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Understanding Mendelian Genetics: Exploring Inheritance and Traits

Mendelian inheritance, Genetics vocabulary, Gregor Mendel, Alleles

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Understanding Mendelian Genetics: Exploring Inheritance and Traits

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mendelian InheritanceVocabulary Mendleian Genetics Vocabulary

  2. Some Genetics Vocabulary • Inherited: something that you got from your parents • Traits: characteristics that you inherit from your parents • Genetics: the study of inheritance and variation (differences) • Gregor Mendel: monk in the mid 1800s who studied pea plants

  3. Gregor Mendel • 19th Century (mid 1800s) Austrian monk who studied pea plants • Trained as a mathematician and natural scientist • Basic principles of hereditary • 28,000 pea plants experiments between 1856-1863 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoVeSncKFAY I love peas!

  4. Tall parent • Before Mendel, it was thought that a child would always be a BLEND of its parents. This turned out to be NOT TRUE. Small parent

  5. Some Genetics Vocabulary • Gene: a piece of DNA that codes for a particular protein (trait). One gene makes one protein. • Genotype: genes for a specific trait (one from Mom, one from Dad). What genes are actually there. • Phenotype: how the genes are expressed in your body (appearance)

  6. Some Genetics Vocabulary • Alleles: different versions of a gene • Dominant: wins, is expressed. Use the capital letter of the dominant version as the symbol. (L for large eyes). • Recessive: loses, is not expressed if the dominant gene is also there. Use the lowercase letter of the dominant version as the symbol. (l for small eyes).

  7. Some Genetics Vocabularycombinations of alleles • LL- large eyes. Homozygous dominant • ll- small eyes. Homozygous recessive • Ll- large eyes. Heterozygous • Hybrid: A heterozygous offspring of two pure-breeding (homozygous) parents

  8. Intelligence • Inherited or environmental?

  9. Creativity • Inherited or environmental?

  10. Athletic ability • Inherited or environmental?

  11. Homosexuality • Inherited or environmental?

  12. Making Babies Project! • Start by determining your phenotype • From your phenotype, determine your genotype with a coin flip • DO NOT choose sex yet!!! • Once you’ve selected all genotypes, write these onto your 18 chromosomes and cut them out • Put these in an envelope labeled either “Sperm” or “Egg” (gametes)

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