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Enhancing FILS Support in 802.11ai Standard

This document proposes solutions to issues related to FILS support in the 802.11ai standard, including addressing problems with duplicate FILS frames and multiple BSSID support. It suggests incorporating new fields in the FILS frame content to indicate primary channels and multiple BSSIDs, improving network selection, and enhancing STA-AP communication.

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Enhancing FILS Support in 802.11ai Standard

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  1. Date: Nov, 2012 FILS Frame Content Authors: Date: 2012-11-01 Liwen Chu, ST

  2. Conformance w/ TGai PAR & 5C Liwen Chu, ST

  3. Date: Nov, 2012 Non-HT Duplicate FILS Support Liwen Chu, ST

  4. Non-HT Duplicate FILS in 802.11ai 802.11ai allows an AP to transmit a duplicate FILS frame. (See below.) In the FILS frame content definition (11-12/1030), there are no indications of the primary channel nor the operating channel bandwidth. Problem: A STA that receives a duplicate FILS frame doesn’t know where to receive the beacon. Date: Nov, 2012 Preamble Payload/FILS Advertisement Primary channel of the transmitter Payload/FILS Advertisement Preamble Payload/FILS Advertisement Preamble Payload/FILS Advertisement Preamble Slide 4 Liwen Chu, ST

  5. Solution: Optional Primary Channel Indication in FILS A Primary Channel field is added to FILS to indicate the 20MHz primary channel of the BSS: Operating Class (1 byte), Since the primary channel that is used to transmit beacon is always 20MHz channel. This can be removed. Channel Number (1 byte). A Primary Channel Present subfield (1 bit) indicates whether the FILS frame includes the Operating Class and Channel Number. When FILS is not transmitted in a non-HT duplicate PPDU, Primary Channel Present is set to 0. When transmitting a duplicate FILS frame, an AP can indicate the 20MHz primary channel by the Primary Channel field. A STA that receives FILS in a secondary channel can switch to the primary channel to receive the Beacon at the TBTT. Date: Nov, 2012 Liwen Chu, ST

  6. Date: Nov, 2012 Multiple BSSID Support Liwen Chu, ST

  7. Multiple BSSID An AP device may support multiple BSSIDs (with .11v). Only one AP (the transmitted AP identified by transmitted BSSID) broadcasts beacons. Once an STA receives a beacon with Multiple BSSID IE, it can figure out the non-transmitted BSSID and the profile of the non-transmitted AP. Other APs in the same AP device define the operation of their networks through the non-transmitted profiles and the management information of the transmitted AP. A STA can associate with a non-transmitted AP. If a STA receives a FILS and decides that the SSID in FILS is not what the STA wants, the STA may sense another channel right away. Problem: In FILS a STA can’t figure out the networks identified by the non-transmitted BSSIDs. The STA may miss a BSS that it might want to associate with. Date: Nov, 2012 Liwen Chu, ST

  8. Solution: Multiple BSSID Indication in FILS A Multiple BSSID Present bit can be put in FILS frame, e.g. in FD Capability field. Once a STA receives FILS with Multiple BSSID Present being set to 1, the STA can select to receive the normal beacon or send a Probe Request. Or the content of the .11v Multiple BSSID IE can be a optional variable field in the FILS frame. Propose to use option 1. Date: Nov, 2012 Liwen Chu, ST

  9. Date: Nov, 2012 FD Capability Field Liwen Chu, ST

  10. FD Capability Field in 11-12/1030 Date: Nov, 2012 Liwen Chu, ST

  11. FD Capability Discussion The FD Capability field is for network selection and not for BSS operation. Most bits in Capability field are for BSS operation. They should not be in FD Capability, e.g. subfields in Capability field except Privacy subfield. dot11PHYType includes many old types which should not be in FD Capability. 2 bits should be used to identify the network type: 11b, 11a/11g, 11n, 11ac. Or, 2 bits should be used to identify the BSS capability: 20MHz, 40MHz, 80MHz, 160MHz/80MHz+80MHz. Or, their combination. Supported Minimum Rate field provides no help to BSS selection. What is helpful is the network’s maximum rate that is identified by the maximum data rate, or the combination of channel bandwidth, number of spatial stream, modulation, and coding rate). The most valuable items are channel bandwidth and number of spatial streams. Date: Nov, 2012 Liwen Chu, ST

  12. Updated FD Capability Date: Nov, 2012 • Option 1: B0 B2 B3 B5 B6 B12 B15 B8 B10 B9 B11 B13 000: 20MHz 001: 40MHz 010: 80MHz 011: 160MHz 100: Reserved 101: Reserved 110: Reserved 111: Reserved 000: 1 001: 2 010: 3 011: 4 100: 5-6 101: 7-8 110: Reserved 111: Reserved 000: Pre-HT 001: HT 010: VHT 011: Reserved 100: Reserved 101: Reserved 110: Reserved 111: Reserved • Option 2: B0 B2 B3 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B15 000: 1 001: 2 010: 3 011: 4 100: 5-6 101: 7-8 110: Reserved 111: Reserved 000: 20MHz 001: 40MHz 010: 80MHz 011: 160MHz 100: Reserved 101: Reserved 110: Reserved 111: Reserved Liwen Chu, ST

  13. Updated FD Capability (Cont’d) Date: Nov, 2012 • Option 3: B0 B2 B3 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B15 000: 1 001: 2 010: 3 011: 4 100: 5-6 101: 7-8 110: Reserved 111: Reserved 000: Pre-HT 001: HT 010: VHT 011: Reserved 100: Reserved 101: Reserved 110: Reserved 111: Reserved • Option 2 is preferable since it is simple and conveys enough information (i.e. Bandwidth, and Nss) to describe the BSS PHY data rate. Liwen Chu, ST

  14. Straw Poll 1 Date: Nov, 2012 • Do you support to add 1-bit Primary Channel Present and optional 8-bit Primary Channel field in FILS frame? • Yes • No • Abstain Liwen Chu, ST

  15. Straw Poll 2 Date: Nov, 2012 • Do you support to add 1-bit Multiple BSSID Present in FILS frame? • Yes • No • Abstain Liwen Chu, ST

  16. Straw Poll 3 Date: Nov, 2012 • Do you support option 2 of FILS Capability in slide 12? • Yes • No • Abstain Liwen Chu, ST

  17. Motion 1 Date: Nov, 2012 • Move to add 1-bit Primary Channel Present and optional 8-bit Primary Channel field in FILS frame? • Yes • No • Abstain Liwen Chu, ST

  18. Motion 2 Date: Nov, 2012 • Move to add 1-bit Multiple BSSID Present in FILS frame? • Yes • No • Abstain Liwen Chu, ST

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