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Vocab Flash Cards!!

A comprehensive list of vocabulary words for seniors, presented in a Jeopardy-style format with definitions and word guessing. Use the slide show to quiz yourself and check examples online for better understanding.

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Vocab Flash Cards!!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vocab Flash Cards!! • Hey Seniors, here are all of the vocab words that we have learned this term. They are in the same format as Jeopardy, with the green slides giving you the definition for you to guess the word and the blue ones giving you the word and you give the definition and/or part of speech. • Just start the slide show and quiz youself. • Another tip is to use the internet to find examples of how the words are used, Boston.com is a good place to start. Just use the search bar on the site to find the words in acticles.

  2. adj. –ill-humored, irritable, cranky 

  3. Petulant • adj. –ill-humored, irritable, cranky 

  4. v. to set free from a charge or accusation

  5. acquit • v. to set free from a charge or accusation

  6. n. feelings of shame and regret about doing something wrong

  7. Compunction • n. feelings of shame and regret about doing something wrong

  8. (v) –to border upon; to adjoin

  9. abut • (v) –to border upon; to adjoin

  10. Fester

  11. verb. –to generate pus; to become a source of resentment or irritation Fester

  12. Verbatim

  13. adverb/adjective –using exactly the same words, word for word  Verbatim

  14. Contrition

  15. n. - deep and genuine feelings of guilt and remorse Contrition

  16. Excoriate

  17. v. to criticize somebody or something very strongly Excoriate

  18. Asunder

  19. adj. –in separate parts; apart from each other  Asunder

  20. Regression

  21. n. (ree GREH shun) a move backward to a previous state or condition Regression

  22. Tangential

  23. adj. (tan JEN shal) of little relevance, only slightly related to the main point Tangential

  24. Abyss

  25. (n) –bottomless pit; a yawning gulf; a profound depth or void  Abyss

  26. v. –to generate pus; to become a source of resentment or irritation

  27. Fester • v. –to generate pus; to become a source of resentment or irritation

  28. v. to free somebody from blame or accusation of guilt

  29. Exculpate • v. to free somebody from blame or accusation of guilt

  30. v. to suggest a connection between things, usually fault, guilt or causation

  31. Implicate • v. to suggest a connection between things, usually fault, guilt or causation

  32. (adj) –brief, using few words

  33. Laconic • (adj) –brief, using few words

  34. n. -the study of disease; something abnormal

  35. Pathology • n. -the study of disease; something abnormal

  36. n. -a soothing medicine that has more psychological effects than physical

  37. Placebo • n.(pluh SEE bo) -a soothing medicine that has more psychological effects than physical

  38. a deep opening in the earth’s surface • Used metaphorically with differences of opinion

  39. Chasm • a deep opening in the earth’s surface • Used metaphorically with differences of opinion

  40. v. –to wither away 

  41. Atrophy • v. –to wither away 

  42. Nepotism

  43. noun –favors shown by those in high positions to relatives and friends Nepotism

  44. Migratory

  45. (adj) –roving, wandering, nomadic Migratory

  46. Inculpate

  47. v. to blame Inculpate

  48. Penitence

  49. n. regret or sorrow for having committed sins or misdeeds Penitence

  50. Rebuke

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