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The Third International Nursing Conference The Heart Of The Matter : Relevance Of Nursing Responsiveness Job Stress Factors and Situations among Jordanian Staff Nurses at Governmental Hospitals. Rufaida Al- Aslamiah College for Nursing and Midwifery
The Third International Nursing Conference The Heart Of The Matter : Relevance Of Nursing ResponsivenessJob Stress Factors and Situations among Jordanian Staff Nurses at Governmental Hospitals Rufaida Al-Aslamiah College for Nursing and Midwifery Omaymah Al-Rajaby , MSN Nursing “Presenter “ Ebtisam Haddad , MSN Nursing FawziahAss'sd, BSN Nursing Zeinab Al-Kurdi , BSN Nursing Nida'a Al-Anani ,BA English Language “Proofreader” LuwizaTuqan , BSC Computer Science “Print and Electronic Computer Services” KamalSahawneh , BSC Public And Environmental Sciences
Purpose The purpose of the study was to explore the major sources of job stress experienced by nurses working at MOH hospitals and its relationship to selected demographic variables and stress outcome.
Background According to MOH Statistics 2008 There are 9512 male and female staff nurses 1909 midwives are working in different hospitals in Jordan , but 2391(25%) of the total number of staff nurses and 1186 midwives are working at governmental hospitals The percentage of staff nurses and midwives for every 10.000 Jordanians is 16.3 staff nurses and 3.3 midwives
According to The Jordanian Nurses and Midwives Council statistics 2010 The documented work place violence cases are 33 male and female staff nurses and 3 midwives are exposed to physical violence at the governmental hospitals Otherwise , there are 4503(47%) about half of the total number of staff nurses and 36 midwives are working abroad Such alarming statistics (staff turn over , shortage of staff nurses and work place violence ) reflect the significance of the study
Significance of Study The study will provide a valuable information for nurses at different levels (administration , education and practice ) to deal with the problem of work-place stress.
Research Questions What are the psychological environmental factors that contribute to nurses' job stress? What are the social environmental factors that contribute to nurses' job stress ? What are the physical environmental factors that contribute to the nurses' job stress? What is the relationship between job stress and the selected respondents’ demographic variables; age, sex, marital status , job title , educational level, salary, practice area, experience, working shift, Unit department? What is the relationship between job stress and the anticipated outcomes in Jordan?
Design and Sample Cross-sectional, Survey Design was used. A cluster sampling technique was used to select the sample. Three clusters were identified; north, middle, and south of Jordan. Simple random sample was used to identify the hospitals then a convenient sample of 436 registered nurses (RNs) was included in the study.
Instrument and Data Collection The data was collected by using a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of three parts. Part one composed of 10 demographic questions. Part two is the “Nursing Stress Scale (NSS)” (Gray-Toft & Anderson, 1981) after modification with four responses on a likert scale: “never stressful =1, occasionally stressful=2 , frequently stressful=3, very stressful=4)“ .
Instrument and Data Collection (Cont.) The questionnaire composed of 40 items divided into three stress sources categories; physical environment, social environment and psychological environment. Part three of the questionnaire is related to “outcome of job stress”. This part consists of nine outcomes with two responses “no=1 and yes=2”.
Reliability & Validity Reliability of whole scale was measured by using the co-efficient alpha; it was (r=0.82), while the reliability of the original (NSS) (Gray-Toft & Anderson, 1981) was (r=0.89). To examine the content validity of the instrument, a panel of three expErts in nursing field were consulted, modifications were done according to their feedback . Moreover, a pilot study was conducted with 23 participants to determine the clarity of instrument, feedback indicated that the instrument was clear to the respondents.
Differences in Gender Mean Scores Regarding Physical and Social Stress.
Differences in gender mean scores regarding psychological and Overall stress No Significance result with Education, shift
Differences in Mean Score Between Nurses Working in Different Department Regarding Social Stress.
Differences in Working Hospital Mean Scores Regarding Physical Stress
Differences in Working Hospital Mean Scores Regarding Social Stress
Differences in Working Hospital Mean Scores Regarding Overall Stress
Differences in Nurses’ Income Mean Scores regarding Overall stress
Differences in Nurses’ Income Mean Scores regarding Social stress
Differences in Nurses’ Income Mean Scores Regarding Overall Stress
Differences in Nurses’ Working Unit Mean Scores Regarding Physical Stress
Differences in Nurses’ Working Unit Mean Scores Regarding Social Stress
Differences in Nurses’ Working Unit Mean Scores Regarding Psychological Stress
Differences in Nurses’ Working Unit Mean Scores regarding Overall Stress
Conclusion This study suggests that nurse administrators should assess the different types of work stress and put a strategy plan in order to eliminate or reduce the physical, social, and psychological sources of stress and consequently build stress management programs for nursing staff.