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2011 TRB Joint Summer Conference

Join the TRB Joint Summer Conference to discuss freight planning, policies, and urban transportation issues. Submit papers on freight modeling for TRB Annual Meeting 2012. Explore current research, studies, and invite members to promote urban freight development.

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2011 TRB Joint Summer Conference

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2011 TRB JointSummer Conference July 11, 2011 Presented By: Ted Dahlburg Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission

  2. Meeting Agenda • Greetings and Introductions • Approval of January 26, 2011 minutes • TRB Staff Report • Committee Items • Guest Presentations • Freight Planning in the Boston Region • Understanding Site Selection • Updates from Members and Friends

  3. Freight Transportation Economics and Regulation (AT010) Freight Transportation Planning and Logistics (AT015) International Trade and Transportation (AT020) Urban Freight Transportation (AT025) Agricultural Transportation (AT030) Military Transportation (AT035) Transportation of Hazardous Materials (AT040) Intermodal Freight Transport (AT045) Intermodal Freight Terminal Design and Operations (AT050) Truck Size and Weight (AT055) Trucking Industry Research (AT060) TRB Freight Systems Group (AT000)

  4. Mr. Bala Akundi Mr. Alfred Altuna, Jr. Mr. Sean Ardussi Ms. Blanca Arenas Ramirez Ms. Susan S. Atherton Ms. Susan L. Bok Ms. Chandra Bondzie Mr. Ronald H. Borowski Dr. Arun Chatterjee Dr. Tom J. Cherrett Dr. Robert J. Czerniak Dr. Laetitia Dablanc Mr. Theodore K. Dahlburg Dr. David L. Damm-Luhr Dr. Paula E. Dowell Ms. Karin Foster Mr. Daniel G. Haake Ms. Rebekah L. Karasko Dr. Kazuya Kawamura Mr. David S. Kriger Ms. J. Susie Lahsene Mr. John V. Madden Mr. Vincent Mantero Ms. Caroline A. Mays Ms. Roseann O'Laughlin Ms. Ann R. Purdue Ms. Kathleen H. Quinn Professor Eiichi Taniguchi Mr. Robert E. Wayson Dr. Clarence Woudsma Committee Members

  5. Triennial Strategic Plan • Mission • To further research and understanding of freight transportation in the urban environment and advance knowledge and dissemination of information. • Goals • Promote research and deliberation upon planning, policy and operational issues in urban freight transportation. • Assert the crucial role of urban concerns in freight planning, policy, and operating systems. • Support development of freight professionals in the urban public sphere. • Develop and diversify committee membership and relationships. • Help assure the flow of research, professional development, and program funds toward urban freight issues and requirements. • Seek ways to foster direct and active relationships between public and private actors in the urban freight environment.

  6. Websitehttps://sites.google.com/site/trbcommitteeat025/ • Research: Call for papers; problem statements; NCFRP • Resources: Completed studies, papers, and presentations • Conferences: TRB; World Conference on Transportation Research; ITE; METRANS, etc. • Discussion Forum • Committee Information: Members; history

  7. Call for Papers • The TRB Committee Freight Transportation Planning and Logistics Subcommittee on Freight and Logistics Modeling, Urban Freight Transportation Committee, and Intermodal Freight Committeeinvite you to submit papers for the upcoming TRB Annual Meeting in 2012. • Papers are invited under the broad theme of freight transportation and logistics modeling covering both the private and public sectors. • Papers are all welcome in the areas of urban or rural, mode-oriented or intermodal, public or private, and regional or global.

  8. Research Problem StatementsSource: Intermodal Freight Transport Committee • Intermodal Freight Methodologies and Data Collection for GHG Accounting • Development of Benefit/Cost Methodology to Evaluate Proposals for Intermodal Freight Corridors of National Significance • Sensitivity Analysis of the Panama Canal Expansion Impact on the U.S. Intermodal Freight System • Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Analysis of 21st Century Intermodal Facility

  9. TRB Annual MeetingA Future Course for Cargo and Commerce • Part 1. Focus on Exports: Tom Wakeman, lead • Part 2. Focus on Imports: Michael Bomba, lead • Part 3. Focus on North American Commerce: David Clarke, lead • Part 4. Focus on Urban Goods Movement: Ted Dahlburg, lead

  10. Other Possible Panels • Making Freight A Good Neighbor (as densities increase in the urban core) • Brookings Institution’s Export Initiative and implications for urban areas • Best low cost, easy to implement projects that address freight needs in urban areas • Incorporating Logistics into Freight Planning at State DOTs and MPOs

  11. Sunday Workshops • Weighing the Pros and Cons of the Relationship of Freight to Communities—Efforts to Achieve a Balance • Behavioral Freight Modeling

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