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Careers and Employability Service

Audits and SLAs . Careers and Employability Service. WHY OH WHY? . To comply with the recommendations made by the Academic Audit Committee’s thematic review of CEIAG in 2012

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Careers and Employability Service

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Audits and SLAs Careers and Employability Service

  2. WHY OH WHY? To comply with the recommendations made by the Academic Audit Committee’s thematic review of CEIAG in 2012 ‘its purpose is developmental: to provide an overall audit rating, but more importantly to initiate discussion, the development of a strategic action plan and to lead to a service level agreement’

  3. Where are we now? • 23 Audits and SLAs • 17 completed, 4 in pipeline, 2 outstanding • Working towards deadline of Monday 16th September 2013 • Following this date Tim will send out paper-copies of SLA to Head of School for signing (Copy to FAMS) • Completion of ‘Good Practice’ document to provide an overview for stakeholders • Academic School and CES to work through actions identified on Action Plan (SMART) • Organise review Spring Vacation (can be via email) • Plan for 2013-2014 (audit previous year, SLA coming year, QAA Quality Code Chapter B4)

  4. Key messages • ‘Thank you’ for all your hard work! • Not easy, documentation and process needs to be made simpler, less questions, consistency of wording across AP and SLA etc • Need for consistency via communication with Schools, how and when we share the audit and SLA etc • Confirm ‘scoring’ arrangement (red, amber, green? ) • Primarily the process is about ‘relationship management’ - we need to deliver on the discussions we have had and make it easy for the School to say YES next time • The Action Plan becomes a ‘working document’ (SMART)

  5. In your groups • Which audit questions do you think worked well? • Which questions do you think should be removed? • How should we describe a red, amber or green school? • How could we make the process simpler? • Do you think the Schools found the process useful? • How should we communicate the results with Stakeholders? • Is there any additional support you would have found beneficial?

  6. Advice from Jenny.

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