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Learn how LVER staff support veterans in gaining employment through outreach to employers, job search workshops, and individualized job development. They advocate for veterans in various outreach activities, facilitate employment training services, and comply with regulations.
COMPETENCY Role of LVER Staff as outlined in the law and in relation to partners and resources
LVER Utilization Chapter 41 Section 4104 (b) 1) Conduct outreach to employers in the area to assist veterans in gaining employment, including conducting seminars for employers and, in conjunction with employers, conducting job search workshops and establishing job search groups.
LVER Utilization Chapter 41 Section 4104 (b) (2) Facilitate employment, training and placement services furnished to veterans.
LVER Utilization Chapter 41 Section 4104 (d) Each LVER shall be administratively responsible to the manager of the employment service delivery system and shall provide reports, not less frequently than quarterly, to the manager of such office and to the “DVET” for the State regarding compliance with Federal law and regulations with respect to special services and priorities for eligible veterans and eligible persons.
LVER Duties/Employer Outreach VPL 07-10 LVER staff work with other service providers to promote the advantages of hiring Veterans to employers and employer groups. They market job seeking Veterans as individuals who have highly marketable skills and experience.
LVER Duties/Employer Outreach • VPL 07-10 LVER staff serve as an advocate for Veterans with business, industry, and other community-based organizations by participating in a variety of outreach activities such as: Planning and participation in job and career fairs; Coordination with unions, apprenticeship programs, and business organizations to promote employment and training programs for Veterans;
LVER Duties/Employer Outreach • VPL 07-10 LVER staff serve as an advocate for Veterans with business, industry, and other community-based organizations by participating in a variety of outreach activities such as: Informing Federal Contractors of their responsibility to recruit qualified Veterans; and Promoting credentialing and licensing opportunities for Veterans.
LVER Duties/Individualized Job Development • VPL 07-10 Job development by LVER staff should include efforts to increase job opportunities for Veterans through direct employer contact Individualized job development should center on each Veteran’s needs, skills, abilities, goals, and physical abilities and limitations
LVER Duties/Individualized Job Development • VPL 07-10 LVER staff should provide services such as the following to improve positive job development referrals: Job search assistance workshops for Veterans Targeted referral to training and supportive services Individualized vocational guidance and labor market information
LVER Duties VPL 07-10 LVER staff may provide the full range of employment and training services available to Veterans, Transitioning Service Members, and other eligible persons. LVER staff may also conduct other employer outreach activities that support job development and the referral of Veterans to appropriate job openings. LVER staff any time that a Veteran requires an intensive service and a DVOP specialist is not available to provide that service, the LVER should provide the intensive service.
LVER Utilization Problem or Not a Problem
LVER Utilization Problem or Not a Problem a.scheduled for resource room b. scheduled for portion of job search workshop each week c. set up to see and register each veteran that comes in door d. responsible to monitor veteran services at a one-stop e. responsible for case management of veterans
COMPETENCY Overall Labor Market and how to gather information of value to workforce centers.
LMI Phases • LMI Data Analysis • Industry Evaluation • Occupation Evaluation