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Understanding Indoor Chemical and Radiological Risks for Public Health

This project delves into the significance of indoor risks such as neurotoxicity, cancer, and respiratory diseases from pollutants like benzene and radon. Prof. Dimosthenis A. Sarigiannis leads the research at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, focusing on building materials and health implications. Through field measurements and data analysis in Greece and Bulgaria, they address radioactivity and chemical emissions. By developing exposure indicators and recommendations, the project aims to improve building materials, enhance consumer awareness, and contribute to European legislation on structural materials. The INTERA/CheRRIE platform serves as a tool for assessing indoor exposure to these hazards.

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Understanding Indoor Chemical and Radiological Risks for Public Health

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  1. CheRRIE – The importance of Chemical and Radiological Risk in the Indoor Environment for public health Prof. Dimosthenis A. Sarigiannis, PhD Director of Environmental Engineering Laboratory (EnvE-Lab) Department of Chemical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - 54124, Greece

  2. Indoor risks – What and why Interaction at the level of metabolism (inhibition) Neurotoxicity Styrene Xylene Toluene Ethylbenzene Benzene Liver (metabolism) Leukemia Eyes, nose, throat irritation Benzaldehyde Acetone Acrolein Acetaldehyde Formaldehyde Nasopharyngeal Cancer Benzo[a]pyrene Other PAHs Endocrine disruption Phthalates Larynx Cancer Effect addition Flame retardants Radon Asthma, rhinitis Lung Cancer Particulate matter Moulds Respiratory diseases Pesticides Liver Cancer NO2 CO Cardiovascular diseases Non-Hodgkins lymphoma PCBs

  3. Importance of indoor risks

  4. Exposure to benzene

  5. Exposure to formaldehyde

  6. Exposure to acetaldehyde

  7. Exposure to radon

  8. Where they come from?

  9. CheRRIE main objectives – addressing building materials • Inventorying radioactivityand chemicals emissivity from building materials both traditional and modern used in typical Greek and Bulgarian constructions • Calculation of time evolution of annual equivalent and internal dose due to exposure to radiological and chemicalsresulting from exposure to the materials of the above structures. • Assessment of the health burden on the population from exposure to ionizing radiation and toxic chemicals emitted from the building / construction materials

  10. How we met the objectives • Execution of field measurements in Greece and Bulgaria and lab analysis on building materials based on international reference standards and calibration tests. • Development of a database of the radiological, physical and chemical characteristics of building materials used in Greece and Bulgaria. • Use of INTERA platform for computation of population exposure to radiological and chemical hazards based ont time-activity patterns and field/lab emission data. • Setting up of an indoor environment and health advanced IT infrastructure based on grid computing to support effective scientific and stakeholder networking in order to better protect public health.

  11. Main impacts • Definition of a set of exposure indicators for combined exposure to radiological and chemical hazards in residential and public buildings in the Greece-Bulgaria trans-boundary regions. • Development of amethodologyto integrate the existing data towards assessing the effect of co-exposure to these hazards, focusing on susceptible population sub-groups, primarily on children of developing age, pregnant women and the elderly. • Development of recommendations‭ ‬on radiological and chemical protection of the population.

  12. Main expected impacts • Improvement in the quality of the materials used in building construction and/or refurbishing in the trans-boundary regions allowing building constructors, raw material producers and recycling companies to base their purchasing decisions for raw materials on the findings of the project whilst protecting public health. • Contribution to the European legislation concerning the use of structural/building materials for residential buildings. • Enhancementof public awareness ofpotential health risks of building materials and enhancement of consumer choice in the building material market.

  13. CheRRIE organization of work WP 1 Management & Coordination WP 2 Information and Publicity WP 6 Staff training WP3 Measurements in situ and in the laboratory WP5 Analysis of results and implications to the regions population WP4 Meta-analysis of measurement results

  14. Exposure – response functions Outdoor contribution SOURCE Pollutant Health outcome Other pollutant Inhalation exposure Radioactivity indoor sources • Indoor processes • Dispersion • Sorption • Deposition • Chemical reactions • Resuspension • Dilution/ventilation • Source conditions: e.g. • Emission strength • Chemical/physical/radiological properties of pollutant • Housing conditions: e.g. • Dimensions and layout • Ventilation characteristics • Sources location • Individual conditions: e.g. • Time activity patterns in house • Source use pattern Methodological concept ofthe CheRRIEapproach GI tract – portal vein GI tract – portal vein Liver Liver Heart Heart Brain Brain Muscles Muscles Skin Skin Kidneys Kidneys Adipose Adipose Bones Bones Breast Breast Uterus - gonads Uterus - gonads Venous blood Venous blood Arterial blood Lungs Arterial blood Lungs

  15. The INTERA/CheRRIE computational platform The INTERA/CheRRIE computational platform is a web based softwaredeveloped to assist the user in assessing cumulative exposure to radiological and chemical emissions found indoors due to building materials http://www.intera.cperi.certh.gr

  16. INTERA/CheRRIE platform components The platform comprises four modules: Emissions-concentrations module, linking emission sources to indoor air concentrations through IAQ modellingtaking into account indoor physical chemistry Exposure module including models for dermal, inhalation and oral routes reflecting also differences in the loading mechanism and taking into account time activity patterns and variable inhalation rates based on activity, gender and body weight. Internal dosimetry module, linking the temporal variation of exposure to internal dose dynamics through a generic Physiology Based PharmacoKinetic/Dynamic model which accounts for different gender and age class. Risk assessment module for assessing the cancer risks associated to radiological and chemical exposure.

  17. Thank you for your kind attention www.enve-lab.eu A connectivity perspective to environment-health interactions

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