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Iran Hamadan Esther mausoleum

The Tomb of Esther and Mordechai is a tomb located in Hamadan, Iran. Iranian Jews believe it houses the remains of the biblical Queen Esther and her cousin Mordechai, and it is the most important pilgrimage site for Jews in Iran

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Iran Hamadan Esther mausoleum

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  1. Hamadan Mausoleum of Esther Esther before Ahasuerus; Giovanni Andrea SIRANI; 1630s; Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest

  2. According to the Bible, Esther was a Jewish queen of the Persian king Ahasuerus. While Ahasuerus was traditionally identified with Xerxes I during the time of the Achaemenid empire, many historians now believe that Esther was the queen of Persia during the time of the Sassanid empire. Her story is the basis for the celebration of Purim in Jewish tradition. Conform Bibliei evreica Estera a fostsoţia regelui persan Xerxes I, din perioada Ahemenizilor (Ahashverus). Mulţi istorici cred că ea a fost regina Persiei în vremea Imperiului Sassanid. Povestea ei este baza sărbătorii Purim în tradiţia evreiască.

  3. A building known as Mausoleum of Esther and Mordechaiis located in Hamadan. The present building of this mausoleum, which is visited by Jewish pilgrims from all over the world, has nothing to speak about from the architectural point of view. Under its simple brick dome there are two graves with some Hebrew inscription up on the plaster work of the wall. Two exquisite wooden tomb-boxes are also to be seen, one of which is of an earlier date and bears an inscription in Hebrew La Hamadan există o construcţie cunoscută sub numele de Mausoleul Esterei şi al lui Mordechai. Vizitată de evreii din lumea întreagă, nu are nimic spectaculos din punct de vedere arhitectonic. Sub un dom de cărămidă sunt două sarcofage din lemn preţios sculptate având inscripţii ebraice, precum şi câteva inscripţii de stuc pe pereţi Hamadan

  4. The original structure dates to the 7th Century A. H. (14th Century A.D) and it might have been erected over other and more ancient tombs. The exterior form of this mausoleum, built of brick and stone, resembles Islamic constructions, and the monument consists of an entrance, a vestibule, a sanctuary and a Shah-ni-shin (King's sitting place). Construcţia datează din secolul XIV şi probabil a fost ridicată peste un mormânt mai vechi. Forma exterioară a mausoleului construit din cărămidă şi piatră se aseamănă cu monumentele islamice, iar complexul este format din anticameră, vestibul, sanctuar şi tronul regal

  5. AndreadelCastagno - QueenEstherc. 1450. Detached fresco. Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy.

  6. Haman was the most powerful man in the kingdom besides the king. He was an evil man who hated the Jewish people and plotted to have them killed. Haman, primul ministru, era cel mai important om din regat în afară de rege. Era un om rău, care-i ura pe evrei şi plănuia să-i ucidă Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn – Haman Begging Esther for Mercy. Museum of Fine Arts, Bucharest Esther Window (detail); French gothic glass painter; 1240s. Stained glass window; Sainte-Chapelle, Paris

  7. ThéodoreChassériau – Toilette de Esther 1841. Louvre Museum

  8. JacopodelSellajo - Couronnement d Esther. Paris, Louvre. (XV) Edwin LongsdenLong.Queen Esther (1878), National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne.

  9. Mordecai persuaded Esther to go to the king and plead for the lives of the Jewish people. Mordecai a convins-o pe Estera să meargă la rege şi să pledeze pentru salvareavieţii poporului evreu Aert de Gelder (1645-1727) – Esther and Mordechai, RISD Museum of Art, Providence Rhode Island Aert de Gelder (1645-1727) – Esther and Mordechai, Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest Aert de Gelder (1645-1727) – Esther and Mordechai. National Museum of Fine Arts in Buenos Aires

  10. AertdeGelder – TheJewishBride(EstherBedecked) 1684 - AltePinakothek in Munich

  11. Marc Chagall, ''Ahasuerus Sends Vashti Away'' Drawings for the Bible, 1960 Marc Chagall, Esther, lithographs 1960 drawings for the bible Queen Esther, by Minerva Kohlhepp Teichert, 1939, Collection of Betty Curtis and William Lee Stokes

  12. 1950-New-Canaan Book of Esther Queen Salvador Dali. Esther becomes queen 1964 Hesdin of Amiens c1450 illumination Queen Esther Rae Chichilnitsky

  13. FrancoisLeon Benouville. Esther. 1844 Private collection She could be killed for going before him when she hadn't been called. But she was brave and went to see the king. Ea ar fi putut fi ucisă dacă se înfăţişa regelui fără să fi fost chemată. Dar a fost curajoasă şi s-a dus să-l vadă pe rege Rembrandt. Esther preparing to intercede with Assuerus c. 1633National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa John Everett Millais. Esther. 1865. Private Collection

  14. Victoria and Albert Museum London – Tapestry . Esther hearing of Haman's plot BernardoCavallino. Esther in front of Ahasuerus, c.1645-50. Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy

  15. Peter Paul Rubens, 1620 Esther BeforeAhasuerus Vienna, Akademie ArtusWolfaerts.Esther's toilet in the harem of Ahasuerus ca.1620. V&A Museum, London Peter Paul Rubens, 1620 Esther BeforeAhasuerusInstitute of Art Gallery, London Antoine Caron (1521–1599) ESTHER INVITE LE ROI Jean François de Troy.TheToilet of Esther, 1738 Musée du Louvre, Paris, France

  16. Jacopo TINTORETTO.Esther and King Ahasuerus; c; 1560; Museo del Prado, Madrid

  17. Pompeo Girolamo Batoni (1708 – 1787) Esther beforeAhasuerus. Philadelphia Museum of Art Artemisia Gentileschi (1593–1651). Esther beforeAhasuerus. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Jacopo TINTORETTO. Esther before Ahasuerus1547-48. Royal Collection, Windsor

  18. Francesco Caucig (1755-1828) Esther before Ahasuerus 1815. Bayly Art Museum of the University of Virginia, Charlottesville Paolo Veronese,The Fainting of Esther, Musée du Louvre NicolasPoussinEsther beforeAssuerus. The Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia. Antoine COYPEL, The Swooning of Esther c. 1704. Musée du Louvre, Paris.

  19. Paul GustaveDoré (1832 –1883) She invited him and the evil man, Haman, to a banquet. During the meal, she revealed the plot against the Jews and accused Haman. Esterai-a invitat pe rege şi pe Haman la un banchet. În timpul mesei a dezvăluit complotul împotriva evreilor şi l-a acuzat pe Haman Jan Lievens (1607 - 1674).The Feast of Esther, painted c. 1625. North Carolina Museum of Art EdwardArmitage (1817-1896).The Festival of Esther, 1865 Royal Academy of Arts Collections

  20. Ernest Normand (1859-1923). Esther denouncingHaman,c. 1915

  21. Antoine Caron (1521–1599) LE BANQUET D’ASSUERUS Frans II Francken (1581-1642) Feast of Esther. National Gallery, Prague

  22. Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn Esther is introduced to Ahasuerus, 1655 Aert de Gelder. Banquet of Ahasuerus c1680. The Getty Museum. Los Angeles

  23. Rembrandt van Rijn. Ahasuerus (Xerxes), Haman and Esther.Pushkin Museum Jan Victors (1619-1676) The Banquet of Esther and Ahasuerus. Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel

  24. Paolo Veronese-San Sebastiano, Venice Esther Crowned by Ahasuerus . Valentin Lefevre.Esther before Ahasuerus. 1675. Hermitage St. Petersburg

  25. Jan Victors Esther and Haman before Ahasuerus. Cologne: Wallraf-Richartz Museum.

  26. Filippino Lippi.1475Three Scenes from the Story of Esther: Mardochus Laments; Esther Faints Before Assuerus; Haman Implores Her Grace in Vain. Louvre, Paris FilippinoLippi.Esther at the Palace Gate.1475-1480.National Gallery of Canada

  27. Haman was hanged on the gallows he had prepared for Mordecai, and the Jews were allowed to defend themselves. Mordecai was honored. Haman a fost spânzurat chiarpespânzurătoarea pe care o pregă-tise pentru Mordecaiiarevreilorli s-a permis să se apere. Triumful lui Mordecai a fost sărbătorit Michelangelo. Punishment of Haman. Sistine Chapel, Vatican

  28. Michelangelo. Punishment of Haman. Sistine Chapel, Vatican

  29. Paolo Veronese 1556 The Triumph of Mordecai

  30. Pieter Pietersz Lastman The Triumph of Mordecai, 1624. Museum het Rembrandthuis, Amsterdam

  31. LilianBroca. Surreptitious Dialogue, 2007

  32. Iran Text: Internet Pictures:Internet Sanda Foişoreanu Nicoleta Leu All copyrights belong to their respective owners Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2011 Sound: Michel Chevalier-My yiddishe momme

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