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Attivita’ di software +analisi fisica a Padova. U. Gasparini, Padova, 4/9/06. Agenda. - CSA06 (Computing -Software-Analysis challenge 2006: previsto in autunno) : prototipi da sviluppare, nostro coinvolgimento - analisi dati magnet test (possibili analisi comuni Tracker/mu
Attivita’ di software+analisi fisica a Padova U. Gasparini,Padova, 4/9/06
Agenda - CSA06 (Computing -Software-Analysis challenge 2006: previsto in autunno) : prototipi da sviluppare, nostro coinvolgimento - analisi dati magnet test (possibili analisi comuni Tracker/mu sui dati dalla DAQ globale?) - Organizzazione ambiente di lavoro comune: risorse hardware & software - analisi di 'prima fisica' a LHC - preparazione per LHC startup workshop (prossima CMS week)
CSA06: scopo/definizione E’ il primo test globale di ricostruzione/analisi nel framework finale (sia sw che infrastruttura di computing) di CMS (“LHC-like”): D.Acosta, CSA meeting 2/8/06 vedi dopo
CSA06 More info (status, data handling/ organization, various technical details, meetings agenda/presentations…): Twiki page:
CSA06: overall “expressions of interests” D.Acosta 23/8
CSA06: data samples Pre-challenge phase well advanced: preparation of datasamples (up to “digis”) almost finalized Minimum bias (25M events, 081) t-tbar (5M events, all decay channels, 082) Z->mu+mu- (2M events, 082) W->e nu (4M events, 082) events selected in narrow range to illuminate 2 SMs Electroweak soup (5M events, 082) 2.6M W->l nu (xsec reduced 1/5) + 2.2M Drell-Yan (mass>15 GeV) + 0.1M H->WW (xsec increased 40X), all 3 charged lepton generations Soft Muon Soup (2M events, 082) 1M events inclusive muons in minbias + 1M events J/Psi production, with Pt_mu>4 preselection Jet calibration soup (~1M events, 082) dijet + Z+jet, various pt-hat ranges with weights to give JetMET event yield HLT soup (5M++ events, 082), W (charged leptons) + Drell-Yan (mass>20 GeV, charged leptons) + t-tbar (all modes) + dijets (pt-hat>350 GeV)
Muon Analyses for CSA06 • Proposals for PRS/mu contributions to CSA06: • Alignment study with prompt muons from W and Z decays • Extraction of Wmn signal out of single-lepton datastream • Di-muon analysis, Z reconstruction and muon efficiency measurement from data • Extraction of J/Y signal and momentum calibration • => optional
PTDR: Estimator from StandAlone muon fit (in ORCA; chambers randomly mis-aligned by 1 mm) ~2 fb-1 cambers misaligned By 1 mm chambers aligned 1. Alignment Madrid, Santander CSA06: reproduce this result In CMSSW, starting from a “HLT high pT lepton-stream” of ~ 5 M ev. (including 10-20 % of W mn ) Datasamples; - 1 M Z 2m - 1 M W mn
Extract ~ 2000 W out of a single-lepton datastream including ~ 1 Mevt of QCD ppm X events 2. Wmn Analysis Lint~12 nb-1 Padova Scope: - test HLT trigger efficiency - test isolation algorithms - show capability to isolate ‘standard candle’ with good purity (=> lumi measurement) - needed for alignment - may be used for jet calibration? Datasamples: - 1M ppm X preselected (MSEL=1, pthat=20, pTmu> 5) - 10 kevt W signal W Generator level
3. Di-Muon Analysis Extract Z signal from 1+2mu ‘high pT lepton’ datastream Florida,Purdue,FNAL,Madrid Scope: - test Z reconstruction with 1 and 2 identified muons - test procedures to measure efficiencies from data - high pT momentum calibration, mag.field effects Sample/code: - 1 M Z 2m - 1 M W mn (background) additional backg. from tt single semileptonic
- Extract ~2000 J/y signal out of 1 Mev pp 1m+X • Perform detailed study of momentum calibration • on a dedicated ~ 106 evt J/Psi sample 4. J/psi Calibration ~200 J/y / (10 nb-1) Scope: - understand/train of low pT triggers - muon identification in jet environment - momentum calibration, mag.field effects Sample/code: - 1 M J/psi pTmu1> 4. GeV pTmu2> 1. GeV (BUT 2ndm is NOT identified in ~50% of the cases) Spain, China groups interested
PRS/mu CSA06 tasks Proposed CSA06 tasks/analyses: 1)Task: Muon Alignment samples: Z 2mu Location: T1-PIC, Tier2-Spain (CIEMAT-IFCA) Contact: F. Matorras (Spanish group) 2) Task: W -> mu nu analysis Samples: Electroweak + soft muon ‘soups’Location: T1-CNAF, Tier-2 Legnaro, Padova Contact: U.Gasparini, E.Torassa 3) Task: Di-muon analysis, Z reconstruction samples: Z 2mu (+ electroweak soups for backg.?) Location: Purdue, FNAL, PIC Contact: M. Schmitt, N. Neumeister, J.Alcaraz 4) Task: J/Psi -> mu mu analysis samples: soft muon ‘soups’Location: T1-PIC ,T2-Spain(CIEMAT-IFCA) ,China?Contact: J.Alcaraz(Spain), S.Qian [TBC]
MTCC analyses MTCC ‘phase 1’ (basically hardware/online,offline software integration test) completed: ~ 15 M trigger (7 TB data) taken(“local” and “global” runs, many different trigger conditions, B = 0 and “B on” data (up to 3.8 T)) A lot of detector specific work on-going… (see e.g. “DT/CSC cosmics analysis” meetings on: http: //indico.cern.ch/categoryDisplay.py?categId=20 )
MTCC data Global DAQ Run 2600, B=3.8 T
MTCC data W+2 W+1 sect10 sect11 sect10 MB1 Run 2485 B=0 MB2 DT occupancies MB3 MB4
MTCC data W+1 W+2 sect10 sect11 sect11 MBn f1 12 MBn+1 f2 Run 2485 B=0 23 34 Df(rad)
MTCC data MBn MBn+1 x1extr x2 Dx Run 2485 B=0 Dx(cm)
MTCC data Df34(rad) Df23(rad) Run 2485 B=0 Df12(rad) Df23(rad) Dx23(cm) Dx34(cm) Dx12(cm) Dx23(cm)
MTCC data Run 2600 B= 3.8 T
MTCC data Pt estimation Run 2600 B = 3.8 T
MTCC analyses - Can we developed cross-detectors analyses (e.g. barrel DT + Tracker) ? - Preparing for MTCC “phase 2” (the true challenge: foreseen runs at 4 T under stable conditions..)
Organizzazione : • Risorse comuni: • Cluster con sistema SCL3: • 3 macchine: lxcmssrv1,2,3 • - /home condivise • - software cms (/cms/sw) condiviso; • scramv1, CMSSW_0_9_1 installato • (=>generazione,simulazione,ricostruzione, visualizzazione • (iguana)) • dati condivisi: • /cms2/data • /cms5/data • /cms6/data • ( ~ 1.2 TB mass storage) • [e.g. see: /cms2/data/SectTest_0607/Global/*.root files; • CMSSW configuration files on : • /cms2/data/Sect Test_0607/ana/Aug06/*.cfg ]