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AIEx 2019: On Track! Health, Sports, and Spirit

Discover the wonders of the human body, the power of the mind over muscle, social wellbeing, a safer environment, healthy eating habits, healing arts, and the active nature of the Ummah at the AlHuda Islamic Science Exhibition 2019.

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AIEx 2019: On Track! Health, Sports, and Spirit

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AlHuda Islamic Science Exhibition

  2. What is AIEx? AlHuda Islamic Exhibition (AIEx) is a wonderful event which portrays a blend of Islam and modern sciences, giving the powerful message that: ‘Islam is a complete way of life, with laws and injunctions that will be applicable and follow-able by human beings till the end of time!’

  3. Why AIEx? AIS holds this event every alternate year, providing a platform for the students to explore the scientific world flavored with Islamic concepts and help their parents to peep inside the abilities of their children. This Event allows our students to gain knowledge & translate it into action.

  4. AIEx 2013 Our World

  5. AIEx 2015 IslamTech

  6. AIEx 2017 SPACE Beyond the Horizon

  7. Let Us Ponder!(TPS Activity) • What path has Allah Ta’ala selected for a Muslim? • What is the right track of life? • Why are Muslims termed as “Ummat-e-Wasat”? • How can we balance Deen and Duniya? • What factors, agents and means do we rely on in our daily lives? • What challenges are we facing now a days-as a family and as an Ummah…. in terms of relationships, our children’s upbringing, heart contentment and spiritual health?


  9. Guess the AIEx Theme 2019 ? ? ?

  10. AIEx 2019ON TRACK!Health, Sports and Spirit

  11. Our Inspiration for AIEx 2019 Theme QURANIC VERSES “Do not with your own hands throw yourself into ruin”. (Surah Baqara-Ayat:195) “Eat and drink and do not commit excesses; indeed He does not love those who are excessive”. (Surah Al-A’raf-Ayat:31)

  12. EXAMPLE OF OUR PROPHET (saw) “Your body has a right over you” (Bukhari) “A strong believer is better than a weak believer” (Muslim) Islamic Sports were heavily practiced in the time of the Prophet (saw), like swimming, fencing, archery, foot racing, horse racing and wrestling etc.

  13. AIEx 2019: ON TRACK!THEME OBJECTIVES • Balancing the wheel of wellbeing, including the physical, mental and spiritual health • How should Muslims devote their lives as “Ummat-e-Wusat”? • How to keep ourselves ON TRACK i.e. on Siraat Al Mustaqeem. • How to strive for the ultimate mission and salvation of human race!

  14. AIEx 2019: ON TRACK! SUB THEMES • Wonders of the Human Body • Mind Over Muscle • Social Wellbeing • Safer Environment • You are what you Eat! • Healing Art • Active Ummah • Healthtech

  15. 1. Wonders of the Human Body • Allah s.w.t. is Al-Khaliq • Human beings are Ashraf-ul-Makhlookat (Surah At-Teen-Ayat 4) “We have certainly created man in the best of stature.” • Human body - Physiology, Anatomy, structure of cells, organs, DNA etc. • Perfection (Allah is perfect) & Human flaws • Digging deeper into the beauty of Allah’s creation and connection of body, heart, mind and soul • The concept of Human body as an Amanah

  16. 2. Mind over Muscle • Take time to relieve stress and seek personal growth and improvement. • Depression, anxiety, stress and suicide in spite of worldly success, fame, and money etc. • Cure with Medicine and The Quran • Duas, Azkar, Rituals, Ibadaats • Benefits of prostration (Sajda) • Staying Positive in order to avoid destructive emotions • Proactive VS reactive personalities

  17. 3. Social Wellbeing • Husn-e-Akhlaq, Moral Health. • Healthy relationships - Fostering a genuine connection • Ability to do Dawah • Social media VS personal interaction • Modern lifestyle and its consequences • Indoor and outdoor healthy activities • Impress people or impact people • Social trends-How do we keep our children busy? • How and where are we spending our precious time? • Eternal AkhirahVS Temporary world

  18. 4. Safer Environment • Household and Outdoor environments • Global Warming • Recycling • Eco system effected by poor sanitation and hygiene • Conserving energy; use minimum water for wudu • Kitchen and Vertical gardens • Indoor plants • AstroTurf (plastic grass instead of real) • Radiations (wi-fi, mobile etc.) • Pollution (air, noise, water etc.) فساد فی الارض • Think green…Grow more trees!

  19. 5. You are what you Eat! • Beneficial foods according to Quran- honey, vegetables such as corns and herbs, fruits such as olives, dates, grapes, pomegranates and bananas. • Healthy swaps (Sahaba’s diet and modern diet) • Benefits of Fasting/simple diet. • Sunnah food & Masnoon eating etiquettes • Junk food vs Tayyab food • Organic food & risk bites of artificial foods • Effects of processed food and preservatives • Hazards of food supplements

  20. 6. Healing Art • History of medicines (ancient treatments) • Causes of diseases and their cures in Tibb-e- Nabwi • Traditional and modern forms of Medicine (Homeopathic/Allopathic/Herbal etc.) • Therapies • Hijamah/cupping • Essential oils-Use of honey and black seed oil • Contribution of Islamic scientists and scholars towards medicine. Every illness has a cure! • Magic and Ruqqiah

  21. 7. Active Ummah • Prophet (saw) would never walk lazily • He (saw) participated in walking/running races with his wife, Ayesha (R) • Influential & Sporty personalities (Mufti Menk, Junaid Jamshed etc.) • Examples of Muslim players who fulfill their religious obligations (Mohd. Salah, Mohd. Ali, Khabib etc.) • Hajj and Salah are all physical ibaadats. • How do we value our fitness lifestyle? • Gadgets vs physical sports ; e-Sports

  22. 8. Healthtech • Computer aided surgeries • 3D printing of organs • Fitness watches, smartphone apps etc. • Cosmetology (botox, tatoosetc.) • Verse 4 of Surah At-Teen (laqadkhalaqnalinsana fi ahsanitaqweem) • Cosmetic Industry: Simplicity brings barakah • Superficiality vs real focus (Akhira)

  23. AIEx 2019 Feature Project! “Spiritual Healing” (Fiqhul Quloob) Ibn Al-Qayyum said: “Life is short so don’t shorten it with worries, grief and sadness. So be the owner of the heart which brings happiness and satisfaction”.

  24. Let’s Do It !for the sake of… • Seeking the pleasure of Allah s.w.t. • Inculcating the skills of reflection on the signs of Allah in AIS students, staff, parents and a variety of audience • Connecting our inner self and physical outcomes with a healthy, balanced and purposeful direction of “life”. • Exploring the secrets of human mind, body, soul and well being. • Gaining knowledge and improving our actions by knowing the world around us for the purpose of more effective Dawah.

  25. Sub Themes Breakdown

  26. Sub Themes Breakdown


  28. Introducing… The CORE TEAM • Ayesha Iqbal • Asma Siddique • Syeda Salma Murtaza • Kashmala Khan • Shaista Mushtaq • Iqra Tanvir • Sana Khalid • Sophya Mehmood

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