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14th European Patchwork Festival in Ste. Marie-aux-Mines, France (Sept. 18 – 21, 2008) „Latino American Quilts“ presented by BERNINA International AG. Enjoy this virtual visit especially made for you by Sabine Scheiner, BERNINA Area Manager New Markets.
14th European Patchwork Festival in Ste. Marie-aux-Mines, France (Sept. 18 – 21, 2008) „Latino American Quilts“presented byBERNINA International AG Enjoy this virtual visit especially made for you by Sabine Scheiner, BERNINA Area Manager New Markets
Motifs and colours of the Latino American Quilts make the visitors smile. They love the precise work of the Chilenians, they are excited about the strong colour combinations of the Mexicans, they are thrilled by the details in the Brazilian quilts and they long to sit down and enjoy the virtual cup of coffee from Costa Rica.
Visit from Brazil: 17 quilt fans from Sao Paulo quilt group of Benigna & Wagner, among them some artists of the „Mandalas from Pantanal“ exhibition Benigna Rodrigues da Silva & Wagner Vivan „The Genesis“ Benigna Rodrigues da Silva & Wagner Vivan „I also buy Prada“ Not the artist Egly Martinez Siqueira, but her friend with „The Anaconda Snake“ Maricéa Rezende de Almeida „Sunset in the Pantanal“
Visit from Brazil: 17 quilt fans from Sao Paulo quilt group of Benigna & Wagner, among them some artists of the „Mandalas from Pantanal“ exhibition Maria Luiza F. Hasegawa „Tucunaré Fish“ Anna Maria CastanhoS. de Souza „Blue grotto“ Edith Puglia Sanchez „Umburana Tree“ Ondina la Felippe „Night comes“
Mandalas from Pantanal Region Aparecida Leme „Dourado –The King of the River “ Ilka de Freitas „Mandala do Pantanal“ Aldri Zanetti „Morning has broken in the Pantanal“ Maria Aparecida Aro „Ipê Flowers“ Maria Helena Steed „Tucano bird“ Dirce Martins Morra „Victoria Regia“
Mandalas from Pantanal Region Denise Degani „The Pantanal from a Quilter‘s View“ Wagner Vivan & Benigna Rodrigues da Silva Rita Rocco „Pequis“ – flowers, fruits, perfumes, taste „I also buy Prada“ Patricia Geraldes „The Metamorphosis“ Urbana Garcia Campagner „The woodpecker“ Zuleide Maria de S. Pontes „Blue Arara“
Pantanal &more Quilts from Brazil Maria Cecília Mora „Ants‘ work“ Alessandra C. Sitrino „Pantanal fauna“ Vera Lúcia Mendes „Suspect Silence“ Elisabeth Cox & Hannelore Gehring „Autumn Leaves“
Quilts from Brazil Jane Lori Selbach Leonetti „Maria at the cross“ Jaci Souza & Murilo Lapido „Humming birds“ Maria Lúcia Azara „Fire Street“ in Paratí
Visit from Brazil All enjoy French Cuisine at night
Quilts from Chile – feel the Andes Bernarda Mercado „Horses trot at the desert“ Ana Mar‘ia Cabello „Southern Resemblance“ Soledad Courbis „Shaman“
Modern Quilts from Chile 1 2 1 Beatrice Klotz „Deformation“ 2 + 4 Beatrice Klotz „Who chases who?“ 3 Ingrid Schaub „Without Name“ 4 3
Modern Quilts from Chile Pilar Donoso „Autumn“ Pilar Donoso „Beige on Beige“
Lucía Stachetti „Waves“ Jorge Fredes „Black & White“
Costa Rica presents colours and flavours Made by BERNINA-Importers Patricia & Irene Mendez My way back home From the rainy forest‘s heart Colours from coffee
Mexico shows a firework of colours Karen Padilla Romero & Jaime Jesus Caballero Lemus „Jarabe Tapatio Dance“ and „Rodeo“
Mexico tells a love story What happens under the sombrero? Karen Padilla Romero & Jaime Jesus Caballero Lemus „History“ The sad end
Quilts from Mexico Patricia Donahue „She loves us“ Wendy Amore Cards from Mexican Lottery Game Series „The little Devil“ „The Mermaid“ „The Hand“ Maria Guadalupe Salninas Alcantara „Virgin of Guadeloupe“
BERNINA Russia presents „Black & White“
Japan Eye confusing indigo stripes
Dörte Bach shows „Klangstreifen – Sound stripes“
„Sound stripes“ • Interesting elements: • Sew on paper • Paint on leather • Use hand-died fabrics • Integrate unusual elements • Work with felt and wool, leather, fur etc.
Tove Piraja Hansen Miscellaneous impressions
BERNINA workshop „Flowers“ Our „Gardeners“ Elisabeth, Sarah and Rosmarie (not on the photo)