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Sowing the Seed. Here in this place new light is streaming, now is the darkness vanished away, see in this space our fears and our dreamings brought here to you in the light of this day. Gather us in the lost and forsaken, gather us in the blind and the lame;
Here in this place new light is streaming, now is the darkness vanished away, see in this space our fears and our dreamings brought here to you in the light of this day.
Gather us in the lost and forsaken, gather us in the blind and the lame; call to us now and we shall awaken. We shall arise to the sound of our name.
We are the young our lives are a mystery. We are the old who yearn for your face. We have been sung throughout all of history, called to be light to the whole human race.
Gather us in the rich and the haughty. Gather us in the proud and the strong; give us a heart so meek and so lowly; give us the courage to enter the song.
Here we will take the wine and the water, here we will take the bread of new birth, here you shall call your sons and your daughters call us anew to be salt for the earth.
Give us to drink the wine of compassion, give us to eat the bread that is you; nourish us well and teach us to fashion lives that are holy and hearts that are true.
Not in the dark of buildings confining, not in some heaven light years away, here in this place the new light is shining now is the kingdom, now is the day.
Gather us in and hold us forever, gather us in and make us your own. Gather us in all peoples together, fire of love in our flesh and our bone.
Glory, Glory, Glory to God on high. Glory, Glory, peace to all his people. Lord God our Heavenly King. Glory… Almighty God and Father. Glory…. We worship you, we give you thanks. Glory… We praise you for your glory. Glory…
Glory, Glory, Glory to God on high. Glory, Glory, peace to all his people. Jesus Christ, God’s only Son. Glory…. Have mercy on us Lamb of God. Glory… Lord you take away our sin. Glory…. At the Father’s right hand hear our prayer. Glory…..
Glory, Glory, Glory to God on high. Glory, Glory, peace to all his people. For you alone are the Holy One. Glory… You alone are the Lord Most High. Glory… With the Holy Spirit. Glory… In the glory of the Father. Glory…
Blest are you, Lord, God of all creation, thanks to your goodness this bread we offer: fruit of the earth, work of our hands, it will become the bread of life. Blessed be God! Blessed be God! Blessed be God for ever! Amen! (×2)
Blest are you, Lord, God of all creation, thanks to your goodness this wine we offer: fruit of the earth, work of our hands, it will become the cup of life. Blessed be God! Blessed be God! Blessed be God forever! Amen! (×2)
And we sing Amen! We lift our hearts and voices to you. And we sing Amen! So shall it be, for ever, Amen!
Bread of life, Truth eternal, broken now to set us free. The risen Christ, His saving power, is here in bread and wine for me.
Lord, I know I am not worthy to receive you. You speak the words and I am healed. Here at your table, loves mystery, one bread, one cup, one family.
Bread of life, Truth eternal, broken now to set us free. The risen Christ, His saving power, is here in bread and wine for me.
Lord, by your cross you reconciled us to the Father, we have only to believe. Your sacrifice, our victory. Now by your blood we are redeemed.
Bread of life, Truth eternal, broken now to set us free. The risen Christ, His saving power, is here in bread and wine for me.
Lord you gave your people Manna in the desert. Still you fulfil our every need. Lord, when we hunger, Lord, when we thirst, we come to you and we receive the
Bread of life, Truth eternal, broken now to set us free. The risen Christ, His saving power, is here in bread and wine for me.
I am the Light, bringing you out of darkness, so come, take my light to the world. I am the Bread you must feed to the hungry, the wine that must fill ev’ry heart. Foxes have holes, birds have their nests, but the Son of Man has no place to rest.
Come follow me, be the light of the nations. Leave your nets and come, follow me.
I am the Life that must change every life and the Way that must alter your ways. I am the Truth and my word is the cross you must take if you want to be free. Foxes have holes, birds have their nests, but the Son of Man has no place to rest.
Come follow me, be the light of the nations. Leave your nets and come, follow me.
I am the Sower, come, work in my vineyard, my field. Tend my vines, sow the grain. And should it fall to the ground it can only spring up with new life, hundredfold. Foxes have holes, birds have their nests, but the Son of Man has no place to rest.
Come follow me, be the light of the nations. Leave your nets and come, follow me.
I am the Shepherd, come into the sheepfold to help feed my lambs, feed my sheep. Bring back the straying, and bind up their wounds, and rejoice when you’ve found what was lost. Foxes have holes, birds have their nests, but the Son of Man has no place to rest.
Come follow me, be the light of the nations. Leave your nets and come, follow me.