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India Mayapur Radha Ashtami

It is believed that by worshiping Radha one would please Lord Krishna. Radha Ashtami is celebrated across India in all the Lord Sri Krishna temples. The celebrations of Radha Ashtami at Mayapur are very famous.

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India Mayapur Radha Ashtami

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  1. Radha

  2. Other colors

  3. Mayapur is located on the banks of the Ganges river, at the point of its confluence with the Jalangi, near Navadvip, West Bengal, India, 130 km north of Kolkata (Calcutta). It is The Head Quarters of ISKCON (the International Society of Krishna Consciousness) and is considered a holy place by a number of other traditions within Hinduism, but is of special significance to followers of Gaudiya Vaishnavism as the birthplace of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, regarded as a special incarnation of Krishna in the mood of Radha.

  4. Mayapur It is visited by over a million pilgrims annually. The town is heavily centred around this particular Vaishnava religious tradition, officially known as the Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya Sampradaya, with temples devoted to Radha and Krishna or Gaura-Nitai throughout; however, there is a sizeable Muslim population in the historical centre, previously called Miyapur.

  5. In September 2012 all of the devotees at Mayapur had a wonderful festival for SrimatiRadharani, including beautiful dramas, gift offerings, amazing decorations, abhishek, and sumptuous bhoga offerings. Many devotees from all around India came to attend the program and glorify SrimatiRadhrani, the festivities seemed to be much greater than even Janmastami!

  6. Sri Panchatatva for Mayapur

  7. Sri SriRadhaMadhava with AstaSakhi

  8. Radha on the right with Krishna her consort. They are usually worshipped together. MayapurChandradoyaMandir

  9. Sri Panchatatva for Mayapur

  10. Sri Panchatatva for Mayapur

  11. Sri SriRadhaMadhava with AstaSakhi

  12. Sri SriRadhaMadhava with AstaSakhi

  13. Text & pictures: Internet All  copyrights  belong to their  respective owners Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu https://www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2012 Sound: Kaun kehta hai bhagwan aate nahi

  14. Radha, alsocalledRadhika, Radharani and Radhikarani, is the childhoodfriend and lover of Krishna in the Brahma Vaivarta Purana, and the Gita Govinda of the Vaisnava traditions of Hinduism. Radhaisalmostalwaysdepictedalongside Krishna and featuresprominentlywithin the theology of today'sGaudiyaVaishnavasect, which regards Radha as the original Goddess or Shakti. Radhaisalso the principal object of worship in the NimbarkaSampradaya, as Nimbarka, the founder of the tradition, declaredthatRadha and Krishna togetherconstitute the absolutetruth. Radha'srelationshipwith Krishna isgiven in furtherdetailwithintextssuch as the Brahma Vaivarta Purana, GargaSamhita and BrihadGautamiya tantra. Radhaisoftenreferred to as Radhika in speech, prefixedwith the respectfulterm 'Srimati' by devoutfollowers. The Bengali saint ChaitanyaMahaprabhu (1486–1534) is believed by many (see especially the modern-day ISKCON movement) to be an incarnation of both Radha and Krishna, simultaneously in one form. Throughout his life, Chaitanya lived as a devotee of Vaishnava tradition, not openly claiming to be any form of Avatar, but in his biographies it is claimed that he revealed his divine form to some of his closer associates. RadhaAshtami is celebrated as the birthday of Radha.  This year RadhaAshtami was celebrated on 23rd September 2012. Radha was found on floating on a lotus in a river by her father Vrishbhanu. Radha was adopted by Vrishbhanu as his daughter and that day is celebrated as RadhaAshtami. Radha was the lover of Lord Krishna and was the top most favorite of Lord Krishna. The love story of Radha Krishna is most famous. Radha is believed to be elder by Lord Krishna by 11 months. But their love was eternal and is looked upon as an example by all the devotees. Women would observe fast on RadhaAshtami and would eat after the sunset. It is believed that by worshiping Radha one would please Lord Krishna. RadhaAshtami is celebrated across India in all the Lord Sri Krishna temples. The celebrations of RadhaAshtami at Mayapur are very famous.

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