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World Suicide Prevention Day in Humboldt County (California) - #Sexual Assault as a Factor Increasing Risk of Suicide

The County of Humboldt (California) has disclosed records recognizing u201cthe week of September 4 through September 10, 2022 as Suicide Prevention Week, September 2022 as Suicide Prevention Month.u201d The records disclosed by the County of Humboldt (California) are consistent with those disclosed by the Missouri Department of Mental Health (MODMH). According to the County of Humboldt (California), u201cpeople who are having thoughts of suicide feel relief when someone asks them in a caring wayu201d whether they are contemplating suicide.

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World Suicide Prevention Day in Humboldt County (California) - #Sexual Assault as a Factor Increasing Risk of Suicide

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  1. Proclamation of the V\l IL;? Board of Supervisors County of Humboldt J « WHEREAS, the week of September 4 through 10, 2022, is National Suicide Prevention Week, a time in which individuals, organizations and communities around the country join their voices to amplify the message that suicide can be prevented; and WHEREAS, in Humboldt County we observe Suicide Prevention Awareness Month during the monthj of September; and WHEREAS, it is recognized that people of all ages benefit from common tenets of wellness, such as| access to effective health and behavioral health care, social support and a sense of meaning and purpose and I ' r ^ pi WHEREAS, attitudes and perceptions about aging, behavioral health challenges and suicide have a significant impact on individual wellness and the willingness to reach out for support and services that can alleviate distress; and 1)5 P p i p WHEIEEAS, cultivating and maintaining wellness is a lifelong pursuit, and individuals of all ages can benefit from integrating wellness into their daily routine to prevent or reduce the severity of a broad range of health and behavioral health problems; and m- WHEREAS, knowing the signs of suicide, finding the words to talk with someone that may be thinking of suicide and reaching out to local resources are actions everyone can take to care for themselves and others; and m '^r,h m 1 m WHEREAS, and wellness as we strive towards zero suicides; and all Californians are urged to take action for suicide prevention and promote mental health WHEREAS, the Humboldt County Suicide Prevention Network is a group of public and private individuals, agencies and groups working to identify strategies to reduce suicide and suicidal behaviors in the county; and I m & s WHEREAS, anyone in the U.S. can easily access 24/7 emotional support by calling or texting 9-8-8 and being connected to the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, 'Aff i'tr// NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED, that the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors hereby recognizes the week of September 4 through 10, 2022, as Suicide Prevention Week, September 2022 as Suicide Prevention Awareness Month in Humboldt County and September 10, as World Suicide Prevention Day. w f August 30, 2022 Virginia Bass, Chair UJ i'lv/rrAni^ mn VVV.T

  2. COUNTY OF HUMBOLDT For the meeting of:8/30/2022 File #: 22-1138 To: Board of Supervisors From: Supervisor Virginia Bass Agenda Section: Consent SUBJECT: Suicide Prevention and Awareness Proclamation (Supervisor Bass) RECOMMENDATION(S): That the Board of Supervisors: 1. Authorize the Chair to sign the Proclamation SOURCE OF FUNDING: General Fund DISCUSSION: The Board of Supervisors would like recognizes the week of Sept. 4 through 10 as Suicide Prevention Week, the entire month of September as Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, and Sept. 10, 2022, as World Suicide Prevention Day. The Board would further like to amplify that suicide can be prevented and that support and services are critical to early intervention. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no impact to the General Fund. STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK: This action supports your Board’s Strategic Framework by providing community-appropriate levels of service OTHER AGENCY INVOLVEMENT: None ALTERNATIVES TO STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: None ATTACHMENTS: Proclamation COUNTY OF HUMBOLDT Page 1 of 2 Printed on 8/26/2022 powered by Legistar™

  3. File #: 22-1138 PREVIOUS ACTION/REFERRAL: Board Order No.: N/A Meeting of: N/A File No.: N/A COUNTY OF HUMBOLDT Page 2 of 2 Printed on 8/26/2022 powered by Legistar™

  4. Introducing Social Media Toolkit - 2022 September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. To help get the word out about special September events and the importance of suicide prevention in our community, the Humboldt Suicide Prevention Network (SPN) has developed a social media toolkit for you to use on your personal or organizational social media page. By using this toolkit, you will help get the word out about special September events and the importance of suicide prevention in our community. Suicide Prevention Awareness Month Social Medial Toolkit Why should I use this? To make it super easy for your organization to spread the word about suicide prevention month and what’s going on here in Humboldt County. Plus, sharing the same messaging through different networks amplifies our voice. We can do more together. How does this work? We’re providing content for your social media page—that means images, text and links that you can easily share with your audiences throughout the month of September. You don’t have to use all of these—choose the ones you like best, and feel free to edit the suggested text if you want to. We want this to make sense for your audience. This document provides an overview of all the social media content, including suggested dates for posting, but that’s up to you too. Event posts have been separated out because they are more time sensitive than the educational posts. The image files (jpgs) are available here so you can download the images to your computer, and then upload them to your social media page. I need more information. To request more information on suicide prevention in Humboldt County, please contact the DHHS Public Health Suicide and Violence Prevention (SVP) Program at publichealthsvp@co.humboldt.ca.us.

  5. Social Media Content Schedule EVENT POSTS (time sensitive) Suggested Date Content Suggested Text 9/1/22 To embed Vimeo video directly click here: https://vimeo.com/334542963 September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness month. Consider taking an online training on how to recognize warning signs of suicide or crisis, ask “Are you thinking about suicide?” and learn the skills to help connect someone to resources. Anyone living or working in Humboldt County can email publichealthsvp@co.humboldt.ca.us to get this training for free (while supplies last). 9/5/22 Suicide and mental health conditions affect millions. Together, we can bring these issues Out of the Darkness and create a culture that's smart about mental health. Walk with friends, family members, neighbors, and coworkers in support of each other and in memory of those we’ve lost. Please join us on 9/11/22 at 10:00 a.m. at the Arcata Plaza to Save Lives and Bring Hope to Those Affected by Suicide. Register today:afsp.org/arcata Due to their accessibility and trust, frequent interactions with patients and mental health consumers, access to medical records, and distribution of mental health and highly lethal medications pharmacists are situated in a unique position to support those in need. While pharmacists are not trained to diagnose mental health conditions, they can play the role of recognizing potential signs of suicide or being a resource for individuals seeking help. This webinar was developed specifically for Pharmacists as Gatekeepers in Suicide Prevention and will provide insight into 9/1/22

  6. the role pharmacists, as frontline responders and gatekeepers, can play in suicide prevention. CAPE Continuing Education Credits Provided! Multiple dates! Register Here: 9/7/22 (2-3 PM); or 9/20/22 (8-9 PM) Keep reading! See next page for more information/education posts for National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. EDUCATIONAL POSTS (not time specific) Suggested Date Content Suggested Text September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day. It’s a time to remember those affected by suicide, to raise awareness, and to focus efforts on directing treatment to those who need it most. Light a candle near a window or post a graphic on social media at 8pm to show your support for suicide prevention and in memory of those we’ve lost to suicide. https://www.suicideispreventable.org/ 9/7/22

  7. 9/14/22 You or someone you know may feel hopeless, down, or alone right now. Many people have gotten through times like this, and you can too. This tool can help you make decisions about temporarily reducing access to potentially dangerous things, like firearms, medicines, sharp objects, or other household items. The promise of tomorrow can start with small steps towards safety today. Lock To Live | Firearm and Medication Safe Storage Decision Keep If Safe Brochure (English) Keep it Safe Brochure (Spanish) 9/20/22 Safe storage of medications, firearms, and other dangerous items can save lives. Overdose, injury, and suicide can be prevented. Download the brochure here in either English or Spanish: 9/20/22 Did you know that 3/4 of all firearm death in Humboldt County are suicides? For information on lethal means safety, gun safe lockboxes or firearms safety courses, email: publichealthsvp@co.humboldt.ca.us

  8. 9/23/22 Men have emotions, but not every man wants to talk about how they’re feeling or feels like they can. Check out mantherapy.org to take an anonymous assessment of your emotional health or learn more about men’s’ mental health from the privacy of your own phone or laptop. Man Therapy 9/28/22 Create a firearm life plan. Stay educated, stay responsible, stay protected. Learn about an easy-to-use toolkit to facilitate conversations about firearms, aging, and planning for the future together. Download and fill out your own plan here: Home | Firearm Life Plan Any time Research shows people who are having thoughts of suicide feel relief when someone asks after them in a caring way. Findings suggest acknowledging and talking about suicide may reduce rather than increase suicidal ideation. Promote National Suicide Prevention Month: Lifeline (988lifeline.org)

  9. Any time NPAIHB is a non-profit tribal advisory organization serving the forty-three federally recognized tribes of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Their social marketing team has developed health promotion messages and campaigns that resonate with Native communities. Social Marketing Campaigns – NPAIHB Any time Zero Reasons Why provides free resources for youth suicide prevention. There are many reasons why you might struggle with mental health, but there are #ZeroReasonsWhy you should have to do it alone. Resources | Zero Reasons Why™ Embeddable video here: https://vimeo.com/585460128 Any time Looking for Spanish language resources, activities, articles and more? Check out California’s Know the Signs Campaign materials in Spanish for Suicide Prevention Month 2022. Suicide Prevention Activation Kit 2022

  10. Any time Evidence shows that Veterans are at greater risk for suicide. You don’t need to be an expert to make a difference—support Veterans by sharing or using the downloadable resources and information below. This page will be continually updated as new materials become available. Spread the Word (veteranscrisisline.net)

  11. Any time If you are thinking about suicide or are concerned about someone else, simply calling or texting 988 or chatting 988Lifeline.org will connect you to compassionate care and support for mental health-related distress. Skilled and trained counselors are available 24/7 to talk, answer questions, and help you navigate this challenging situation. You are not alone, and help is a phone call or chat away. Local Resources: Humboldt County DHHS Behavioral Health: 24-hr Mental Health Crisis Line (707) 445-7715 or Toll-Free 888-849-5728 To download an expanded list of resources, see below: For English, click HERE For Spanish, click HERE Lifeline (988lifeline.org)

  12. REQUEST FOR RECORDS 09/24/2022 W (AACL) Michael A. Ayele P.O.Box 20438 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia E-mail: waacl13@gmail.com ; waacl1313@gmail.com ; waacl42913@gmail.com Request for Records Hello, This is Michael A. Ayele sending this message though I now go by W. You may call me W. I am writing this letter to file a request for records with your office. i The bases for this records request are [1] the September 09th 2022 White House Proclamation on World Suicide Prevention Day;ii [2] the disclosures made to the Association for the Advancement of Civil Liberties (AACL) about the suicide of Catherine Daisy Coleman dated August 04th 2020;iii [3] the disclosures made to the AACL about the suicide of Cheslie Kryst, which took place on January 30th 2022.iv I) Records Requested What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are records in your possession detailing [1] the formal/informal ties that exist between your office, the Joseph Biden/Kamala Harris White House Administration, the United Nations (U.N) World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP); [2] your discussions about World Suicide Prevention Day as an event that was established in 2003 by the IASP in conjunction with the U.N (WHO); [3] your discussions about the decision of the U.N (WHO) to recognize that “an estimated 703,000 (seven hundred and three thousand) people a year take their life around the world;” [4] your discussions about the decision of the U.N (WHO) to recognize that “for every suicide, there are likely 20 (twenty) other people making a suicide attempt and many more have serious thoughts of suicide;” [5] your discussions about the decision of the U.N (WHO) to recognize that “each suicidal death is a public health concern with a profound impact on those around them;” v [6] your discussions about the decision of the Joseph Biden/Kamala Harris White House Administration to recognize that they “are still in the early stages of learning about the conditions that can lead to suicide, including job strain or loss; serious illnesses, and financial, criminal, legal, and relationship problems;” [7] your discussions about the decision of the Joseph Biden/Kamala Harris White Administration to recognize that “suicide accounts for 1 (one) of every 100 (one hundred) deaths globally;” [8] your discussions about the decision of the Joseph Biden/Kamala Harris White House Administration to recognize suicide as “the second leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 10 (ten) and 34 (thirty four);” [9] your discussion about the decision of the Joseph Biden/Kamala Harris White House Administration to recognize September 10th2022 as “World Suicide Prevention Day;” [10] the extent of your knowledge on whether your city/county/state/federal government recognizes September 10th as World Suicide Prevention Day; [11] the activities engaged in by employees of your city/county/state/federal government on September 10th for the occasion of World Suicide Prevention Day; [12] the resources provided by your city/county/state/federal government to people who may be contemplating suicide; [13] the extent of your knowledge on whether your city/county/state/federal government streamed the 2016 Netflix documentary entitled Audrie & Date.: September 24th 2022 W (AACL) – MICHAEL A. AYELE 1

  13. REQUEST FOR RECORDS 09/24/2022 Daisy for the occasion of World Suicide Prevention Day or other occasions; [14] the extent of your knowledge on whether your city/county/state/federal government ever held discussions about the 2016 Netflix documentary entitled Audrie & Daisy; [15] the extent of your knowledge on whether your city/county/state/federal government ever held discussions about the malicious efforts to place women in circumstances encouraging the commission of suicide as a form of retaliation for reporting/speaking about an incident of sexual harassment/sexual assault/rape to the authorities and/or other qualified individuals. II) Request for a Fee Waiver and Expedited Processing The requested records do/will demonstrate that [1] World Suicide Prevention Day is an event established in 2003 by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) in conjunction with the United Nations (U.N) World Health Organization (WHO); [2] an estimated 703,000 people a year take their life around the world; [3] for every suicide, there are likely 20 other people making a suicide attempt and many more have serious thoughts of suicide; [4] suicide accounts for 1 of every 100 deaths globally, and it is the second leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 10 and 34; [5] the 2016 Netflix documentary entitled Audrie and Daisy deals with the malicious efforts of others to place women in circumstances encouraging the commission of suicide as a form of retaliation/punishment for having reported the sexual assault/rape they have experienced to the appropriate authorities and/or other qualified individuals; [6] Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W is a Black man, who was living in the State of Missouri in Calendar Year 2012 when he was made aware of the sexual assault of Catherine Daisy Coleman; [7] Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W is a Black man, who was living in the State of California during the months of November/December 2014 when he was made aware of Audrie’s Law (a.k.a) Senate Bill 838;vi [8] Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W is a Black man, who was previously accused of foul play in the suicide/self-injurious non suicidal attempt of a Caucasian woman when he was previously employed for the Missouri Department of Mental Health (a state government agency) in Calendar Year 2013; [9] Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W is a Black man, who was subjected to a Missouri state investigation after having been accused of foul play in the suicide/self-injurious non suicidal attempt of a Caucasian woman, when he was previously employed for the Missouri Department of Mental Health (MODMH) in Calendar Year 2013; [10] Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W is a Black man, who has firmly denied any involvement in the suicide/self-injurious non suicidal attempt of the Caucasian woman, who was then being incarcerated in the MODMH Fulton State Hospital (FSH) now defunct Biggs Forensic Center (BFC) New Outlook Program (NOP) in Calendar Year 2013; [11] Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W is a Black man, who was cleared of a Missouri state investigation on November 21st 2013 after having been accused of foul play in the suicide/self-injurious non suicidal attempt of a Caucasian woman; [12] Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W is a Black man, who has previously corresponded with the MODMH about the suicide of Catherine Daisy Coleman; [13] the MODMH have disclosed to Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W the contracts they have concluded with Missouri Girls Town: a facility, where Catherine Daisy Coleman is reported to have stayed in after she had attempted suicide following her publicized January 2012 sexual assault; [14] the MODMH have informed Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W that he would have to pay over $99 (ninety nine U.S dollars) to obtain their W (AACL) – MICHAEL A. AYELE 2

  14. REQUEST FOR RECORDS 09/24/2022 policy on the use of suicide watch in their facilities; [15] Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W is a Black man, who’s very much unhappy with (i) having been subjected to an internal Missouri state investigation for the suicide/self-injurious non suicidal attempt of a Caucasian woman he had nothing to do with (while employed for the MODMH), (ii) being asked to pay over $99 dollars to obtain information about the suicide watch policy of his former employers: the MODMH;vii [16] Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W is a Black man, who has previously corresponded with the MODMH about World Suicide Prevention Day; [17] the MODMH have informed Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W that it is best to ask someone who’s in emotional pain whether she/he is thinking about committing suicide. viii In my judgment, the facts presented in my records request are not the sort to bolster public confidence in the activities of the U.S government overall. As a Black man with a U.S college degree (who has previously been subjected to a racially motivated state investigation), I would like to take this opportunity to denounce [1] violence committed against women irrespective of their racial backgrounds, their sexual orientations, their national origins, their religious affiliations and/or their disability status; [2] malicious efforts to place women in circumstances encouraging the commission of suicide as a form of retaliation/punishment for speaking about an incident of sexual harassment/sexual assault and/or rape. The core issues presented in this records request are as follows. 1) What formal/informal ties exist between your office, the White House, the U.N (WHO) and the IASP? Have you had conversations about the decision of the Joseph Biden/Kamala Harris White House Administration to recognize September 10th as World Suicide Prevention Day? If yes, will you disclose those records? 2) Does your city/county/state/federal government recognize September 10th as World Suicide Prevention Day? If yes, how does your city/county/state/federal government commemorate World Suicide Prevention Day? 3) Have you had conversations about the 2016 Netflix documentary entitled Audrie and Daisy? Have you had conversations about the malicious efforts to place women in circumstances encouraging the commission of suicide as a form of retaliation for reporting/speaking about an incident of sexual harassment/assault and/or rape? If yes, will you disclose those records? This records request should be expedited because it puts into question the government’s integrity about the way that people are treated in the U.S.A on account of their gender, their racial backgrounds, their national origins and their disability status. My request for a fee waiver should be granted because [1] I have identified operations and activities of the federal government in concert with U.S city/county/state government as well as non-profit and intergovernmental organizations such as the U.N (WHO); [2] the issues presented are meaningfully informative about government operations or activities in order to be ‘likely to contribute’ to and increase public understanding of those operations or activities. Under penalty of perjury, I hereby declare all the statements I have made to be true and accurate. Be well. Take care. Keep yourselves at arms distance. W (AACL) W (AACL) – MICHAEL A. AYELE 3

  15. REQUEST FOR RECORDS 09/24/2022 Michael A. Ayele Anti-Racist Human Rights Activist Audio-Visual Media Analyst Anti-Propaganda Journalist W (AACL) – MICHAEL A. AYELE 4

  16. REQUEST FOR RECORDS 09/24/2022 Work Cited i Please be advised that I have previously disseminated a vast number of documents obtained through records request via Archive.org, Scribd.com, Medium.com and YouTube.com. These documents have been made available to the public at no financial expense to them. As a member of the media, I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that the records you disclose to me could be made available to the general public through the means I have mentioned above or other ones. On December 10th 2021, I have launched a website on Wordpress.com for the purpose of making the records previously disclosed to me by the U.S government further accessible to members of the general public interested in the activities of their elected and non- elected representatives. You can find out more about the recent publications of the Association for the Advancement of Civil Liberties (AACL) here.: https://michaelayeleaacl.wordpress.com/ iiOn World Suicide Prevention Day, our Nation joins the World Health Organization, the International Association for Suicide Prevention, and countries across the globe in mourning those who have died by suicide. Suicide is a devastating tragedy that leaves loved ones with unanswered questions and families missing a piece of their soul, wishing for more time together. We are still in the early stages of learning about the conditions that can lead to suicide, including job strain or loss; serious illnesses; and financial, criminal, legal, and relationship problems. Acknowledging suicide and the impact it has on our communities is a first step to understanding how it can be prevented more effectively. Suicide accounts for 1 of every 100 deaths globally, and it is the second leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 10 and 34. (…) On this day of commemoration and action, we commit to studying the risk factors associated with suicide and to making mental health care accessible and affordable. Finally, to those experiencing emotional distress: please know that you are loved, and that you are not alone. There is hope, and there is help, and I encourage you to call or text 9-8-8 to reach the National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 10, 2022, as World Suicide Prevention Day. I call upon all Americans, communities, organizations, and all levels of government to join me in creating hope through action and committing to preventing suicide across America. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ninth day of September, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-two, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-seventh. A Proclamation on World Suicide Prevention Day, 2022. White House.: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2022/09/09/a- proclamation-on-world-suicide-prevention-day-2022/ iiiThe Association for the Advancement of Civil Liberties (AACL) has obtained limited responsive documents concerning the suicide of Catherine Daisy Coleman, which took place on August 04th W (AACL) – MICHAEL A. AYELE 5

  17. REQUEST FOR RECORDS 09/24/2022 2020. Among documents that were disclosed to the AACL are contracts concluded between the Missouri Department of Mental Health (MODMH) and Missouri Girls Town: a facility, where Catherine Daisy Coleman is reported to have stayed in for a period of 90 (ninety) days before her permanent departure to the State of Colorado from the State of Missouri. According to the MODMH, Missouri Girls Town is a “time-limited placement resource for children requiring active coordinated and professional intervention in a highly structured environment by virtue of a demonstrated inability to function in any less restrictive setting. Children requiring residential treatment services exhibit a severe mental illness and/or persistent mental disorder as diagnosed according to the DSM-IV. These children may be unable to function consistently in an open, public school setting, may present a chronic runaway risk, and may present a history of showing rage, including physical aggression toward self and others.” Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W was a previous employee of the MODMH. He is also an alumnus of Westminster College (Fulton, MO). As an alumnus of Westminster College, who has previously worked for the Fulton State Hospital (a component of the MODMH), Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W doesn't know if the MODMH accept as a matter of fact the reality that sexual assault could lead a woman who has experienced it to commit suicide. Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W is very much a proponent of reviewing the personal health information (PHI) of Catherine Daisy Coleman. Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W is very much concerned about the circumstances which led Catherine Daisy Coleman to leave the State of Missouri for the State of Colorado. Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W is also concerned about the things Catherine Daisy Coleman is reported to have gone through in the State of Colorado before her suicide on August 04th 2020. The MODMH have concluded an affiliation agreement with Westminster College. As a matter of principle, the AACL unequivocally denounces violence committed against women irrespective of their racial backgrounds, their sexual orientations, their national origins, their religious affiliations and/or their disability status. The AACL is gravely concerned about women being placed in circumstances encouraging the commission of suicide after having reported an incident of sexual harassment/sexual assault/rape to the authorities. The AACL unequivocally denounces malicious efforts to put women in circumstances encouraging the commission of suicide as a form of retaliation for having reported an incident of sexual harassment/sexual assault/rape. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Disclosed Records They Had Complied Documenting the Retaliation Suffered by Catherine Daisy Coleman Following the Sexual Assault She Experienced in January 2012. W (AACL), Michael A. Ayele Official Website.: https://michaelayeleaacl.wordpress.com/2021/12/10/catherine-daisy-coleman-january-2012-and- august-2020-in-review-affirmative-and-effective-consent-audrie-taylor-pott-michael-ayele-aacl- w-index/ ivIn response to the records request submitted by the Association for the Advancement of Civil Liberties (AACL); the North Carolina State Board of Election has disclosed documents detailing the political affiliation of Cheslie Corrinne Kryst who is registered as a member of the U.S Democratic Party. Born April 28th 1991, Cheslie Kryst was crowned Miss USA 2019 when she was 28 years old. She had earned a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of South Carolina. She also had earned a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) and a Law Degree from Wake W (AACL) – MICHAEL A. AYELE 6

  18. REQUEST FOR RECORDS 09/24/2022 Forest University. According to public records, Cheslie Kryst was [1] pro-choice, [2] in favor of legalizing marijuana, [3] supportive of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, [4] deeply shocked by an incident of sexual assault, which occurred on or around January 16th 2015 at the campus of Stanford University. The North Carolina State Board of Election Discloses Limited Records in Response to Request Filed About the Suicide of Cheslie Corrinne Kryst. W (AACL), Michael A. Ayele Official Website.: https://michaelayeleaacl.wordpress.com/2022/04/12/turning-30-on-april-28-2021-cheslie-kryst- suicide-michael-ayele-aacl-w-north-carolina-democratic-party-index/ vAn estimated 703,000 people a year take their life around the world. For every suicide, there are likely 20 other people making a suicide attempt and many more have serious thoughts of suicide. Millions of people suffer intense grief or are otherwise profoundly impacted by suicidal behaviours. Each suicidal death is a public health concern with a profound impact on those around them. By raising awareness, reducing the stigma around suicide, and encouraging well- informed action, we can reduce instances of suicide around the world. World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) was established in 2003 by the International Association for Suicide Prevention in conjunction with the World Health Organization (WHO). The 10th of September each year focuses attention on the issue, reduces stigma and raises awareness among organizations, government, and the public, giving a singular message that suicide can be prevented. World Suicide Prevention Day. World Health Organization (WHO).: https://www.who.int/campaigns/world-suicide-prevention-day/2022 viThis bill is the direct result of the tragic death of Audrie Pott, a 15-year-old Saratoga High student who committed suicide after she was sexually assaulted while unconscious and photos of her were disseminated electronically. Her assailants were tried as juveniles. The allegations against them were sustained and they handed down sentences of 30 to 45 days, news reports said. Despite the severity of their crimes, they are freed from having to register sex offenders due to an omission in the law. (…) They are free to continue their lives, education, and careers in anonymity thanks to outdated laws after publicly destroying a young woman's life. The incidents surrounding Audrie's death are not isolated but reflect a disturbing trend. Her case is eerily similar to the suicide of Rehtaeh Parsons, a 17-year-old student in Canada, who suffered nearly two years of bullying as photos of her sex assault were circulated by students, and the photographed rape of an unconscious 16-year-old girl by two high school football players in Steubenville, Ohio. It should be noted that the identities of the convicted football players, both 16, were released by the juvenile court. The nature of the crimes against Audrie, coupled with the growing use of social media to bully victims, demands that our statutes and codes be amended to reflect the severity of these offenses in the 21st century to not only give justice but to act as a deterrent. Senate Bill 838.: W (AACL) – MICHAEL A. AYELE 7

  19. REQUEST FOR RECORDS 09/24/2022 http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/13-14/bill/sen/sb_0801- 0850/sb_838_cfa_20140826_121631_sen_floor.html viiIn October 2021, there were 5276 (five thousand two hundred and seventy-six) employees working for the MODMH. Of those, 3752 (three thousand seven hundred and fifty-two) employees were women and 1502 (one thousand five hundred and two) employees were men. While 64% (sixty four percent) of the MODMH employees identified as White, 31% (thirty one percent) identified as Black. Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W was previously employed for the MODMH. He has in 2013 filed a charge of employment discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) against the MODMH. The charge of employment discrimination filed by Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W with the EEOC was previously assigned Case No.: 28E – 2014 – 00485C. The charge of employment discrimination filed by Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W with the EEOC has been subject of intense scrutiny for various reasons. Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W has recently been informed by his former employers that 9 (nine) charges of employment discrimination have been filed against the MODMH between January 01st 2010 and December 17th 2021. Of those, the MODMH opted to engage in the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) program offered by the EEOC on 4 (four) separate occasions. They also declined to engage in the ADR program offered by the EEOC on 5 (five) separate occasions. As of this writing, it remains unclear for the Association for the Advancement of Civil Liberties (AACL) why the MODMH opted to engage in certain ADR sessions offered by the EEOC, while refusing to do so for others. The AACL unequivocally denounces discrimination on the bases of gender, racial background, sexual orientation, national origin and religious affiliation. The AACL also unequivocally denounces discrimination against people with disabilities (PWD). The AACL has decided to publish this information to members of the general public because of the language used by the EEOC to describe their processing of Charge No.: 28E – 2014 – 00485C and also because of the EEOC frequent reference to this charge of discrimination. The AACL has effectively put the EEOC on notice that given their processing of Charge No.: 28E – 2014 – 00485C, they have forfeited their rights to represent Missouri State employees who [1] have opposed discriminatory practices in the service of healthcare pursuant to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA); [2] have been subjected to racially motivated internal investigations (and were afterwards cleared of that investigation); [3] have been fired from their jobs as retaliation; [4] have been arrested for demanding the payment of their salary for the job they have performed. The Missouri Department of Mental Health (MODMH) Disclose Records Documenting Their Total Number of Employees on the Bases of Gender and Racial Background. W (AACL), Michael A. Ayele Official Website.: https://michaelayeleaacl.wordpress.com/2022/09/11/the-missouri-department-of-mental-health- modmh-disclose-records-documenting-their-total-number-of-employees-on-the-bases-of-gender- and-racial-background-w-aacl-michael-a-ayele/ W (AACL) – MICHAEL A. AYELE 8

  20. REQUEST FOR RECORDS 09/24/2022 viiiAccording to the MODMH, “when someone you know is in emotional pain, ask them directly: ‘are you thinking about killing youself?’ Research suggests acknowledging suicide may r educe rather than increase suicidal ideation. Asking the question in a direct, unbiased manner communicates that you are open to speaking about suicide in a non-judgmental and supportive way. Other questions you can ask include, ‘How can I help?’ and ‘what can we do about this?’. Asking these questions can open the door to honest communications to learn what next steps need to be taken. Often, we don’t know the challenges others face on a day-to-day basis.” September 2022: Suicide Prevention Month. W (AACL) – MICHAEL A. AYELE 9

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