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Government of Tamil Nadu Social Welfare & NMP Department Welcomes. Demography of the State. Demography of the State. MID Day Meal Scheme. - Introduced in Madras Municipal Corporation for Disadvantaged Children - Extended to School children
Government of Tamil Nadu Social Welfare & NMP Department Welcomes
Demography of the State Demography of the State
MID Day Meal Scheme • - Introduced in Madras Municipal • Corporation for Disadvantaged Children • - Extended to School children • - Extended to all Primary School Children • in the age group of 5-9 years and to Pre • School Children of 2-5 years • 1982 - Extended to the Children in the age group • of 10-15 years in Urban Areas • 1984 - Extended to Rural Areas (10-15 Years)
MID Day Meal Scheme Present Status Children in the age group of 2-5 and 5-10 (I to V Stds) are provided with Nutritious Meal on all 365 Days Children in the age group of 10-15 (VI to X) Years are provided with Nutritious Meal on all School Days (220 Days approx)
Food Norms for Mid Day Meals – Upper Primary (W.e.f.1.12.09)
CAPACITY BUILDING • Training imparted to Noon Meal Organisers, • Cooks and Cooking Assistants in the Hygienic • Aspects of Food Preparation • 1,26,271 Staff Members are given training in a • phased manner • Chennai Corporation has organised Training on • Capacity Building to Noon Meal Staff utilising • the services of Confederation of Indian Industry • Noon Meal Staff impressed upon the importance • to clean the food grains before cooking and to • keep the environment clean and neat
MONITORING MECHANISM Performance under Nutritious Meal Programme is monitored at different levels • State Level Steering cum Monitoring Committee • headed by the Chief Secretary to Government to • assess and decide on improvements (Last Meeting • held on 22.10.2009) • District / Block / Village Committees to monitor • the implementation • Village Level Monitoring Committee and Mothers • Committee to monitor the day - to-day functions • Weekly three days inspection by state level officers
MONITORING MECHANISM Mandatory Visits every month by District level Officers to Nutritious Meal Centres
EVALUATION OF THE SCHEME External Evalutation During Feb 2008, Avinashilingam University for Women, Coimbatore deployed 158 trained investigators and evaluated the implementation of the scheme in 180 schools situated in 30 districts, 38970 beneficiaries, 1,33,772 non beneficiaries, 1080 parents and 100 Officials. Their recommendations are being implemented During 2007-2008, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore evaluated the implementation of the scheme in 12 districts. Their recommendations are being implemented Dr. M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation evaluated the scheme implementation
EVALUATION OF THE SCHEME Internal Evalutation Queen Mary’s College, Chennai is entrusted with the internal evaluation fo the scheme Evalutation for the Future • Institutional Evaluation proposed and the following institutions were requested to take up the evaluation of the scheme • Gandhigram Rural University • Queen Mary’s College, Chennai • Saradha College for Women, Salem • Gandhigram Rural University alone has responded and further action under process
Hon’ble Minister for Social Welfare, Govt of Tamilnadu and Worshipful Mayor of Corporation of Chennai Verifying the quality of food at NMP Centre
Hon’ble Minister for Social Welfare, Govt of Tamilnadu and Worshipful Mayor of Corporation of Chennai interacting with the students at NMP Centre
BEST PRACTICES FOLLOWED IN THE STATE • Supply of Double Fortified Salt • Supply of Three Boiled Eggs per week • Supply of Banana in place of Egg • School Health Programme • Supply of Black Bengal Gram / Green Gram & Potato • Modernisation of Kitchen with Gas connection • Supply of Stainless Steel Plates, Tumblers and Cooking Utensils • Supplying of Weighing Scale and Measuring Equipments • Introduction of Time Scale of Pay to Staff • Introduction of Special Pension • Promotional Opportunities to Staff
School Children served with Noon Meal on Dining Table at NMP Centre
Cooking Gas Installation Cooking in Gas Stove COOKING GAS AT NMP CENTRE
SCHOOL HEALTH PROGRAMME Health Check up Camps conducted in schools and Micro-nutrients and deworming medicines are suppied to the children
COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Gram Panchayat, Village Education Committee and School Management are regularly involved on rotation basis to help the school in ensuring efficient cooking, proper serving and keeping the environment clean and neat Mothers Groups are involved in helping the children to keep them clean by wash their hands after food Mothers Groups involved in cleaning of Plates and Tumblers used by the children NGOs involved in the Construction of Kitchens Community involved in contributing Plate and Tumblers to the NMP centres
GRIEVANCES REDRESSAL MECHANISM Committees constituted at State Level District Level Block Level Village Level Noon Meal Centre Level Committees at all level are functioning effectively and Grievances are redressed immediately
STATUS OF SUBMISSION OF QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT 2009 - 2010 Progress Report for the Second Quarter Submitted on 28.01.2010
OTHER BENEFITS EXTENDED TO THE NMP STAFF • Noon Meal Staff provided with Medical Allowance of Rs. 100 per month & HRA. • Noon Meal Staff allowed 10 days leave with salary for their treatment under New Medical Insurance Scheme. • Promotional Avenues created for NMP Staff
BENEFITS EXTENDED TO THE NMP STAFF HONORARIUM TO COOK CUM HELPER Honorarium per month Rs. 878.01lakhs Annual Requirement of Central Share Rs. 105.36 crore.
MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM National Informatics Centre, Chennai is engaged in developing an Internet based Management Information System for Monitoring and Evaluation Estimated Cost for Development of Software, Implementation and Training would be Rs. 14.80 lakhs Duration for Completion of the Assignment 12 Months
AWARENESS THROUGH MEDIA Details of Mid Day Meal Programme exhibited in the Trade Fair 2009 being held at Chennai from December 2009 to till date. Wide Publicity arranged through leading Newspapers about the participation Programmed to reach the target group through print and electronic media and to utilise all the TV channels, both Government and private to cover the implementation of MDM Exclusive Programme is soon to be telecast through Pothigai TV Expert Chef Dr. Damodaran is providing training to cooks of MDM
SUGGESTIONS AND SUBMISSIONS Entire quantity of rice intended for the State may be allocated as one unit instead of the present practice of allocating into 4 quarters MME component may be increased from 1.8 % to 2.5 % enabling introduction of better MIS Allocation of Expenditure under MME, viz School Expenditure, Management Expenditure and Evaluation may be left to the discretion of the State For installation of Computers and Printers at all Block Development Offices, an amount of Rs. 469.70 lakhs may be provided for the year 2010-2011
SUGGESTIONS AND SUBMISSIONS An allocation of Rs. 400 lakhs may be provided exclusively for installation of gas stoves to the Noon Meal Centres of the State Allocation of Rs. 60 lakhs may be considered for purchase of Weighing Machine and Measuring Instruments to the NMP Centres of the State For the Construction of Kitchen cum Store at NMP Centres, an amount of Rs. 100.00 crores may be provided With a focus on cleanliness, NMC staff has to be provided with Uniform and an amount of Rs. 505.09 lakhs may be provided for this purpose
SUGGESTIONS AND SUBMISSIONS Special Class is being conducted to the Upper Class Students making their stay longer in the School. To provide Snacks to them, Special Fund of Rs. 4000 lakhs may be provided Stainless Steel Tumblers and Plates are to be provided to the children at NMP Centres. Initially 5 lakhs students are targetted as beneficiaries and an amount of Rs. 250 lakhs may be provided to the State for this purpose Under NCLP, GoI was providing allocation for 312 Days. At present, for Upper Primary, provision is made only for 207 days. The GoI may consider the allocation for the total working days