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Pdf⚡️(read✔️online) The Portfolio Life: How to Future-Proof Your Career, Avoid Burnout, and Build a Life Bigger than You

14 minutes ago - COPY LINK TO DOWNLOAD : https://koencoeng-ygtersakity.blogspot.mx/?lophe=1538710471 | Read ebook [PDF] The Portfolio Life: How to Future-Proof Your Career, Avoid Burnout, and Build a Life Bigger than Your Business Card | What Color Is Your Parachute?meets Out of Officein this inspiring, practical playbook to achieve sustainable work-life balance while optimizing your happiness, personal growth, and bank accounts. Pouring yourself into a single full-time job is the riskiest move you can make. Your parents&#8217 advice to focus on one career path? It doesn&#8217t work anymore, for reasons ranging from recessions to student loan debt, the gig economy, climate disasters, and a global pandemic (to name a few). We need a dramatically different relationship with work, one that allows us to define ourselves beyond our paid labor. The answer? A Portfolio Life. An anti-hustle, pro-rest approach to work-life balance, a Portfolio Life is built on three tenets: You are more than any one role or opportunity. Diversification will help you navigate change and mitigate uncertainty. When (not if) your needs change, you can and should rebalance. In The Portfolio Life, Harvard professor, serial entrepreneur, and self-described &quothuman Venn diagram&quot Christina Wallace adapts tried-and-true practices from the business sector to help you eschew the cult of ambition and experience the freedom of building the flexible, fulfilling, and sustainable life you want. Drawing on research, case studies, and her own experience, she walks you step-by-step through the process of designing a strategy for the long haul. Because you deserve rest, relationships, and a rewarding career&#8212not someday, but today. After all, you only live once. <br>

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Pdf⚡️(read✔️online) The Portfolio Life: How to Future-Proof Your Career, Avoid Burnout, and Build a Life Bigger than You

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  1. LINK IN LAST PAGE Detail The Portfolio Life: How to Future-Proof Your Career, Avoid Burnout, and Build a Life Bigger than Your Business Card

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