topics. (Can result in camapign going viral ) Example: In the Tweet below, @eddie included the hashtag #FF. Users created this as shorthand for "Follow Friday," a weekly tradition where users recommend people that others should follow on Twitter. You'll see this on Fridays. Using hashtags correctly: Don't #spam #with #hashtags. Don't over-taga single Tweet. Twitter recommends using no more than 2 hashtags per Tweet.) Use hashtags only on Tweets relevant to the topic.
  18. Need help using Twitter on your mobile phone? By linking your Twitter account to your mobile phone number, you can receive and write Tweets via text message. Learn how to get started by visiting: https://support.twitter.com/articles/14014-twitter-via-sms-faqs
  19. How to Post a Link in a Tweet Type or paste the URL into the Tweet box on twitter.com A URL of any length will be altered to 22 characters, even if the link itself is less than 22 characters long. Your character count will reflect this. Click the Tweet button to post your Tweet and link. A note about URL safety: Some URLs can be harmful. Please be careful when clicking on links that were shortened using an external link shortening service. URLs converted by Twitter's link service are checked against a list of potentially dangerous sites, and when there's a match, users will be warned before they continue. Always check to see what website you're on before entering your password or downloading any software.
  20. Need help finding interesting accounts? Click “Discover” at the top of your Twitter page. You can find and follow other accounts in these four ways: browse accounts by category, browse accounts that Twitter thinks might be of interest to you (be very careful to follow MFM guidlines here) import your address book contacts to find out which friends are already on Twitter, search one-by-one for people or groups of interest. note: Many of the profiles Twitter will suggest you follow are not the type you should follow. Following the wrong profile can lead to populating your followers timeline with inappropriate or errotic content.
  21. ReTweetability of Words & Phrases Zarella compiled a list of top words that drive engagement on the social platform. Turns out the majority of them are all centered around content that adds value. With words like “free, how to, top, great, and help” among many others. The other group of words having to do with what you classify as the mundane part of your day you would like to think other’s were concerned with,are the thing people don't want to hear about. Most ReTweetable Words & Phrases Least ReTweetable Words 11. please retweet 12. great 13. social media 14. 10 15. follow 16. how to 17. top 18. blog post 19. check out 20. new blog post 1. game 2. going 3. haha 4. lol 5. but 6. watching 7. work 8. home 9. night 10. bed 11. well 12. sleep 13. gonna 14. hey 15. tomorrow 16. tired 17. some 18. back 19. bored 20. listening 1. you 2. twitter 3. please 4. retweet 5. post 6. blog 7. social 8. free 9. media 10. help
  22. References http://www.Twitter.com - Twitter Help Center The Beginner’s Guide to Twitter, by Michael Hyatt 52 Methods: How to Get Your Tweets Retweeted, by Krista Bunskoek The Science of Retweets: 10 Steps to Going Viral on Twitter, by Humayun Khan
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