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5 reason why shredding document should be top of your priority

Too many documents mean too much information and that means your information is not secure enough. To be on the safer side make a good habit of shredding documents for the complete destruction of your data and peace of mind. To know more check out the presentation 5 reasons why shredding document should be top of your priority by Midcon shredding, paper shredding service Oklahoma city<br><br>

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5 reason why shredding document should be top of your priority

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  2. IT'STHELAW Legislationregardinginformationsecurityandprivacyis gettingrigorousdaybyday. Itwillcontinuetobethesamein thefuture. TheFairandAccurateCreditTransactionActof 2004 (FACTA) mandatesshreddingofsensitivedocumentsand filesforthosecompanieswhodon'tobeytherule. Makesure yourshreddingserviceprovidersendsyou “certificateof destruction” forprovinglegalcompliance.

  3. PROTECTYOUR CUSTOMERS Youshoulddowhateverisrequiredtoprotectyour customer'sinterestsi.e. sensitiveandconfidential information. Itisimportantthatyoushredthis informationrightafteryouaredonewithit. Elseyouhave yourreputationatrisk. 

  4. PROTECTINGYOUR EMPLOYEE Youremployeeshavetherighttohaveprivacyandtheyhave theexpectationthatyouwillnotdisclosetheirpersonal information. Youhavetheoldvoidedchecks, copiesofphoto ID, socialsecuritycards, healthcardsetc. whichshouldbe handledwithcare. Ifyouaresimplythrowingthemintoatrash canthenyouaresimplynotdoingenough. Shreddingthose documentsisamuchbetteralternative.

  5. IDENTITY THEFT AccordingtoBureauofJusticeStatisticsin2012, about16.6 millionU.S. residentsovertheageof16hadexperienceof identitytheftincidents. Ifyouwanttoprotectyourbusiness, employees, andcustomersthenitwillbesttoshredthe documentsthatarenolongerneeded.  Inthisway, the informationwillnotgointowronghands.

  6. GoGreen Ifyourcompanyhiredocumentshreddingservicethenthe serviceproviderwillnotonlyshredthepapersbutalso recycleit. Youcanbeproudofyourcontributiontowards thegreenerenvironmentandyoucanshowittoyour clients. Inadditiontothat, youwillsavespaceinyouroffice andtrashhaulingcostaswell.

  7. Contact US 13431BroadwayExt. Suite #116OklahomaCity, OK73114 888-913-6010 midconshredding26@gmail.com www.midconshredding.com

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