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Early English Books Online (EEBO) and the Text Creation Partnership. The John Rylands University Library 22 March 2005. Early English Books Online (EEBO).
Early English Books Online (EEBO) and the Text Creation Partnership The John Rylands University Library 22 March 2005
Early English Books Online (EEBO) ‘It’s a little like waking up in the British Library after closing time. The rare books of the British Library, Harvard, the Folger, the Huntington, and many others are suddenly accessible in their original appearance.’ John P. Schmitt, Regis University (‘Early English Books Online’, Charleston Advisor, April 2003, http://www.charlestonco.com/review.cfm?id=141)
Early English Books Online • First unit of microfilm released in 1938 • EEBO first published in 1998 • EEBO Chadwyck-Healey interface launched in 2003, incorporating searchable Text Creation Partnership full text • New Periodicals Search screens in November 2004 • Ongoing quarterly releases of new images and TCP texts
EEBO: Four UMI Microfilm Collections • Early English Books I, 1473–1640 (STC I, Pollard & Redgrave) – 63 of 74 units online • Early English Books II, 1641–1700 (STC II, Wing) – 113 of 124 units online • Thomason Tracts – Completed November 2004 • Early English Books Tract Supplement (2 units - scheduled for scanning in 2006)
Bibliographic Sources • A short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English books printed abroad, 1475-1640 (compiled by A.W. Pollard & G.R. Redgrave) • Short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and British America, and of English books printed in other countries, 1641-1700 (compiled by Donald Wing) • The Thomason Tracts collection - c.125,000 titles
Comprehensive Coverage, Instant Access EEBO currently comprises: • 105,945 bibliographic records • Cover-to-cover facsimile page images for 94,115 works EEBO will contain: • Facsimile page images of virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America and works in English printed elsewhere from 1473–1700 • Variant editions and multiple copies • c.125,000 titles comprising approximately 20 million scanned pages
The Thomason Tracts ‘…a collection of Pamphletts and other writeings and papers bounde up with them of severall volumes gathered by me in the tyme of the late warres and beginning the third day of November A.D. 1640 and continued until the happie returne and coronacion of his most gracious Maiestie King Charles the second, upon which I put a very high esteeme in regard that it is soe intire a work and not to be pararelled and also in respect of the long and greete paynes, industry and charge that hath bin taken and expended in and about the collection of them.’ – from the will of George Thomason (d.1666)
The Thomason Tracts • Controversialist writing, propaganda and reportage from the decades following the 'print explosion' of 1641 • More than 22,000 items including more than 400 periodicals unavailable from other sources • Fully cross-searchable with other EEBO collections • New Periodicals Search and Browse screens (November 2004)
Coming in 2005 • Links to resources in Literature Online (ABELL, MLA, full-text journals, biographies) • Enhancements to ProQuest’s implementation of the Text Creation Partnership collection • Quarterly releases of new Document Images and TCP keyboarded Full Text • Links from ESTC Contact Jo-Anne.Hogan@il.proquest.com or Peter.White@proquest.co.uk for further information.
Early English Books Online (EEBO) and the Text Creation Partnership The John Rylands University Library 22 March 2005
Early English Books Online (EEBO) and the Text Creation Partnership The John Rylands University Library 22 March 2005