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Natural Law and Sexual Ethics. Natural LAW. Aquinas The purpose of humanity is to achieve moral perfection (created ‘in the image of God’ so must become like him) We can do this by following the moral laws created in nature (built into humanity). Natural LAW.
Natural LAW • Aquinas • The purpose of humanity is to achieve moral perfection (created ‘in the image of God’ so must become like him) • We can do this by following the moral laws created in nature (built into humanity)
Natural LAW • Based on the 5 primary precepts: • The preservation of life • Reproduction (only purpose of sex) • The nurture and education of the young (to learn) • Living peacefully in society • To worship God • From these secondary precepts can be derived through use of reason
Natural LAW • We must be aware of the difference between APPARENT + REAL GOODS • Apparent Goods – Something which seems to be the right thing to do but does not fit the ideal of perfection. • Real Goods – The right thing to do that does fit the human ideal
Marriage • Aquinas' view on marriage and sexuality is that it has two main purposes: (1) Reproduction, and (2) the production of a family unit that together form a strong bond (through principle 1) and a unit in society (Summa contra Gentiles) • ‘an inseparable union of souls, by which husband and wife are pledged by a bond of mutual affection that cannot be sundered. And the end of matrimony is the begetting and upbringing of children: the first of which is attained by conjugal intercourse; the second by the other duties of husband and wife, by which they help one another in rearing their offspring.’ • a kind of "spiritual joining together" and it is also a "material joining together"
Fornication • Fornication: sex before marriage • Aquinas believed that sex should take place only within marriage. • Although it could be considered a natural act it is morally wrong: ‘conflict with right reason may arrive from the nature of the act with respect to the other party.’ (Summa Theologiae) • Sexual relationships before marriage (generally between adolescents) are rarely open to the possibility of procreation. • Apparent good: sexual relationship (e.g. it was right because we were in love) .vs. real good: abstinence until marriage
Adultery • Adultery: sex outside marriage • Aquinas believed that sex should take place only within marriage. • Adultery is morally wrong even if it could be considered a natural act: ‘conflict with right reason may arrive from the nature of the act with respect to the other party.’ (Summa Theologiae) • Could arguably be a violation of primary precept: live peacefully in society (i.e. adultery is a common cause of divorce which is very damaging to communities and has been shown to have a detrimental effect on society as a whole). • Could also violate primary precept ‘nurture and educate the young’ • It is condemned in the Bible (Exodus: 10 commandments) which is a revelation of God’s law to humanity. • Apparent good: sexual relationship (e.g. it was right because we were in love) .vs. real good: fidelity within marriage
Polygamy • Polygamy: the practice of having more than one spouse at any one time • Aquinas (as a Christian) would have considered polygamy the equivalent to adultery (same objections) • He also believed it devalued the relationship of marriage: • ‘If then while the wife has one husband only, the husband has more than one wife; there will not be a friendship of equality on both sides, friendship consisting in a certain equality. There will not be the friendship of a free man with a free woman, but a sort of friendship of a slave with her master.’ • To have a multiplicity of wives or husbands means that the opposite party becomes a slave to the other.
Contraception • Contraception: the use of artificial means to prevent the conception of children through intercourse. • Condemned because it prevents procreation which Aquinas believed to be the only purpose of sex (violation of the primary precept: reproduce) • A sexual relationship that is not open to the possibility of conception is immoral (goes against the natural design). • ABORTION (most objectionable) also violates precept of the preservation of life (terminates human life at the foetal stage).
Homosexuality • Aquinas condemned homosexuality because: • Intercourse is the physical union of a man and a woman in accordance with God’s design - in fulfilment of the human ideal (Creation) • It cannot lead to the procreation of children: ‘In so far as generation is blocked, we have an unnatural vice. For example, acts with a person of the same sex.’ (Summa Theologiae) • It is condemned in the Bible (Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:27) which is a revelation of God’s law to humanity • Apparent good: sexual relationship (e.g. it was right because we were in love) .vs. real good: abstinence to prevent violation of God’s natural design
Weaknesses • Is procreation the only purpose of sex? (isn’t it also an expression of love and trust in someone close to you – becoming ‘one flesh’?) (If a married couple are infertile should their sexual relationship be condemned?) • Old fashioned – does not recognise changes in social attitudes (e.g. towards homosexuality) • Polygamy – could be argued that this practice fulfils all the primary precepts so why is it wrong? (just because it isn’t a Christian practice?) • Fornication – nowadays many unmarried couples have children and nurture. Why is this immoral? (same as marriage isn’t it?) • Homosexuality – recognised as a natural state (not an illness). Could it not be part of God’s design?