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Dr. Katharine Kolcaba. The Comfort Theory 1. Comfort Theory. Dr. Kolcaba’s theory was deliberated in women with third stage breast cancer undergoing radiation and chemotherapies 1 . Kolcaba’s target audiences for her theory were 1 : Gerontological Nursing 1 HIV/AIDS 1
Dr. Katharine Kolcaba The Comfort Theory1
Comfort Theory • Dr. Kolcaba’s theory was deliberated in women with third stage breast cancer undergoing radiation and chemotherapies1. • Kolcaba’s target audiences for her theory were1: • Gerontological Nursing1 • HIV/AIDS1 • Holistic Nursing1 • Mental Health Nursing1 • Nursing Research and Theory1 • Oncology1 • Palliative and Hospice Nursing1 • Long Term Care Facilities1 • Spiritual Care1
Theory Development • Conducted a concept analysis of comfort3. • The three types of comfort (relief, ease, transcendence) and four contexts of holistic human experience3. • Taxonomic structure to guide for assessment3. • Comfort as a product of holistic nursing3. • A broader theory for comfort was introduced3.
Kolcaba’sTheory Description • Nursing is described as the process of assessing the patient’s comfort needs, developing and implementing appropriate nursing interventions, and evaluating patient comfort following nursing interventions3,4. • Health is considered to be optimal functioning3,4. • Person/Patient can be considered as individuals, families, institutions, or communities in need of health care3,4. • Environment is anything that can be manipulated by a nurse, or loved one to enhance comfort3,4.
What does comfort mean by Webster definition? -a state of being relaxed and feeling no pain 2 -a feeling of freedom from worry or disappointment2 -the act of consoling; giving relief in affliction2 -give moral or emotional strength to2 -lessen pain or discomfort; alleviate2
Comfort as a Whole Relief, Ease, Transcendence Comfort Types Relief- the state of having a specific comfort need met4,5. Ease- the state of calm or contentment4,5. Transcendence- the state in which one can rise above problems or pain4,5.
Contexts of Comfort Physical Psychospiritual Environmental Sociocultural
Comfort Theory in Relation to my Profession • I chose the comfort theory because comfort of the patient or client promotes well being and a quicker recovery. • In my current career, we have tried white boards to evaluate a patients’ comfort/pain status. • I’ve thought as well about a career change into hospice and thought that educating myself more on the comfort theory my help me in this new career change.
References 1. http://libguides.twu.edu/content.php:pid=387632 2. Merriam-Webster. (2013). Retrieved from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/comfort 3. Kolcaba, K. (2011). Comfort Theory. Retrieved from http://currentnursing.com/nursing_theory/comfort_theory_Kathy_Kolcaba.html 4. Kolcaba, K., Tilton, C., & Drouin, C. (2006). Comfort theory: A unifying framework to enhance the practice environment. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 36(11), 538-544. Retrieved from http://www.thecomfortline.com/files/pdfs/2006%20-%20Comfort%20Theory%20A%20unifying%20framework%20to%20enhance%20the%20practice%20environment.pdf 5. March, A. & McCormack, D. (2009). Nursing theory-directed healthcare, modifying kolcaba’s comfort theory as an institution-wide approach. Wolters Kluwer Health. Doi: 10.1097/HNP.OBO13e3281a1105b