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Learn to prepare final accounts from double entry to balance sheet, including accruals/prepayments, control accounts, and corrections. Master essential accounting elements and analyze financial statements effectively.
Prior to Final Accounts Double Entry including accruals/prepayments to simple P&L and Balance Sheet Incomplete records Control Accounts – Subsidiary Books Depreciation and Disposal Correction of Errors Bank Reconciliations
Double Entry Two aspects to all transactions Matching of Debits and Credits
Double Entry Assets and Liabilities – cash & credit, capital Purchases, Sales and Returns Revenue and expenses Drawings – cash, stock, expenses, f. assets Debtors & Creditors – discount, interest, bad debts Simple final accounts – two sided
Transfer to final accounts Record the following transactions in the appropriate accounts of An Other, balance the accounts and prepare final accounts and Bal Sheet, 1. Owner invested €45,000 in a Business Bank alc. 2. Paid rent by cheque €800. 3. Purchased goods on credit from S. Collins €8,400. 4. Sold goods on credit to J. Reilly €9,600. 5. Sold goods for cash €2,500. 6. Purchased goods by cash €2,000. 7. Paid rent by cash €600. 8. Paid S. Collins by cheque €2000. 9. Returned goods to S. Collins €700. 10. Cash sales lodged €5,650. 11. J. Reilly returned goods €200. 12. Paid wages by cheque €650. 13. J. Reilly paid €5,000 by cheque. 14. Received rent €400 cash.
Moving towards “normality” Split Trading from P & L Trial Balance Vertical Approach
Subsidiary Books Source documents List Reduce entries in accounts in nominal ledger
1 Debit matching 6 Credits
Sequence Prepayments & Accruals Bad Debts Provision Simple Incomplete – ord level Control Accounts – Subsidiary Books Depreciation and Disposal Bank Reconciliations Final Accounts – ord level building adjustments
Adding adjustments to ord Qns Writing off some closing stock Goods on sale or return Bad debts recovered Adjusting BDP Building extension to premises – own labour and materials Built in accruals and prepayments
Adjustments • Hardest Part is sorting the English • Read a Little Talk a Little • Use Dr Cr grid • Make out the accounts