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Building Academic Vocabulary in the Art Room Mathematics Grades 4-6

Building Academic Vocabulary in the Art Room Mathematics Grades 4-6. Oklahoma Academic Vocabulary Suggested Words and Terms Sandy Garrett State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Fourth Grade. Remember/Understand Apply Create Analyze. Remember/Understand Fourth Grade Word List.

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Building Academic Vocabulary in the Art Room Mathematics Grades 4-6

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Building Academic Vocabulary in the Art RoomMathematics Grades 4-6 Oklahoma Academic VocabularySuggested Words and Terms Sandy Garrett State Superintendent of Public Instruction

  2. Fourth Grade Remember/Understand Apply Create Analyze

  3. Remember/UnderstandFourth Grade Word List Elapsed Time Hundredths Tenths Rule Inequality Symbols Expanded Form (of a number) Standard Form (of a number)

  4. ApplyFourth Grade Word List Divisor Quotient Computation Equation Equivalent Variable Prediction Dividend Axis Associative

  5. CreateFourth Grade Word List Perpendicular Line Graph Intersecting Parallel Obtuse Angle Right Angle Acute Angle Expression

  6. AnalyzeFourth Grade Word List Frequency Table Reflection Rotation Translation Reasonable Inverse Operation

  7. Fifth Grade Remember/Understand Apply Create Analyze

  8. plus

  9. Remember/UnderstandFifth Grade Word List Improper Fraction Proper Fractions Thousandths Metric Prefixes (milli, centi, kilo) Greatest Common Factor (GCF) Least Common Factor (LCF) Least Common Multiples (LCM)

  10. ApplyFifth Grade Word List Deposit Range Mixed Numbers Percent Fair Number Cube Base Composite Withdraw

  11. CreateFifth Grade Word List Balanced Plane Venn Diagram Straight Line

  12. AnalyzeFifth Grade Word List Distributive Property Prime Ray Mean

  13. Sixth Grade Remember/Understand Apply Create Analyze

  14. Remember/UnderstandSixth Grade Word List Exponent Non-Terminating Decimal Order of Operations Pi Square Units Terminal Decimal

  15. ApplySixth Grade Word List Algebraic Expression Exponent Substitution Plane Figure Base Number Prime Factor Factorization Quadrilateral

  16. CreateSixth Grade Word List Circumference Diameter Radius Complement Coordinate Plane Sequences (arithmetic, geometric, Fibonacci)

  17. AnalyzeSixth Grade Word List Distributive Property Prime Evaluate Median Simplify

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