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Unlike Nougat, Oreo comes with a new autofill framework. The autofill framework enables users to fill out various forms — login and credit card — in a faster and easier way. A user can simply enable the autofill service to complete forms and passwords without typing additional information. Oreo further makes the autofill services available to both existing and new Android apps.<br>
How does Android Oreo fare as compared to Nougat?
➢ Android Oreo vs. Nougat: Autofill Framework Unlike Unlike Nougat, Nougat, Oreo framework framework enables card card— —in in a a faster service service to to complete information information.. Oreo existing existingand andnew Oreo comes comes with enables users users to to fill fill out faster and and easier easier way complete forms forms and Oreo further further makes newAndroid Androidapps with a a new out various way.. A A user and passwords passwords without makes the the autofill autofill services apps.. new autofill autofill framework various forms forms— user can can simply simply enable without typing services available framework.. The —login login and enable the typing additional available to to both The autofill autofill and credit the autofill autofill additional credit both
➢ Android Oreo vs. Nougat: Multi- Display Support Unlike Unlike Nougat, Nougat, Oreo makes makes it it easier easier for for users screens screensseamlessly seamlessly..A Auser multiple multiple apps, apps, and which whichapp appremains remainson onthe Oreo supports supports multiple users to to perform usercan canfurther and return return to to the thetop, top,expand multiple displays perform multiple multiple tasks furtherswitch switchbetween the home home screen screen directly expandthe theapp, displays fully tasks by by switching betweenmultiple multiplescreens directly.. He He even app,and andpreview previewthe fully.. The The multi multi- -display switching between screenswhile even has has option theapp’s app’scontent display support between multiple whileopening option to to check content.. support multiple opening check
➢ Android Oreo vs. Nougat: Autofill Framework Unlike Unlike Nougat, Nougat, Oreo enables enablesusers usersto tofill fillout way way.. A A user user can without without typing typing additional available availableto toboth bothexisting Oreo comes comes with outvarious variousforms can simply simply enable enable the additional information existingand andnew with a a new forms— the autofill autofill service information.. Oreo newAndroid Androidapps new autofill autofill framework —login loginand andcredit service to to complete Oreo further further makes apps.. framework.. The creditcard card— complete forms makes the The autofill autofill framework —in ina afaster fasterand forms and and passwords the autofill autofill services framework andeasier easier passwords services
➢ Android Oreo vs. Nougat: Notification Dots Android AndroidOreo the the app’s app’s icon Also, Also, he he has However, However,the Oreoconveys conveyspending icon.. The The user user can has option option to to dismiss theuser userstill stillhas pendingnotifications notificationsto tousers can access access the the notification dismiss the the notification hasoption optionto toenable enableor ordisable usersthrough througha asmall notification simply simply by by touching notification by by long long- -pressing disablethe theoption smalldot touching the pressing the option.. dotappearing appearingon on the small small dot the home home screen dot.. screen..
➢ Android Oreo vs. Nougat: Snooze Notifications Unlike Unlike Nougat, notification, notification, the configure configure the varying varying notification notification channels notification notificationchannel channeland Nougat, Oreo the user the notification notificationchannel Oreo allows user has has option allows users option to to set set timer channel settings settings.. Oreo channels in in apps andconfigure configureits itssetting users to to snooze snooze notifications notifications.. While timer for for the the notification Oreoeven evenallows allows app apps through through API, API, and setting.. While swiping swiping away notification to to reappear appdevelopers developers to toinclude and users users to to select away a a and include the app reappear and select the app
➢ Android Oreo vs. Nougat: Smart Text Selection Android AndroidOreo selects selects text, instance, instance, when number number and show showdirections directionsdirectly Oreoenables enablesusers text, the the mobile mobile operating when a a user user selects and send send text text messages directlyon onthe usersto toselect operating system selects a a phone phone number, messages.. Likewise, Likewise, when thescreen screen.. selecttext system can textin ina asimpler can predict number, Oreo when a a user simplerand predict the Oreo will andsmarter smarterway the relevant relevant user will display display option user copies copies an an address, way..When Whena auser user action action.. For option to to dial address, it it will user For the will dial the
➢ Android Oreo vs. Nougat: Smarter Google Assistant Google Google already intelligent intelligent assistant Assistant Assistantto toimprove Google Google Assistant Assistant inside Google Google Assistant Assistant will commands commands.. already allows assistant.. While improveuser allows Android Android app While writing userexperience experience.. The inside various various applications will enable enable users users to to access app developers developers to to take writing Android Android apps, Theusers userswill applications while access and take advantage advantage of of its its virtual apps, the the programmers programmers can willsoon soonhave have option optionto touse while using using Android Android Oreo and operate operate apps apps efficiently efficiently through virtual Google smarter smarter voice can use usea asmarter Oreo.. The The smarter through voice use Google
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