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Project ID: (HUSRB/1002/214/1 20 )

Research cooperation on developing innovative fish feed for promotion of healthy food in the region. Dragan Palić, Jovanka Lević , Đ uro Vukmirović , Radmilo Čolović , Erno Gyimes , Istvan Lepran. Project acronym: FEED-PRO-FOOD. Project ID: (HUSRB/1002/214/1 20 ).

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Project ID: (HUSRB/1002/214/1 20 )

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Research cooperation on developing innovative fish feed for promotion of healthy food in the region Dragan Palić, Jovanka Lević, ĐuroVukmirović, Radmilo Čolović, ErnoGyimes, IstvanLepran Project acronym: FEED-PRO-FOOD Project ID: (HUSRB/1002/214/120) 6th Central European Congress on Food, Novi Sad, Serbia, May 23rd-26th, 2012

  2. Instrument for pre-accession (IPA) Instrument for pre-accession (IPA) Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme: www.hu-srb-ipa.com 2nd Call -HUSRB/1002: 12 359 230 EUR 3 Priorities, 4 Areas of Intervention and 10 different Actions Action 2.1.4: Product oriented research, development and innovation

  3. Project partners University of Novi Sad, Institute of Food Technology (FINS) University of Szeged, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Food Engineering(SZTE)

  4. Project general details • Project title: Research co-operation on developing • innovative fish feedfor promotion of healthy food • in the region • Project ID: HUSRB/1002/214/120 • Project acronym: FEED-PRO-FOOD • Duration of the Project: 18 months • Project starting date: January 1st, 2012 • Project end date: June 30th,2013

  5. Project budget • Total budget: 277,820.00 EUR • IPA (85%): 236,147.00 EUR • FINS: 125,655.50 EUR • SZTE: 110,491.50 EUR

  6. Background

  7. Problem Common carp is the predominant species in both countries. The CVD mortalities are over 50% in both countries. The per capita fish meat consumption in Serbia and Hungary is around 5 kg, being among the lowest in Europe. Consumption of fish meat rich in ω-3 and ω-6 fatty decreases CVD mortality rates. Cyprinuscarpio Increase in production and consumption of carp meat with improved quality will lower the risk of CVD.

  8. Activity plan Activity 1: Development of fish feed formulations Activity 2: Parametars of feed technological processing Activity 3: Fish feed quality - chemical assessment Activity 4: Feed performance in fish feeding trials Activity 5: Fish meat quality - chemical assessment Activity 6: Fish meat quality - biological assessment Activity 7: Dissemination of results

  9. Activityplan – Novi Sad/Szeged Activity 1: Development of fish feed formulations

  10. Activityplan – Novi Sad Activity 2: Parameters of feed technological processing PILOT PLANT OF FEED-TO- FOOD CENTER AT THE INSTITUTE OF FOOD TECHNOLOGY

  11. Activityplan – Novi Sad/Szeged • Activity 3: Fish feed quality - chemical assessment • physical properties • chemical composition and • fatty acid content HAKI CENTER Activity 4: Feed performance in fish feeding trials The efficiency of new feeds will be tested in feeding trial with common carp.

  12. Activityplan – Novi Sad/Szeged Activity 6: Fish meat quality – biological assessment - feeding trials with mammalian model animals, i.e. rats. - specific physiological effects (weight gain, blood pressure, heart rate and ex vivo platelet aggregation changes of rats) Activity 5: Fish meat quality – chemical assessment - basic chemical composition and fatty acid profile of fish meat • Activity 7: Dissemination of results • lectures for pre-school and primary school educators and consumers • workshops for agro-food sector • leaflets • web-portal: www.feed-pro-food.uns.ac.rs

  13. Target groups • Target groups of this project are the role-players in feed-to-food chain: • Feed manufacturers are a target group who will benefit from the • project by being provided with an high-quality, • environmentally sustainable fish feed. • Another target group are fish producers, who will benefit by being • able to offer healthier fish meat. • The main target group are end-users of fish meat, i.e. consumers. • Consumer target sub-group is the one with cardiovascular deceases • (CVD), who will benefit by lowering the risk of CVD development.

  14. Benefits Newly developed floating feed will bring: I Improved income/expense ratio, at least 10% II Positive environmental effect III Improved ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids in carp meat - narrowing it to the marine fish ratio • Fish producers: • faster fish growth • less feed spending • better health status • Feed producers: • increased turnover • higher demand for feed • shorter feeding circle

  15. Project team members FINS (14) Dr Dragan Palić, project manager Dr Jovanka Lević Slavica Sredanović, MSc Dr Olivera Djuragić Dr Slavko Filipović Dr Šandor Kormanjoš Radmilo Čolović, MSc Dušica Ivanov, MSc SZTE (8) Dr Erno Gyimes Dr Antal Veha Dr Judit Peter Szucs Balazs Szabo, MSc Ibolya Gálné Szabados Bernadett Anna Macsek External experts: Dr. István Cserngeri Dr. István Leprán Đuro Vukmirović Bojana Kokić, MSc Nedeljka Spasevski, MSc Zdenka Marković Albert Kormanjoš External expert: Dr. Rade Jovanović This presentation has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The content of the presentation is the sole responsibility of Institute of Food Technology and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union and/ or the Managing Authority.

  16. ToxFreeFeed Improvement of safety of corn-based feedstuffs through using more resistant hybrids and management of corn processing HUSRB/1002/122/062 Partners: Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science and Informatics, University of Szeged, Hungary University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad, Serbia Cereal Research Non-profit Ltd., Szeged, Hungary University of Novi Sad, Institute of Food Technology (FINS), Novi Sad, Serbia

  17. Thank you for your attention!

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