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FAIR. Fair is a very typical festivity celebrated in Andalusia . In our town it is celebrated in September 29 and it lasts 5 days . The most famous and important fair is Seville April Fair .
Fairis a verytypicalfestivitycelebrated in Andalusia. In ourtownitiscelebrated in September 29 and itlasts 5 days. Themostfamous and importantfairisSevilleAprilFair.
Eveybody can enjoythisfestivity. There are places and activitiesforchildren, teenagers and adults.
Adults can spend a good time inside «casetas» which are decoratedmarqueetentswhereyou can drink, eat, listen to flamenco music and dance sevillanas. Themosttypicaldrinks are «manzanilla» wine and «rebujito» (a mixture of «manzanilla» wine, soda water, mint and ice). Peopledrinkthesedrinkswhilethey are eating «tapas».
Thereisalso a partwherethere are «casetas» forteenagers. These casetas are likesmall discos whereyou can alsodrink and dance listeningtomusic.
Finally, children and eventeenagers and adults can enjoygoingondifferentridesas: bumper cars, roller-coasters…
Mostwomenwearthetypicaldressduringthesedays. Itis a longdresswithflounces. Itisusually a colorfuldresswith spots butthere are dresses in lots of colours and prints. Somemenalsowear a typicaldresscalled «traje de corto» (short jacket, tight trousers and boots).
Horsescarriages are alsoone of themosttypicalthingsthatyou can see in a fair.