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Explore the significance of grandparent-grandchild relationships in young adulthood and how conditions affecting grandparents' health may influence these bonds. Research reveals emotional closeness, shared activities, and the impact of changing demographics on intergenerational connections.
A Case for the Importance of Grandparent-Grandchild Relationships in young adulthood
With entry into adulthood…. • relationships with significant others outside the family assume increased importance for most young adults • Often increases in physical distance between young adults and their grandparents (I.e., leave home) • grandchildren typically acquire the freedom to identify the boundaries and the borders of relationships with their grandparents
Boon & Brussoni (1996) • 73% emotionally close • More frequent contact and greater value placed on contact • Wider array of shared activities and perceived benefits • High(er) levels of perceived influence
With entry into adulthood…. • Changes in/challenges to a grandparent’s health may form an increasingly important part of the backdrop of the grandparent-grandchild relationship as grandchildren age • Physical and cognitive changes associated with aging • Chronic illness/disability • Depression/anxiety
Research Question • Do conditions that affect grandparents’ health also affect their young adult grandchildren??
Boon & Shaw (2007) • 153 undergraduates • with one or more grandparents living with physical, cognitive or psychological impairment • 57% emotionally close
Wide range of impairments • Physical impairments • Visual (71.3%) • High blood pressure/stroke (62.7%) • Arthritis/rheumatism (58.7%) • Auditory (55.3%) • Digestive problems (38.3%) • Cognitive impairments(due to) • Medication (32.0%) • Stroke (15.5%) • Senile dementia (13.7%) • Alzheimer’s disease (7.5%) • Depression/Anxiety (37.6)
Changing Demographics • Older adults in western nations are living longer than ever before • Substantially greater opportunities for grandchildren and grandparents to build and maintain relationships • Increased opportunity for grandparent health to impact these relationships AND for these relationships to impact grandparent health
Conclusions • Many young adults experience relationships with their “closest” grandparents as influential and emotionally satisfying bonds
The Good News… • At least until it reaches a certain threshold of severity, a grandparent’s diminished or declining health may have relatively little NEGATIVE impact on the grandparent-grandchild relationship
Nevertheless • practitioners and policy makers would be well advised to consider how impairments to elder family members’ health may affect relations with grandchildren
Special Thanks to Mariana Brussoni Megan Shaw