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“New York Catch Up”. Stage 3 Design and Craft. Seminar 2 – what was covered?. Identification and editing of potential research topics How to plan and structure the essay. Potential research topics. Broad ideas relating to studio Too broad? Too vague?
“New York Catch Up” Stage 3 Design and Craft
Seminar 2 – what was covered? • Identification and editing of potential research topics • How to plan and structure the essay
Potential research topics • Broad ideas relating to studio • Too broad? Too vague? • Family secrets – concealment. The past and the self, psychoanalysis, Freud, Jung ….….…photography, truth, Barthes….. • Childhood and motherhood – where has this been a concern? – within painting, within psychoanalysis, within photography, within advertising - within sociology, within femininist writing on identity • Aim to integrate studio interests and motivation with the approaches and content that interest you most
Potential research topics • Aim to ‘map’ potential areas of interest through your reading and place a ‘magnifying glass’ on one or two • To do this effectively you will need to have begun your research by sourcing texts and materials relevant to your developing interests and themes • Research is ‘open’; it is hunches and clues. Gather evidence, follow your interests. Can you explore what you have through your Notebook?
What does a comparison of artistic and scientific process offer the contemporary printmaker? What is the relationship between war photography and truth and how has it changed in the twentieth century: a study of four key photographers? What would femininity be if women’s consciousness were released? What is the impact of digital technology on contemporary textiles; a study of 3 key designers?
The Essay • A journey towards your final research question? • Explore and draft possibilities • Discuss the structure with your tutor
“Writing is not a McDonald’s hamburger. In the beginning you are not sure whether a roast or a banquet or a lamb chop will be the result”Natalie Goldberg. Writing Down the Bones.
How to begin? • Brainstorm – Writing Frames – Text • Frames • Question Mark (128) • Visual Mind Map (p129) • Grid • Other Maps
(Brainstorm – Writing Frames – Text) Writing Frame 3: Topic Grid
What is expected at Seminar 3 on Thursday? • potential research topic/s • evidence of research • see tasks and complete as far as you are able
Why? • The assignment is based on the assertion that you cannot formulate a good research question/proposal for Stage 4 until you know what you are talking about? • Semester 2 provides time to explore potential themes and identify a focus for Stage 4 • Your exploration is the focus of Semester 2, the focus of your Notebook and the content of your essay