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Addressing the Needs of Diverse Groups Using Modified Learning Objects. Rebecca LeDocq, Jennifer Kosiak & Bob Hoar, UW-La Crosse , Hal Schlais, IIURL Sherrie Serros, UW-Eau Claire.
Addressing the Needs of Diverse Groups Using Modified Learning Objects Rebecca LeDocq, Jennifer Kosiak & Bob Hoar, UW-La Crosse, Hal Schlais, IIURL Sherrie Serros, UW-Eau Claire
Engaging all students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics is a priority goal for U.S. higher education. National Mathematics Advisory Panel Report, 2008 http://www.ed.gov/about/bdscomm/list/mathpanel/index.html
PRAXIS Learning Objects • Statement of the Question with possible Answers and mistake-specific feedback • Hint to help them remember a key detail • Sandbox, a place to “play and learn” • Tutorial, a careful presentation of the solution (shockwave movie) • Chalk-Talk to hear and see a solution • Additional Self-Check Questions to Assess Understanding
PRAXIS Focus • Wisconsin’s PI-34 requires the PRAXIS II Middle School Content Knowledge (MSCK) for licensure. • A national passing rate of 80% exists. • Pass Rate Gap: • 92% for Whites • 50% for African Americans • 46% for Hispanics (Gitomer et al, 1999)
Equity • Excellence in mathematics education requires equity—high expectations and strong support for all students. (NCTM, 2000)
Why Equity? Why Now? • A major societal implication of this disparity is the lack of a diverse STEM workforce, including highly qualified teachers. • The growth of jobs in the mathematics-intensive science and engineering workforce is outpacing overall job growth by 3:1.
Why Equity? Why Now? • Nearly one in four high school graduates do not possess the necessary prerequisite skills for success in college-level mathematics courses. (NCES, 2001) • A review of enrollment data for the 13 UW Colleges from the 2006-2007 academic year revealed that a total of 143 sections of remedial mathematics courses (including 110 sections of Elementary Algebra) were offered. • The percentage of students of color (receiving an A, B, or C in these courses ranges from 36 to 50%,compared to 73% for their peers. (UW-L Equity Score Card)
*In Wisconsin, 33% of the K-12 student population is non-white. (WINSS,2008)
Culturally Responsive LOs Culturally responsive practices as using the learning styles, cultural background, and prior experiences of students to make learning more effective.
Culturally Responsive LOs In mathematics education, there are three common culturally responsive interventions: • Scaffolding; • Logic; and • Language
Scaffolding • Scaffolding mechanisms are critical elements that build upon the prior experiences and help students remember, acquire, and solidify their understanding of math knowledge. • The animated Tutorialcan be divided into smaller learning steps or learners can engage in interactive exercises with a Hint. • Scaffolding mechanisms have been show to have a positive impact on closing achievement gaps. (NRC, 2001)
Logic and Problem Solving • Logic is connected to learning styles as it refers to the specific problem solving approaches used by learners. • Each LO embed multiple solution strategies in the Sandbox, Tutorial, andChalkTalks.
Language • Research indicates that when students are allowed to use their first language during the learning process, both academic achievement and English-language development are enhanced. (Jarrett, 1999) • One modification to the LOs will be to enhance the ChalkTalks and Tutorialswith another language.
LO Development Model • Distribute the work to faculty led teams around the State of Wisconsin • Faculty assemble UG research teams • The faculty leader determines model/processes to fit their situation • Content teams create a small number of LO “Storyboards” using the Local Content Server • Results are sent to student programmers
The Local Content Server allows educators to create, modify, and share learning objects. • Organizing LOs in one place; • Collaboratively develop LOs with colleagues; • Share LOs with others; • Register LOs so everyone can find them.
Institute for Innovations in Undergraduate Research and Learning Mission: To develop, foster and support innovations that use digital technology to enhance undergraduate teaching, learning and research, and to make very simple the storage, retrieval and sharing of digital content for teaching.