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Please take out. Latin America paper from yesterday Pencil/pen Colored pencils/crayons, Twistables 3-ring binder paper. Student Planner. PLEASE TAKE OUT A PEN OR PENCIL. Latin America Mexico Central America South America. Mexico. Central America. South America. Mesoamerica.

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  1. Please take out Latin America paper from yesterday Pencil/pen Colored pencils/crayons, Twistables 3-ring binder paper


  3. Latin America Mexico Central America South America Mexico Central America South America

  4. Mesoamerica Middle America

  5. Early Human Migrations

  6. 12,000 B .C, • the first people • from Asia • Anuit people • hunter-gatherers

  7. Ch. 14-1 Cornell Notes • 1. Mesoamerica • 2. Latin • America 1a). region that includes Mexico and parts of Central America 1b). also called Middle America 2. Mexico, Mesoamerica, South America

  8. Ch. 14-1 Cornell Notes • 3a). 12,000 B.C. the • first people in • the Americas from • Asia • 3b). Hunter-gatherers • maize = corn • squash, beans, chocolate = cacao, • potatoes, cotton • 3. The • Anuit • 4. important • crops

  9. Ch. 14-1 Cornell Notes 5a). obsidian, jade, cotton, chocolate, rubber trees 5b). llamas • 5. trade

  10. Palenque Built BY the ancient Mayan civilization Priests held religious ceremonies from the top level Flat terraces were made for farming to grow crops Temples were created to worship their gods King Pacal was buried at the bottom of one of the pyramid-shaped temples Plazas (communicate) Outdoor markets (buy and sell goods)

  11. Palenque Built BY the ancient Mayan civilization Priests held religious ceremonies from the top level Flat terraces were made for farming to grow crops Temples were created to worship their gods King Pacal was buried at the bottom of one of the pyramid-shaped temples Plazas (communicate) Outdoor markets (buy and sell goods)

  12. The “Columbian Exchange”

  13. Over 100 Different Types of Potatoes Cultivated by the Incans

  14. From the New World to the Old World

  15. Topography

  16. European Empires in the Americas

  17. Satellite Image of Latin America

  18. TopographyofLatinAmerica

  19. MountainsandPeaks Andes Mts.

  20. Palenque • Built BY the ancient Mayan civilization • Priests held religious ceremonies from the top level • Flat terraces were made for farming to grow crops • Temples were created to worship their gods • King Pacal was buried at the bottom of one of the pyramid-shaped temples • Plazas (communicate) • Outdoor markets (buy and sell goods)

  21. Palenque

  22. Chinampas, pg. 412 • Floating gardens • Farmers grew crops on them • They anchored the rafts to trees in the water • They put soil onto the rafts to grow crops • Built by the Aztecs • In Tenochtitlan • one of the Aztec’s greatest ACHIEVEMENTS

  23. Chinampas http://www.chinampas.info/

  24. Inca’s Roads, pg. 432 • Built by the Incas • Enabled them to cross the coast, deserts, forests, grasslands, plains and mountains by overcoming rugged terrain • This enabled them to (a) transport goods (b) to communicate with others (c) help build a strong government • Enabled them to travel through the rugged Andes Mountains

  25. Inca Roads http://www.marvelousspatuletail.net/

  26. Aztec Calendar

  27. Aztec Calendars, pg. 420 • They used astronomy to create the calendar • Similar to the Mayan calendar • The priests studied astronomy the most and helped to maintain the calendar • Calendars used for- (a) ceremonies, battles, planting and harvesting crops • They built observatories to help them study the stars (pg. 398)

  28. Machu Picchu, pg. 428 • A royal retreat for the Inca rulers • Build sacred mountain peaks • An amazing engineering accomplishment • Inca farmers grew corn, potatoes, plants for medicine

  29. Machu Picchu

  30. Class Notes • Crops from South America • maize- corn • potatoes • cocoa = chocolate • ***animal- the llama • 4. Traded these with European explorers1490’s when they came to the Americas

  31. Observatories • Study astronomy (the planets and stars) 2. Created calendars = days; crops; religious events; battles 3. Built by the Maya 4. Emphasized mathematics

  32. Tenochitlan • Wealthy Aztec city • Used special roads to cross the water called a causeway • The city was surrounded by water • Chinampas were important One of the greatest cities in the Americas • Hernan Cortes led the conquistadors (Spanish soldiers; 1400’s) and conquered Tenochitlan; • Cortes’ men killed leader of Aztec empire(Moctezuma II)

  33. causeway • Causeway- raised roads across water or wet ground that connected the island to the shore • Made of rocks covered with dirt

  34. Hernan Cortes • In 1519 arrived in Mexico • With his conquistadors (Spanish soldiers) • Met with Moctezuma II • Moctezuma II gave him gifts; welcomed him • Cortes captured and killed him • Took over Tenochitlan • Killed the Aztecs

  35. Moctezuma II leader of the Aztecs Was captured and killed by Cortes and the conquistadors

  36. Malintzin- Aztec She was captured from her Aztec family, sold into slavery; given to Cortes; learned several languages; called malinchista (betrayed her own people); helped the Spanish defeat the Aztecs; became Cortes’s companion and interpreter

  37. Pizarro • Organized expeditions to explore the west coast of South America • Wanted to exert Spanish control over the Incas • Founded the capital city Lima, Peru • Used horses and guns to kill Incas • His people brought diseases that killed Incas

  38. The European Conquest of the Americas By: Ms. Susan M. PojerHorace Greeley HS Chappaqua, NY

  39. Christófo Colón [1451-1506]

  40. Columbus’ Four Voyages

  41. Ferdinand Magellan & the First Circumnavigation of the World:Early 16c

  42. The First Spanish Conquests:The Aztecs vs. Fernando Cortes Montezuma II

  43. The Death of Montezuma II

  44. Mexico Surrenders to Cortés

  45. The First Spanish Conquests: The Incas vs. Francisco Pizarro Atahualpa

  46. Why would the 'Columbian Exchange' be considered the tsunami of unintentional "bio-terrorism"?? Docs. 1- 4

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