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Betty & Al Inc.

Betty & Al Inc. Corporate Planning Instructions. Overview. Betty and Al have inherited a small rug factory from a elderly uncle.

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Betty & Al Inc.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Betty & Al Inc. Corporate Planning Instructions

  2. Overview • Betty and Al have inherited a small rug factory from a elderly uncle. • They have decided to use the square rugs to design a yard game where players throw a bean bag onto a tri square rug to get points. (tri-square rugs is three square rugs connected at the corners)

  3. Initially they decide that Al will get a point if the bean bag falls on the largest square. • Betty will get a point if the bean bag falls on either of the smaller two squares. • No points are assigned if the bean bag falls in the triangle, or outside the square rugs • Since the area of the squares varies when using different sized rugs, the game is not always fair.

  4. Betty tried to design tri-square games where there was more surface area on the smaller two squares, giving her a better chance to win. • Al designed games where the largest square had more surface area giving him a better chance to score points. • Once in a while they discovered combinations that were fair for both. (equal areas) • Also there were some combinations of squares that could not be used because they couldn’t connect at the corners.

  5. Your Mission • Design tri-square rugs for either Betty or Al as assigned. • Lay out your designs and trace the rugs. • Fill in the resulting triangle with a bright color.

  6. Put several (at least 5) designs on a poster and clearly label the rug sizes. • Put any fair games you discover on the “Fair Game” poster at the front of the room.

  7. Each group will need the following: • 1 large poster • 1 set of square patterns • 1 dark marker for tracing • 3-5 bright markers for triangle

  8. Dos & Don’ts • Do label your poster with Betty or Al’s name • Do use pencil to trace patterns on poster board, Do not trace with markers • Do trace all square areas, don’t shade them in with colors • Do shade in all triangles in your design with bright colors. • Do have a theme to your colors (Bears or Colts, IU or Purdue)

  9. Get Ready • Get Set • Go

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