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Our Lady Of Lourdes Primary Champions for Change. What is sectarianism?. “Narrow-minded beliefs that lead to prejudice, discrimination, malice and ill-will towards members, or presumed members, of a religious denomination.” (Nil by Mouth)
Our Lady Of Lourdes Primary Champions for Change
What is sectarianism? • “Narrow-minded beliefs that lead to prejudice, discrimination, malice and ill-will towards members, or presumed members, of a religious denomination.” (Nil by Mouth) • A person is sectarian if he or she ‘adheres in a bigoted or narrow-minded fashion to a sect or body of persons who have agreed upon particular doctrines or practices’. (Oxford English Dictionary)
Where do we see sectarianism? • Sectarianism in employment Sometimes people are not employed by or promoted within a company simply because of their religious beliefs. The Equality Act 2010 now makes this illegal. In 1901 America had equality involving employment , but it was 100 years later in 2001 that Scotland had the same equality as America.
Where do we see sectarianism? • Sectarianism and crime 79% of crimes in Scotland took place in Strathclyde. Only one third directly related to football and only 5% related to marches and parades. 60% of accused had consumed alcohol. 95% accused were male and 58% were between the ages of 16 and 30. Largest group of victims of sectarian crime- police officers.
Where do we see sectarianism? • Sectarianism and sport • Sectarian minority • Promoting positive values • West coast of Scotland problem ?
We Are “Champions For Change” • Community Integration Programme/ P6 “Divided City” project
We Are “Champions For Change” • Christmas community work Our school works closely with Canberra Primary over the Christmas period which culminates in a musical performance for the patients, doctors and nurses at our local hospital.
We Are “Champions For Change” • Education about other world faiths and belief systems .
We Are “Champions For Change” • Pop Connections • Our Lady Of Lourdes Primary School works closely with the Westwoodhill Evangelical Church who organise a concert between the denominational and non denominational schools in the local community. The Pop Connections event celebrates the Christian faith using pop style music and has been a huge success over the past 5 years or so.
We Are “Champions For Change” • Nil by mouth workshops/accreditation
We Are “Champions For Change” • Assemblies and presentations Parental /Pupil Awareness • Our aim is to make all of our parents and pupils aware of the issues relating to sectarianism and to highlight the excellent work being carried out in Our Lady Of Lourdes to tackle sectarianism. We do this through assemblies like this, by presenting to our Parent Council. We have dedicated a whole section of our website to promoting anti sectarianism and to publicise the work we do.
We Are “Champions For Change” • We have dedicated a whole section of our website www.scottishschools.info/ourladyoflourdes to promoting anti sectarianism and to publicise the work we do.
We Are “Champions For Change” • Our slogan for our Champions for Change initiative is to • EXPOSE PREJUDICE, CELEBRATE DIFFERENCE