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Environmental Management Systems in the Information Society Technologies Programme (IST) HEAVEN WORKSHOP 7 December 2001, Paris Wolfgang Boch European Commission. OVERVIEW. Information Society Technologies - Environmental Applications - Air Quality Management e Europe
Environmental Management Systems in the Information Society Technologies Programme (IST) HEAVEN WORKSHOP 7 December 2001, Paris Wolfgang Boch European Commission
OVERVIEW • Information Society Technologies - Environmental Applications - Air Quality Management • e Europe • Environmental Policies &Programmes
HEAVEN WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES & EU RELEVANCE to disseminate project results at European level, improve sharing of experience and knowledge transfer to facilitate the take-up of research results towards commercial exploitation to build up better awareness among wider user communities & enabling the creation of market forces to foster the creation of user-networks “clustering”& Integrated Projects (FP6)
AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES • to provide of cost-effective monitoring tools (sensors, models) • to develop international standards for monitoring systems & techniques • to develop powerful, reliable decision - support systems • to provide relevant (real-time, personalised) information to the public • to share and to better integrate European and national RTD efforts IST is offering tools and platforms to meet the challenge
IST Environmental Application Areas (FP5) Air Quality and Emissions and Noise Inland water and Coastal Zone Resources Risk and Emergency Manage-ment Natural Resources Generic Tools
IST projects on Air Quality Management & Noise Integrated AQM systems(architecture, models, fusion) Public accesstoinformation Monitoring & Sensors INTAIRNET HEAVEN APNEE ADA ICAROS-NET APNEE-TU* EU standard for noise prediction HARMONOISE * under negotiations
Taking up the Challenge “EU to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world”, Lisbon Summit, March 2000
Information Society for All eEurope 1. Cheaper, faster, secure Internet 2. Investing in people and skills 3. Stimulating the use of the Internet
Goals of eEurope • Accelerate Europe’s transition to the information society • Ensure greater coherence amongst EU Member States • Reap the benefits of the knowledge society in terms of jobs and growth • Move the knowledge society to the top of the political agenda of the EU and its Member States
eEurope Action Plan • Common strategy to reinforce each other • Accelerate and complement existing actions • Common targets based on integrated action at EU and national level • Concrete measures with clear deadlines • Benchmarking of national progress
e-Europe Action Plan 2002 Objective 3 - Stimulate the use of the Internet • accelerating e-commerce • government online: electronic access to public services • health online • European digital content for global networks • Intelligent transport systems
EU Environmental Policies & Programmes Relevant Examples • Air quality directives • Noise directive • 6th Environmental Action plan • CAFE
Air quality directives Directive on ambient air quality assessment and management (1996) Objectives: to maintain and improve air quality within the Community, based on some basic principles : • establish quality objectives for ambient air (outdoor air in the troposphere); • draw up common methods and criteria for assessing air quality; • obtain and disseminate information on air quality.
Air quality directives Main elements: • limit values for several pollutants • monitoring of air pollution (measurements or / and modeling) • information to the public in case of exceedance • information on nature of pollution, area of pollution, source of pollution • maintain limit values in areas where they are already respected
Air quality daughter directives Setting limit values for specific pollutants as these were not fixed in the first directive • directive on the limit values for benzene and carbon monoxide • proposal for a directive on limit values for ozone levels linked to WHO guidelines for further information: http://europa.eu.int/scadplus/leg/en/lvb/l28031a.htm
Noise directive Directive concerning the assessment and management of environmental noise • Noise indicators and their assessment methods • Noise maps • Action plans • Information for the citizen • Link to project HARMONISE for the establishment of harmonized noise modeling methods
Environmental Action Programme "Environment policy is one of the success stories of the European Union – thanks to European Union legislation we have significant improvements such as cleaner air and safer drinking water. But we still face some real problems” Margot Wallström, (Commissioner for the Environment.)
6th Environmental Action Programme 2001-2010 Environment 2010: Our Future, Our Choice Four priority areas • Climate Change • Nature and Biodiversity • Environment and Health • Natural Resources and Waste
6th Environmental Action Programme Key approaches • ensure the implementation of existing environmental legislation • integrate environmental concerns into all relevant policy areas • work closely with business and consumers to identify solutions • ensure better and more accessible information on the environment for citizens • develop a more environmentally conscious attitude towards land use
The Future….. IST/environment IST-FP6 (2002-2006) Change of paradigm move from specific application developments to multi-disciplinary, generic application enablers shift from isolated, local/regional RTD actions towards integrated, well co-ordinated, larger projects
Contacts For further information http://www.cordis.lu/ist http://www.cordis.lu/ist/ka1/environment/home.html E-mail: wolfgang.boch@cec.eu.int