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Women’s Pay in the Era of WorkChoices

Women’s Pay in the Era of WorkChoices. Chris Briggs Workplace Research Centre (formerly acirrt) University of Sydney February 2007. Federal IR Reform: Overview. Philosophy : commercial law replacing labour law? Dimensions Shrinking Labour Law : low-wage sector policy

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Women’s Pay in the Era of WorkChoices

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Women’s Pay in the Era of WorkChoices Chris Briggs Workplace Research Centre (formerly acirrt) University of Sydney February 2007

  2. Federal IR Reform: Overview Philosophy: commercial law replacing labour law? Dimensions • Shrinking Labour Law: low-wage sector policy • Unifying Labour Law: same number of systems, more complexity? • Tilting Labour Law: regulating unions, empowering employers • AIRC reconfigured: union policing agency, dispute settlement outsourced • Centralising IR authority: unprecedented control over IR for Minister, Executive & Parliament

  3. IR Regulation: What Will Change

  4. Women: How is Their Pay Set?

  5. Women: the Awards-only Workforce?

  6. Projected Change to IR Regulation

  7. Why Awards Will Wither • Awards-only workers have no bargaining power • Increased incentives & lower costs of making agreements for award-only employers • Exit routes from awards e.g. transmission of business, terminate agreements, greenfields • Work-to-welfare reforms: labour supply for low-wage jobs • Product market competition in a Deregulated Labour Market ► perfect conditions for low paid sector to flourish

  8. De-Regulating Victorian Awards: Proportion of Low-Pay Jobs (<$10.50 p.h.)

  9. Women’s Pay: Collective Agreements vs AWAs, 2006

  10. Work Choices: the Data so Far … • OEA data: single-rate AWA’s stripping away award conditions • 1/6 remove all award conditions • 80% remove/cut over-time payments, 75% holiday payments, 60% penalty rates • ABS Wages Data • Sluggish average wage growth • Female AWOTE fell in real terms Aug – Nov 2006 • Rising gap between female-dominated & male-dominated industries

  11. Low-Pay: Australia, UK, USA

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