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Obtaining P D ,P FA , and Other Important Parameters For Pipeline Leak Detection System

Obtaining P D ,P FA , and Other Important Parameters For Pipeline Leak Detection System. Sam Gordji , samgordji@yahoo.com To obtain a copy of “Standard Test Procedures for Evaluation Leak Detection Methods: Pipeline Leak Detection Systems”, please visit:

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Obtaining P D ,P FA , and Other Important Parameters For Pipeline Leak Detection System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Obtaining PD ,PFA , and Other Important Parameters For Pipeline Leak Detection System Sam Gordji, samgordji@yahoo.com To obtain a copy of “Standard Test Procedures for Evaluation Leak Detection Methods: Pipeline Leak Detection Systems”, please visit: http://www.epa.gov/swerust1/ustsystm/pipe.pdf Or http://www.nwglde.org/protocols.html

  2. Definitions • Noise: A random variable, fluctuation in measurement due to temperature, pressure, and other factors • Signal, a leak, e.g. .1 gph, .2 gph, etc. • Signal-plus-noise, when the signal is added to the noise • LR, leak rate • Threshold, a location between the zero leak rate and a specific leak rate, usually half way between the above two locations • The calculation of the PFA , the PD, and other parameters of special importance since they appear in all the protocols

  3. Noise Only Cumulative Frequency Distribution (CFD)

  4. -.1 Is Added to Every Test ResultsThis Is the CFD for a Leak Rate of -.1 gph

  5. When the Noise Is Added to the Signal

  6. Deleting the two Lower and One Higher Observations

  7. For the Same Data Changing the LR to -.20 From -.1

  8. Page A-6 of SIR Protocol

  9. With Leaking Tank Out of the Picture We Have

  10. Conclusion • When testing, it is really important to ensure that the instruments are working correctly and we have non-leaking pipelines • As seen from the data, larger variation in the measurements the “random noise” causes problem and decrease the PD and increase the PFA • Please email your question to: samgordji@yahoo.com • Thank you

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