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Shape Based Image Retrieval Using Fourier Descriptors. Dengsheng Zhang and Guojun Lu Gippsland School of Computing and Information Technology Monash University Churchill, Victoria 3842 Australia dengsheng.zhang, guojun.lu@infotech.monash.edu.au. Outline. Introduction Shape Signatures
Shape Based Image Retrieval Using Fourier Descriptors Dengsheng Zhang and Guojun Lu Gippsland School of Computing and Information Technology Monash University Churchill, Victoria 3842 Australia dengsheng.zhang, guojun.lu@infotech.monash.edu.au
Outline • Introduction • Shape Signatures • Fourier Descriptors • Retrieval Experiments • Conclusions
Introduction-I--shape feature • What features can we get from a shape? perimeter, area, eccentricity, circularity, chaincode…
Introduction-II--Classification Shape Contour Region Structural Non-Structural Area Euler Number Eccentricity Geometric Moments Zernike Moments Pseudo-Zernike Mmts Legendre Moments Grid Method Syntactic Graph Tree Model-driven Data-driven Perimeter Compactness Eccentricity Fourier Descriptors Wavelet Descriptors Curvature Scale Space Shape Signature Chain Code Hausdorff Distance Elastic Matching
Introduction-III--criteria • Criteria for shape representation • Rotation, scale and translation Invariant • Compact & easy to derive • Perceptual similarity • Robust to shape variations • Application Independent • FD satisfies all these criteria • Problem • Different shape signatures are used to derive FD, which is the best?
Shape Signatures • Complex Coordinates • Central Distance • Chordlength • Curvature • Cumulative Angles • Area function • Affine FD
Complex Coordinates z(t) = [x(t) – xc] + i[y(t) - yc]
Central Distance r(t) = ([x(t) – xc]2+ [y(t) - yc]2)1/2
Chordlength • The chord lengthfunctionr*(t) is derived from shape boundary without using any reference point
Cumulative Angular Function • (t) = [(t) - (0)]mod(2) L is the perimeter of the shape boundary
Curvature Function • K(t) = (t) - (t-1) w is the jumping step in selecting next pixel
Fourier Descriptors • Fourier transform of the signature s(t) • un, n = 0, 1, …, N-1, are called FD denoted as FDn • Normalised FD Where m=N/2 for central distance, curvature and angular function m=N for complex coordinates
Affine Invariants k = 1, 2, … where Xk, Yk are the Fourier coefficients of x(t), y(t) respectively
Convergence Speed-I • Finite number of coefficients are used to approximate the signal. The partial • Fourier sum of degree n of u(t) is given by • For piecewise smooth function u(t), there exists a one-to-one correspondence between • u(t) and the limit of their Fourier series expansion • For shape retrieval application, the number of coefficients to represent a shape should not • be large, therefore, the convergence speed of the Fourier series derived from the signature • function is crucial
Convergence Speed-II r(t) k(t) z(t) r*(t) (t) (t)
Signature functions Number of normalized spectra greater than 0.1 Number of normalized spectra greater than 0.01 r(t) 15 120 r*(t) 40 360 A(t) 20 210 z(t) 10 50 (t) 40 280 (t) k(t) 100 600 Qk 20 100 Convergence Speed-III • Ten very complex shapes are selected to simulate the worst convergence • cases
FD Indexing • Indexing each shape in the database with its Fourier Descriptors • Similarity between a query shape and a target shape in the database is
Retrieval Experiments • A database consisted of 2700 shapes is created from the contour shape database used in the development of MPEG-7. MPEG-7 contour shape database is consisted of set A, B and C. Set A has 421 shapes, set B has 1400 shapes which are generated from set A through scaling, affine transform and arbitrary deformation and defection. Set C has 1300 shapes, it is a database of marine fishes. • Performance measurement: precision and recall Precision P is the ratio of the number of relevant retrieved shapes r to the total number of retrieved shapes n. Recall R is the ration of the number of relevant retrieved shapes r to the total number m of relevant shapes in the whole database.
Conclusions • A comparison has been made between FDs derived from different shape signatures, FDs with affine FDs • In terms of overall performance, FDs derived from central distance outperforms all the other FDs • Curvature and angular function are not suitable for shape signature to derive FDs due to slow convergence • Affine FD is designed for polygon shape, it does not perform well on generic shape • Indexing data structure will be studied in the future research • Comparison with other shape descriptors