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My New Year Resolution and Wishes. By ian walker.
My New Year Resolution and Wishes By ian walker
high grades high grades are important because High grades in class cause if you don’t how you gonna pass you have to get that’s what you have to do beacause you just have to you know I don’t think you know go on the internet and find out I think theres a web sight or something is there a website • My new years resolution is to get high grades in this class
Be a good person and stuff because if your not a good person then stuff will happen to like bad because bad happen a lot you know what I mean that’s you have to be good just be good cause being good is good right if your not a good person then you’re a bad one being bad is bad not good you have to be good you cant be bad all the time only sometimes because no one can be good all the time because you just cant its not possible its just not or is it walker ian walker ian walker ian walker ian walker ian walker ian walker ian walker ian walker ian walker ian walker ian walker ian walker ian walker ian walker ian walker ian walker ethjesdhjfadsgjdsnbxiucx nczx.kcxmbcxzjCXJUkcnxbcjzk.xjzm,xnmzxbcjxzlcjkxcbznxb,zmxl,ckzlx,c.zxjcosdlkasfdvc;sdfuds;oiscjdcdsacpdiscbsdjcjdgcuidcjmdnc’d;oe0eiesyusieshksfjdskladsuiasjd,ask/odsdshfmsf;sdkflsdmndhvd;kdjdvbildaa.jdsvbdhdsijdssdbfnds,.ucf.djbcdau.lr;rkhjdbvlidh.dsadsjdbcsm,hddslksddnvfidskfdmsb.dskagdjgf;/dasjebfjd./ailodkjdbnfv/;ibdnd/diandf;d/jfbafjhbafslfsirsgrljrflskdbndbvoafdfihdfbnfdlfhbdndfsl;f.mbfanvdifa.bfdnhvffauidfbhdefilafyadfgrfiquydfafyfdliufkgjafkfajiafhuifdgaejdugfsajadgadjkjadkjguadsoqduidsagduoaursaguegedugfd7ye7eoiegyrefdoeugfeudpegduueighvhdsvfjklajkljakjdkjadgdhgdhfkhgdufiudefkjdgfkdhvduakdageiejhekujaeifdjebiegufieiwekuwwkejdgiwdjdfvaweildheldehjkwifwelewjdfelkujefdueheuydyeyeyeyeyyeyyyyyyyytyyyyegtefdghdfdhdydsjgsdghdsjsdhgdsghdsjdshdshdsjdsjdsjdsjdshdsjdsjdshdshdshsdhjhsdjdsjdshdshdshjhsdjhdsjhdsjhdsjhdsjhdsjhdsjhdsjhdsjhdsjhdsjhsdjhdshdshdshdshjhshdjhsdjhsdjhsdjhjhhjjhjhhjjhhjhjhjhjjhhjjhhjjhgffggffggfgfgfgfgffggffgdxb xz xzbndnbhdcmbcbcmnc jhdsjhdsjhdshdukdysahjsahsasamhsansmasmsaasnsansasabbnxznbxcvxzhnmxzbnxzmnxzmbxznbxzmnxzmnxznbcnbxznbxznxnbxznbxzbnbnnbbnbnbnbnbnbnbnbnbnbnbnbnbnnbbnnbbnbnbnxnbxzbnxznbxznbxznbxznbxznbxznbxznbxznbxznbxznbxznbxzbnxzbnxznbxzbxzbnxahsajsbnsmvshjshnsmnmstetetyttytytytytyytytyttyytytytyegegtegegdganxbxnxxzzczcxvfxvcxxvvvvxvcvvcvcvcvcvcvcvcvcvcvcvcvcvccvvccvcvvcxxcbbbbbbbnmmnmnmnmnmnaaassasasasssssssaassasasasssasssasssssssssssssssssssssbitch awhatthefuckis • Do stuff