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PHILOSOPHY of SCIENCE. Week 3: Paradigms of Science. PARADIGM. PARADIGM. STRUCTURE Theory. Facts. OBJECTS. Aristotelian Matter Space Time Cause. Newtonian. Isaac Newton’s Paradigmatic Revolution.
PHILOSOPHYof SCIENCE Week 3: Paradigms of Science
Aristotelian Matter Space Time Cause Newtonian Isaac Newton’s Paradigmatic Revolution
Paradigms of Science(implicit philosophical bases of science) Ontological Paradigms Epistemological Paradigms Axiological Paradigms ICAS Jakarta 2003 4
Ontological Paradigms Materialism Atomism Mechanism ICAS Jakarta 2003 5
Ontological Paradigm 1Materialism The objects of science are pieces of matter Matter is the ultimate reality Mind is a material property ICAS Jakarta 2003 6
Ontological Paradigm 2Atomism The objects of science are the sum of parts The property of material objects is determined by the interactions of parts There are smallest parts of matter ICAS Jakarta 2003 7
Ontological Paradigm 3Mechanism The world is a great machine The parts of the world are machines To explain the world, find its mechanisms ICAS Jakarta 2003 8
Epistemological Paradigms Rationalism Empiricism Reductionism ICAS Jakarta 2003 9
Epistemological Paradigm 1Rationalism The universe has a rational order Science find natural laws rationally Science uses Logics and Mathematics ICAS Jakarta 2003 10
Epistemological Paradigm 2Empiricism The source of scientific knowledge is in the senses Instruments are the extensions of senses and muscles ICAS Jakarta 2003 11
Epistemological Paradigm 3Reductionism The whole is the sum of the parts The property of the whole is only caused by the interaction of the parts All systems reduced to machines 12
Axiological Paradigm Neutralism Humanism Individualism 13
Axiological Paradigm 1Neutralism Science is about facts not values Science is value-free Science is neutral ICAS Jakarta 2003 14
Axiological Paradigm 2Humanism Science is human knowledge Science is the highest knowledge Science is for human welfare ICAS Jakarta 2003 15
Axiological Paradigm 3Individualism Science is atomistic Individual is the atom of society The ultimate goal of scienceis the happiness of the individuals ICAS Jakarta 2003 16
PARADIGM OF SCIENCE AXIOLOGICALPARADIGM Neutralism Humanism Individualism TEORI EPISTEMOLOGICAL PARADIGM Rationalism Empiricism FAKTA Reductionism ONTOLOGICALPARADIGM Materialism Mechanism Atomism