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Video Process freelancer part

Video Process freelancer part. Procedure overview. Downloading & installing Camtasia Configuring Camtasia Recording the video Voicing the video Produce the voiced video to avi Naming the created video Uploading your video. 1. Downloading & installing Camtasia.

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Video Process freelancer part

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Video Process freelancerpart

  2. Procedure overview • Downloading & installing Camtasia • Configuring Camtasia • Recording the video • Voicing the video • Produce the voiced video to avi • Naming the created video • Uploading your video

  3. 1. Downloading & installing Camtasia • Download trial version at : • http://www.techsmith.com/download/camtasiatrial.asp • Default installation • Include Powerpoint add-ins!

  4. 2.Configuring Camtasia

  5. 3. Recording the video • You open up a table (or tables). • You use the record function of Camtasia to record the table. • At the end of the session, you will have a avi file of the session.

  6. 3. Recording the video

  7. 3. Recording the Video Live Video Session Review You record the tables You DON’T record any audio You add audio later, after you finished playing • You record the tables • You give comments while you play • You record YOUR audio with a microphone headset

  8. 4. Voicing the video • This step is only for Session Reviews! • Replay your earlier recorded avi file with a videoplayer (windows mediaplayer etc..) • Record the screen of the video with camtasia • This time, also record sound, and record your microphone (voice)

  9. 4. Voicing the video • This step is only for Session Reviews! While you play, use these shortcuts to control playback / recording!

  10. 5. Produce the voiced video to avi • Check & improve sound quality when necessary

  11. 5. Produce the voiced video to avi • Produce the video to avi

  12. 5. Produce the voiced video to avi

  13. 5. Produce the voiced video to avi

  14. 5. Produce the voiced video to avi

  15. 5. Produce the voiced video to avi

  16. 5. Produce the voiced video to avi

  17. 6. Naming the produced avi file language_gametype_status_producer_limit_numberofplayers_format_date_length_extra Language:  DE = GermanEN = EnglishRU = RussianES = SpanishPT = PortugesePL = PolishZH = ChineseKO = KoreanSV = SwedishFI = FinnishNL = Dutch FR = FrenchIT = ItalianHU = HungarianHI = HindiJP = JapaneseCZ = CzechRO = RomanianTH = ThaiTL = Tagalog/FilipinoDA = DanishBG = BulgarianVI = Vietnamese

  18. 6. Naming the produced avi file language_gametype_status_producer_limit_numberofplayers_format_date_length_extra Gametype: There is not explicitly mentioned hold'em since the majority of our videos, explicit 95%, are hold'em videos. These are the following cases: FL = Texas Hold'em Fixed LimitSSS = Texas Hold'em No Limit Short Stack StrategyNL = Texas Hold'em No Limit Big Stack StrategySNG = All Texas Hold'em Sit'n GoesMTT = All Texas Hold'em MTT-VideosOmaha = All Omaha Videos including other types Other = All other Videos, that are not mentioned above. Necessary information should be put into extra.

  19. 6. Naming the produced avi file language_gametype_status_producer_limit_numberofplayers_format_date_length_extra

  20. 6. Naming the produced avi file language_gametype_status_producer_limit_numberofplayers_format_date_length_extra Producer: Name of the producer without special charactersLimit: Description of the played limits. If there is more than one limit played it should be stated the lowest in the beginning, following with the highest separated by a minus (-).Examples:Fixed Limit $3/$6 'til $5/$10 will be: "$3$6-$5$10"No Limit $400 'til $600: "$400-$600"SNG Buy-in $109: "$109"

  21. 6. Naming the produced avi file language_gametype_status_producer_limit_numberofplayers_format_date_length_extra Number of players: SH, FR, HU, otherFormat: Live = Live Video, SR = Sessionreview + Handreplayer Video, Theo = theory video, other = everything elseDate: Date of the production of the video in yyyymmddLength:  number in minutes: 67 minutes = 67Extra: Additional Information: For example game types like stud, horse etc, black member video, subject of the video, number of the episode when it is part of a series. Should be without space characters.

  22. 6. Naming the produced avi file language_gametype_status_producer_limit_numberofplayers_format_date_length_extra Some examples:De_NL_Platinum_Nargos_$1000_SH_SR_20090322_41_Teil1von3De_NL_Platinum_Nargos_$1000_SH_SR_20090322_41_Lighte3BetsPl_MTT_Gold_Jacek_$200_FR_SR_20090227_67_FinalTableNL_Omaha_Silver_Leo_$50_SH_Live_20090217_39_FixedLimitHiLoEn_Other_Silver_Johannes_$2$4_FR_Live_20090330_45_Horse MOST IMPORTANT: THE LANGUAGE ABBREVIATION IN THE BEGINNING, NEVER FORGET THIS!!!!!

  23. 6. Naming the produced avi file Hit the next button and the video will start rendering, when it’s complete, you will have the finalized AVI file. Next Step : Upload the video to the freelancer server!

  24. 7. Uploading your video Easy (slow) method Not so easy (fast) method Use a ftp client to connect to the freelance server and upload your video! Configure ftp client with these details: http://www.pokerstrategy.com/videoupload.php Drag and drop , easy! server: videoftp.pokerstrategy.com login : videoupload password: HymopIv4

  25. 7. Uploading your video After your video finished uploading, don’t forget to send a skype msg/ email to your Community Manager to let him know you uploaded a video or him!

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