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Meng, J,Toki, H, Zhou, SG, Zhang, SQ, Long, WH, Geng, LS, Relativistic continuum Hartree Bogoliubov theory for ground-state properties of exotic nuclei, PROGRESS IN PARTICLE AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS, VOL 57, NO 2, 57 (2): 470-563 2006
Meng, J,Toki, H, Zhou, SG, Zhang, SQ, Long, WH, Geng, LS, Relativistic continuum Hartree Bogoliubov theory for ground-state properties of exotic nuclei, PROGRESS IN PARTICLE AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS, VOL 57, NO 2, 57 (2): 470-563 2006 • Meng, J; Toki, H; Zeng, JY; Zhang, SQ; Zhou, SG, Giant halo at the neutron drip line in Ca isotopes in relativistic continuum Hartree-Bogoliubov theory, PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 65 (4): Art. No. 041302 APR 2002 • Zhang, W; Meng, J; Zhang, SQ; Geng, LS; Toki, H, Magic numbers for superheavy nuclei in relativistic continuum Hartree-Bogoliubov theory, NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 753 (1-2): 106-135 MAY 2 2005 • Geng, LS; Toki, H; Sugimoto, S; Meng, J, Relativistic mean field theory for deformed nuclei with pairing correlations, PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS, 110 (5): 921-936 NOV 2003 • Geng, LS; Toki, H; Meng, J, alpha-decay chains of (288)(173)115 and (287)(172)115 in the relativistic mean field theory, PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 68 (6): Art. No. 061303 DEC 2003 • Meng, J; Zhang, W; Zhou, SG; Toki, H; Geng, LS, Shape evolution for Sm isotopes in relativistic mean-field theory, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, 25 (1): 23-27 JUL 2005 • Geng, LS; Toki, H; Meng, J, Masses, deformations and charge radii - Nuclear ground-state properties in the relativistic mean field model,PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS, 113 (4): 785-800 APR 2005 • Geng, LS; Toki, H; Ozawa, A; Meng, J, Proton and neutron skins of light nuclei within the relativistic mean field theory, NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 730 (1-2): 80-94 JAN 12 2004 • Geng, LS; Toki, H; Meng, J, Proton-rich nuclei at and beyond the proton drip line in the relativistic mean field theory, PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS, 112 (4): 603-617 OCT 2004 • Geng, LS; Toki, H; Meng, J, A systematic study of Zr and Sn isotopes in the relativistic mean field theory, MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, 19 (29): 2171-2190 SEP 21 2004 • Geng, LS; Toki, H; Meng, J, A systematic study of neutron magic nuclei with N=8, 20, 28, 50, 82 and 126 in the relativistic mean-field theory, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS, 30 (12): 1915-1928 DEC 2004
手性原子核:2007 Chiral symmetry in atomic nuclei: 2007 孟 杰Jie Meng 北京大学物理学院 School of Physics/Peking University
Introduction • The concept of the chirality in atomic nuclei • Recent theoretical and experimental progress • Future efforts and perspectives to understand nuclear chirality • Summary
手征对称性在自然界中普遍存在Chiral symmetries exist commonly in nature • Macroscopic spirals of snail shells and the Human hands, etc. • In geometry, a figure is chiral if it is not identical to its mirror image, or it cannot be mapped onto its mirror image by rotations and translations alone • Particle physics, chirality is a dynamic property distinguishing between the parallel and anti-parallel orientations of the intrinsic spin with respect to the momentum of the massless particle. • Chemistry, the study of chirality is a very active in inorganic, organic, physical, biochemistry and supramolecular chemistry. • Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2001: the development of catalytic asymmetric synthesis Chiral symmetry in atomic nuclei ?
H. Toki and A. Faessler; Nucl. Phys. A253 (1975) 231-252 Asymmetric rotor model for decoupled bands in transitional odd mass nuclei • H. Toki and A. Faessler; Z. Physik A276 (1976) 35-43 Extended VMI model for asymmetric deformed nuclei • H. Toki and A. Faessler; Phys. Lett. 63B (1976) 121-124 Asymmetric rotor model for positive parity states of 71As, 73As and 81Rb • H. Toki, H.L. Yadav and A. Faessler; Phys. Lett. 66B (1977) 310-314 Strong and decoupling structure in transitional odd-odd mass nuclei • H. Toki, H.L. Yadav and A. Faessler; Phys. Lett. 71B (1977) 1-4 Decoupled and strongly coupled particle system in odd-odd mass nuclei
手征对称性破缺:三轴变形的实验信号 3D Cranking model Orientations of the A.M. 推转模型 空穴+粒子+三轴转子:非平面转动
Neutron and proton coupled with triaxial rotor 两个空穴+三轴转子=磁转动 两条简并的磁转动带,由于量子PRM模型导致分裂从而可以从实验上进行观测。 空穴+粒子+三轴转子=手征双重态
I=2 rotational bands 2. J lies in a principal plane • I=1magnetic rotational bands • Shears bands Chiral doublets bands, Why ? 1. J lies along a principal axis
Chiral bands Experimental signature: Degenerate pairs of I=1 bands = y() Chiral doublets bands, Why ? 3. J does not lie in any of principal plane Frauendorf, Meng, Nucl. Phys. A 617, 131(1997 )
Near energy degeneracy: easy ! Good agreement between the experimental and the PRM calculated results Peng, Meng, Zhang,Phys. Rev.C68, 044324 (2003 )
手征原子核--实验进展 Chiral bands candidates in odd-odd nuclei A~100 region A~130 region
手征原子核--实验进展 A~130 Odd-Odd (ph11/2nh11/2):(g9/2h11/2) 132Cs,130Cs,128Cs,126Cs,124Cs,122Cs 118I 134La, 132La,130La 134Pr, 132Pr 136Pm 138Eu Odd-A (p(h11/2)2nh11/2):135Nd Even-Even ((h11/2d5/2)(h11/2)2):136Nd A~100 Odd-Odd (pg9/2nh11/2) 106Ag, 106Rh, 104Rh Odd-A (pg9/2n(h11/2)2) 105Rh A~190 Odd-Odd (ph9/2ni13/2) 188Ir
原子核手征对称性的的研究进展 至少有来自21国家(地区)的 123 研究组的 356 人参与原子核手征对称性的研究
134 Pr - 手征原子核 ??? End of the story ?
Level schemein 128Cs The calculated spectra agree with the data.
B(E2)in 128Cs data Koike et al Our work E. Grodner et al., PRL 97, 172501 (2006)
B(M1) in 128Cs data Koike et al Our work
Chiral nucleus:Based on the geometry for one particle and one hole coupled to a triaxial rotor with gamma=300 1. nearly degenerate doublet bands 2. S(I) independent of spin 3. identical spin alignments chiral bands 4. identical B(M1), B(E2) values • Triaxial rotor • many-particles plus many-holes! 5. staggering of B(M1)/B(E2) ratios 6. interband B(E2)=0 at high spin S.Y. Wang, S.Q. Zhang, B. Qi, and J. Meng, Examining the Chiral Geometry in 104Rh and 106Rh, Chinese Physics Letters 2007 24 (3): 664-667
在兰州重离子国家实验室观测到的首例手征双重带在兰州重离子国家实验室观测到的首例手征双重带 Question: Chiral bands ? Reproduction of Spectra & transition in 2qp coupled with triaxial rotor ! Examine the orientation of the AM
Pairing correlation can imitate the many-particles plus many-holes coupled with triaxial rotor S.Y. Wang, S.Q. Zhang, B. Qi, and J. Meng, Doublet bands in 126Cs in the triaxial rotor model coupled with two quasiparticles, Physical Review C 75, 024309 (2007)
Pairing correlation can imitate the many-particles plus many-holes coupled with triaxial rotor S.Y. Wang, S.Q. Zhang, B. Qi, and J. Meng, Doublet bands in 126Cs in the triaxial rotor model coupled with two quasiparticles, Physical Review C 75, 024309 (2007) electromagnetic properties of 126Cs
Subject: 126Cs DATA Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2007 17:48:49 +0000 From: Julian Srebrny <js@zfja-gate.fuw.edu.pl> To: mengj@pku.edu.cn Dear ProfesSor Meng, I hope you remember me and Ernest Grodner from Trento 2003 workshop and later on from Kazimierz conference the same year. I am writing to You in connection to your very interesting paper from February 23, 2007 in the Physical Review C75. Our team has published the results on the 128Cs lifetime measurements and comparison with CQPC calculations for chiral bands in that nucleus in PRL 97, 172501(2006). The present mail is written to you in behalf of authors of this paper. Just after evaluation ofthe absolute M1 and E2 transition probabilities in 128Cs we have performed experiment on 126Cs. Now, we have nearly finished our analysis and should like to publish our results on chirality in 126Cs. We should like to propose you to take a look into our data for 128Cs and 126Cs and to publish together our experimental results and your interpretation in the frame of your Particle Rotor Model with pairing included. It seems to us that we can submit such a paper to Physical Review Letter as a confirmation of chirality in odd-odd Cesium isotopes. Dear Professor Meng, Would you mind considering our proposition and writing to us your opinion? With the best regards, Julian Srebrny.
+ : i() : j( +) + : i() : j( +) Chirality in atomic nucleus – Microscopics RMF investigation Conventional constraints Configuration fixed constraints
总结与展望 • Recent theoretical and experimental progress on chirality in atomic nuclei are briefly reviewed • Possible signal for chirality in atomic nuclei are summarized • Future efforts to understand nuclear chirality are suggested