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This guide covers various techniques used in X-ray absorption spectroscopy, including XANES and EXAFS, to analyze material properties and chemical states. Learn about absorption processes, energy levels, and structural parameters.
I. General Introduction to Spectroscopy II. Absorption Spectroscopies --- UV-Vis, IR, Raman III. Photon Electron Spectroscopy --- XPS, UPS IV. X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy --- XANES, EXAFS V. X-ray Crystallography VI. Magnetic Properties VII. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopies Ph.D. students need to turn in Final written reports on a topic concerning a series of researches using one of the mentioned instruments. The topic and the titles of the main papers should be turned in before April 26.
X-Ray Absorption X-Ray Emission Photoelectron Emission Auger Electron Emission Fig.3 (a) Contributions to x-ray absorption. (After Henery, N.F.M., Lipson, H., and Weoster, W.A., “The Interpretation of X-ray Diffraction Photographs”. Macmillan, London, 1951.) (b) Various emission processes which give rise to spectroscopic analytical tools. Energy levels are shown schematically for atoms bound in a solid. (Adapted from Jenkins, R., “An Introduction to X-ray Spectroscopy”. Heyden, New York, 1974)
Interaction Between X-ray and material Incident beam (x-ray) absorbing substance Fluorescent x-rays heat Transmitted beam electrons scattered x-rays Compton recoil pohotoelectrons Unmodified electrons (coherent) Compton modified Auger electrons (incoherent)
l 1; j 0 or 1 Table 6-3 Allowed combinations of quantum numbers Ag Fig. 6-20 Energy-level diagram of a silver atom with the allowed transitions indicated by arrows. (The line are labeled after a convention proposed by Siegbahn, except that K is used in place of K2.)
Transmitted x-ray photons The photoionization process
Characterization • X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy • X-ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy (XANES) • Provides information on chemical states • Oxidation state • Density of states • Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) • Provides local (~10 Å) structural parameters • Nearest Neighbors (coordination numbers) • Bond distances • Disorder
Absorption Photon Energy X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy • Absorption coefficient (m) vs. incident photon energy • The photoelectric absorption decreases with increasing energy • “Jumps” correspond to excitation of core electrons Adapted from Teo, B. K. EXAFS: Basic Principles and Data Analysis; Springer-Verlag: New York, 1986.
K 78.395 LI 13.88 LII 13.273 LIII 11.564 MI 3.296 MII 3.027 MIII 2.551 MIV 2.202 MV 2.122 NI 0.725 NII 0.609 NIII 0.519 Pt Fig. 1. X-ray absorption spectrum of metallic platinum at 100 K in the region of the L-absorption edges.
X-ray absorption from a local structure XANES/ EXAFS EXAFS現象與物理機制 Probability of X-ray Absorption:
Fig. 1 K-edge x-ray absorption spectra of iron in K3Fe(CN)6 and K4Fe(CN)6. The relative absorption with respect to the high-energy continuum background,αA is plotted.
XANES 譜峰例:鉻與銅化合物 Absorption coefficient XANES 包含電子信息(化學鍵)(a)中心原子價化 (b) 中心原子配位幾何 EXAFS 含中心原子結構
Cr(bpb)N ………post-edge background 定法是用一直線適配吸收邊緣前端約200eV至50eV之區間內吸收係數的變化趨勢,再將此適配的背景外插至吸收光譜終點 ………pre-edge background 定法是用多段式的三次多項式加以近似之,在各段的相接點處需滿足含數值及一階微分值皆為連續的要求 • Cr (bpb)粉末樣品在Cr K-邊緣處之X光吸收全譜圖 • 經過背景扣除及正規化處理後所得之XANES
Energy (eV) 各種氧化態之錳金屬粉樣品在Mn K-邊緣處之XANES
X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy (XANES) XANES measurements for reduced 10%, 40%, 60% Pt/C, and Pt foil at 200, 300, 473 and 673 K. A total of 16 measurements are shown. All overlay well with bulk Pt (Pt foil); therefore, the samples are reduced to their metallic state.