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Noah and the Flood

Noah and the Flood. By: Felix Yang. God was angry at the humans of what they did to the Earth. God saw the wickedness in humans so he decided to exterminate mankind and the animals.

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Noah and the Flood

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Noah and the Flood By: Felix Yang

  2. God was angry at the humans of what they did to the Earth. God saw the wickedness in humans so he decided to exterminate mankind and the animals.

  3. God found Noah and told him to build a boat with his house and bring his families and animals, 2 of each, on the boatto survive the flood.

  4. Noah built the boat and the flood came. It covered the mountains and killed every living thing except Noah, his family, and the animals he brought on the boat.

  5. After a hundred fifty days, God send away the water. After one year the water finally went away.

  6. God went to Noah and told him, his family, and the animals on the boat to be fruitful and breed on the Earth. God also promised to never destroy the life that live on the Earth.

  7. http://www.icr.org/article/1063/ • http://gracedigest.com/2009/07/22/god-is-angry/ • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Franz%C3%B6sischer_Meister_um_1675_001.jpg • http://blogs.ajws.org/blog/2011/06/21/text-with-texture-noah%E2%80%99s-drunkenness-and-post-disaster-recovery/ • http://hot-dogma.com/2012/12/11/noahs-flood-not-just-a-sunday-school-story/noah-ark-at-ararat/ • http://rlv.zcache.com/noah_ark_animals_after_flood_artwork_print-p228247474260980875xeva_450.jpg

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