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SYNONYMS. EVERYDAY LIFE Student’s cue card You are a doctor and your interviewer is a patient who has come for a consultation. Ask the interviewer about name and address occupation complaints previous medical check-ups any problems related to work the last holiday.

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  2. EVERYDAY LIFE Student’s cue cardYou are a doctor and your interviewer is a patient who has come for a consultation. Ask the interviewer about • name and address • occupation • complaints • previous medical check-ups • any problems related to work • the last holiday

  3. Name and addressMary Brown; 6 Rose Street, Liverpool • Where do you live? • Could you tell me your name and address? • What is your name and address?

  4. OccupationAccountant • Where do you work? • What job do you do? • Who do you work as? • What`s your job? • What do you do? • What are you? • What work do you do for living? • Where did you work?

  5. Complaints feeling tired, occasional headaches, insomnia, lack of stamina • Do you have any complaints about anything? • What do you complain of? • What do you complain about? • What are you complaining of? • What about you complane? • What problems do you have? • What is the problem? • What are your complains? • Why you come here? • Have you got any complaints? • How can I help you? • What seems to be the problem/the matter? • So, what have you come in for today?

  6. Indirect questions • I don`t know... • I`d like to know... • I wonder... • We need to find out... • I`d like to find out... • Do you know...? • Can you tell me...? • Could you tell me...? • Could you explain...? • Have you any idea...?

  7. I wanted to leave my parents’ home, but flats are too expensive to rent on my own. • 2. Same as me. • 3. One year older than me. • 4. We take several common subjects at the university, we both like hiking and going to the gym. • 5. A two-roomed flat. • 6. He/She likes to study while loud music is playing, I can’t concentrate very well then.

  8. Heis the manager. Ishe the manager? I wonderifheis the manager. Maria lives in Tallinn. Wheredoes Maria live? I wonderwhere Maria lives?


  10. PRESENT SIMPLElihtolevik • -, -(e)s I go; he goes • He/she/it -s • ? Do/does • - don`t/doesn`t • 1. igapäevane, regulaarne, rutiinne tegevus • We go running every day. • 2. püsiv olukord • I go to school. • 3. teaduslikud faktid • The sun rises in the east. • Water freezes at 0 C. • 4. Tunniplaanid, bussi, lennuki,rongi väljumisajad ja saabumisajad. • The bus leaves at 8.45. • 5. Sõnade as soon as, if,until,when järel • Give this to Susie if you see her. • VÕTMESÕNAD! • Always,usually, every...,often,sometimes, never,twice a week

  11. Present Continuouskestev olevik • am/is/are -ing • We are studying at the moment. • 1. tegevus, mis toimub praegusel hetkel • MY MOTHER IS WATCHING tv. • 2. ajutine olukord • I am staying in this hotel for two weeks. • 3. Muutuv või arenev olukord • My broken leg is getting better. • 4. planeeritud tegevus tulevikus • I am going out today. • 5. kellegi harjumus, mis mind häirib • My English teacher isalwaysteaching English. • Siim is always losing his keys.

  12. What is your name and address? • What do you do? • What`s the problem? • When did you last have a medical check-up? • Are you having any problems at work? • When did you last have a holiday?

  13. Previous medical check-ups2 years ago, when I had pneumonia • Have you ever done any medical check-ups? • When was your last medical check-ups? • Could you show me the report`s of your previous medical check-ups? • When did you last went on a holiday? • When did you last had a medical examination? • Would you like to have a medical check-ups? • Have you had any medical check-ups previously? • When were you last examined? • When did you last visit the doctor? • When did you last come in for a physical examination?

  14. Any problems related to work?a lot of pressure and overtime work during the last two months • Have you had any problems related to work? • Do you have any problems at work? • Your work is dangerous? • Have you got any problems which related you to work? • Do you have any problems in your work? • Do you have any problem`s related do your work? • Have you got any problems related to work? • Have you had any problems at work? • Do you have any problems in youre job?

  15. The last holidaylast June • Did you make a hard exercises in your last holidays? • Where did you spend your last holiday? • What did you do to not get sick last holiday? • What did you do at your last holiday? • When did you last went on a holiday? • When was your last holiday? • How did you celebrate your last holiday? • When did you have your last holiday? • When did you last have holiday? • When were your last holiday? • When did you last have a holiday?

  16. PARTS OF SPEECH • VERB (v.) – tegusõna (mida tegema?) • NOUN (n.) – nimisõna (kes? mis?) • ADJECTIVE (adj.)– omadussõna (missugune?) • ADVERB (adv.)– määrsõna (kuidas?)

  17. to work for (v.) Including (adv.) kindly agree to (v.) actually want to...but then to spot (v.) to have a huge fight with (v.) to drink endless cups of tea (v.) to work out with (v.) an amazing guy (n.) to be surrounded by (v.) to look fantastic with (v.) basically (adv.) unfortunately (adv.) dreadful (adj.) not much better (adv.) fantastic (adj.) to miss smb terribly (v.) extraordinary (adj.) used to do sth (v.) hopefully (adv.) extremely rich (adj.)


  19. to agree to do sth (v.) to spot (v.) to be surrounded by (v.) dreadful (adj.) to accept/approve/go along with/consent to sth to see/glimpse/catch enclosed/lined/flanked/ encircled/bordered by/with awful/terrible/horrible/vile/horrendous SYNONYMS

  20. The film was good and that is why I agreed to write an article about it. The film I saw last night was absolutely fantastictherefore I accepted the offer to write a short but colourful article about it for the school newspaper.

  21. Vt – verb tense • Ww – wrong word • Sp – spelling • Gr – grammar • Uw – unnecessary word • Wo – word order

  22. FAMILY, HOME AND EVERYDAY LIFE Your interviewer is a friend who has recently started sharing a flat with a fellow student. Ask the interviewer about • reasons for sharing a flat • gender of the flatmate • age of the flatmate • common interests • size of the flat • problems

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